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Most muslims countries are sellouts, even Pakistani on PDF understand this :enjoy:
@WebMaster @The Eagle @waz

He claim this website is crapped. What is your comment? Shall we educated this member or permanently ban this account since he is so hated of here?

Btw, nobody forced u to post and stay here. You r free to leave it alone and don't post. :enjoy:
@WebMaster @The Eagle @waz

He claim this website is crapped. What is your comment? Shall we educated this member or permanently ban this account since he is so hated of here?

Btw, nobody forced u to post and stay here. You r free to leave it alone and don't post. :enjoy:
Haha lmao, read carefully, "most muslim countries are sellouts"… that explains why there's an increasing anti Saudi/UAE/Gulf nations rhetoric here on PDF…it's just fact that muslim countries can't represent the muslims, they acted against the interest of muslims.

So save me the "mosT MuSLiM CouNTRiEs THaT ViSIT XinJiAnG faVOrs ChiNA" not even PDF ers actually believe that. Because if these muslim countries are honest they will have a consensus on Kashmir now, which is not the case.
Haha lmao, read carefully, "most muslim countries are sellouts"… that explains why there's an increasing anti Saudi/UAE/Gulf nations here on PDF…it's just fact that muslim countries can't represent the muslims, they acted against the interest of muslims.

So save me the "mosT MuSLiM CouNTRiEs THaT ViSIT XinJiAnG faVOrs ChiNA" not even PDF ers actually believe that. Because if these muslim countries are honest they will have a consensus on Kashmir now, which is not the case.
China is one of the countries opposed Kashmir occupied by India. While it's your Muslim friend countries that try every mean to opposed a raise issue of Kashmir in UN.

China is one of the countries opposed Kashmir occupied by India. While it's your Muslim friend countries that try every mean to opposed a raise issue of Kashmir in UN.

Thank you for doubling down on my claims, that's my good boy,... You see, this muslims countries doesn't care about muslims, they only care about the $ , so it's not surprising that muslim countries don't raise any voice for the oppression of muslims in Xinjiang, because you know china got a lot of $.
Thank you for doubling down on my claims, that's my good boy,... You see, this muslims countries doesn't care about muslims, they only care about the $ , so it's not surprising that muslim countries don't raise any voice for the oppression of muslims in Xinjiang, because you know china got a lot of $.
Nice spinning. Muslims nation don't care about Muslim? Then what is this?

The arabs dont have anything to complain to China about uighur becos they are not tools like u misuse by American christian.

According to you, India is so considered a rich nation and they shouldn't raise any issue of muslim to earn more Indis cash... Especially UAE has a close economy with India.
Nice spinning. Muslims nation don't care about Muslim? Then what is this?

The arabs dont have anything to complain to China about uighur becos they are not tools like u misuse by American christian.

According to you, India is so considered a rich nation and they shouldn't raise any issue of muslim to earn more Indis cash... Especially UAE has a close economy with India.
We might have to disagree on Iran is a muslim country.
We might have to disagree on Iran is a muslim country.
Then why is arabs like Kuwait and UAE complaining to India? Don't be selective of your stance. They should not complain according to u in order to earn India cash? Lost of words?
Then why is arabs like Kuwait and UAE complaining to India? Don't be selective of your stance. They should not complain according to u in order to earn India cash? Lost of words?
Like I said this majority muslim countries (Saudi,UAE etc) doesn't care about muslims, not in India, not in China . So please tell you friend @ToddBing to stop mentioning "muslim state support china on Xinjiang" ...being supported by muslim countries doesn't mean what china doing is right.
Like I said this majority muslim countries (Saudi,UAE etc) doesn't care about muslims, not in India, not in China . So please tell you friend @ToddBing to stop mentioning "muslim state support china on Xinjiang" ...being supported by muslim countries doesn't mean what china doing is right.
Lol. U just couldnt answer back why these arabs countries raise the issue to india if they r doing it for money. You r just selective dishing out statement to serve your anti China agenda. Save it. You can even repeat 100 times and it's doesn't take a away the fact, Uighur life r improving in China and most countries including Muslim nation do not have an issue with it.
Lol. U just couldnt answer back why these arabs countries raise the issue to india if they r doing it for money. You r just selective dishing out statement to serve your anti China agenda. Save it. You can even repeat 100 times and it's doesn't take a away the fact, Uighur life r improving in China and most countries including Muslim nation do not have an issue with it.
Raise the issue? The last time I know these arabs forbid Pakistan to even mention Kashmir in OIC summit.
Raise the issue? The last time I know these arabs forbid Pakistan to even mention Kashmir in OIC summit.
Not China in UN. In fact, your daddy US, UK and France as members of permanent seat stopped China from doing that. Pakistanis will remember Chinese for this deed. Tell me why would Pakistanis follow your US daddy and your advise for betrayal of them?
Not China in UN. In fact, your daddy US, UK and France as members of permanent seat stopped China from doing that. Pakistanis will remember Chinese for this deed. Tell me why would Pakistanis follow your US daddy and your advise for betrayal of them?
Look you might have some comprehension problem, I'm not talking about china, your friend @ToddBing argue that China is not persecuting muslims in Xinjiang because muslim countries side with china on the issue, the thing is this "muslim countries"couldn't be the standard on how we view china. consider that these "muslim countries" are known to be $ licker, they'll side with whoever has the $ , including china. Just look at the atmosphere towards UAE among our Pakistani friend and deep in their hearts they'll actually agree with me.
Why isn't Iran a Muslim country? It's called the Islamic Republic of Iran - who are you to say otherwise, takfiri?
umm the Ahmadi's also calls themselves muslim, maybe you should ask your Pakistani friend if they would consider an Ahmadi a muslim.
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