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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions





From people's wear and vehicles they drive one can guess that this Xinjiang documentary must be made a least 35 years ago, when there was no terrorism and violence while people lived in harmony.

i‘ve been to Xinjiang in 2013. I'll post my entire Xinjiang trip in My Adventures Across China
some previews
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Amazing. And looking forward to seeing them.

This thread is to post news and images from across Xinjiang, mostly cultural, but security-related posts are also welcome. :)


Frontier guards in ‪#‎China‬'s ‪#‎Xinjiang‬ Region patrolled border areas during ‪#‎SpringFestival‬ to ensure the nation's security. The soldiers braved severe weather of minus 30 degrees Celsius and surveyed the installations with care.







Xinjiang has so many different ethnic groups, and most of them are muslims

But only some of uyghur people clash with Han in Xinjiang, this is ethnic related issue, not religion related.

Because the other islamic minority groups like Hui chinese muslim, Tajiks, Uzbeks, kazakhs, salars, kyrgyzs,

They all don't have any problems, because in reality, CCP protects muslim people's interests.

There are over 20000 mosques in XInjiang alone and 90% of them were built in recent 30 years

The main goal of uyghur separatist is to establish "East Turkistan republic" in Xinjiang, and their former slogan is " cleansing of Han and Hui, and kicked the Kazakhs out (杀汉灭回,驱逐哈萨)"

The uyghur separatist established first Eastern Turkistan republic in 1930s and it gained support from Soviet Union,

but it was destroyed by Hui Chinese muslim general Ma zhongying's Hui muslim army

The Northwest Chinese muslim warlord Ma zhongying helped National government to defeat uyghur separatists and recovered Xinjiang.

So from that time, uyghur separatists not only hate Han Chinese, they also hate Hui Chinese, because Hui Muslim Chinese army destroyed first East Turkistan republic

Hui Chinese muslim general Ma zhongying who led his army destroyed "First Eastern Turkistan republic" by uyghur separatists in 1930s


The Russian Chinese population are basically descents of the Russian refugees during Russian Civil war

During Russian Civil war, hundreds of Russian people fled to China to seek refugee. Most of them live in today's Xinjiang and Northeastern part of China.

During that time, in Harbin city alone, there were 200,000 Russian residents in the city during 1920s. The Chinese army even recruited many ethnic Russian soldiers during the 1920s.

After world war 2, most of Russians returned to Russia or immigrated to other countries, but some of them still remain in China.

The Russian people live in Xinjiang are still pure Russians, and they speak Russian language.

While the Russian Chinese population live in Northeast China, are basically Russian-Chinese mixing ethnics, parts of their ancestors come from Russia, but now they become 100% Chinese because they don't speak Russian language and practice Russian culture anymore.

This is the difference between Russian Chinese live in Xinjiang and Russian Chinese live in Northeast China.

These are the documentaries with English or English subtitle

Russian Chinese live in Northeast China

Story of a Russian Chinese История русской китайском (Englsih sub)

This documentary of Russian Chinese in Northeast China don't have English subtitle

Russian Chinese live in Xinjiang, China( They still preserve much of the Russian cultures)

Russian Minority in Xinjiang (English)
By PTI | 9 Jun, 2015, 04.40PM IST
China conducts first military mobility test on bullet train for rushing troops to Xinjiang - The Economic Times

BEIJING: China has successfully conducted the first-ever military mobility test by rushing troops and weapons on its bullet train to the restive Muslim-majority Xinjiang province, aimed at evaluating its performance in quick movement of soldiers during a crisis.

Terming the test as a milestone in the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) mobility, the China National Defence Daily said that the trial has been successfully completed on the Lanzhou-Xinjiang high-speed railway in northwest China .

An analysis of the trial run held on June 2 evaluated the train when it is fully loaded with troops, soldiers' personal weapons placed on the luggage racks as well as in the spare room at both ends of each carriage.

Another test carried out with troops carrying Type-40 rocket launchers and Type-120 bazookas showed that the train's personnel transport capacity will be reduced to 80 per cent.

The data gathered at the test will be applied to the future emergency mobility of military personnel in the Chinese PLA Lanzhou Military Region, state-run China.org.cn reported.

To transport light weapons easily and safely, the Lanzhou railway authority specially made 1,000 sets of rifle stands, holsters and ropes, said Jiang Xiaolin, chief of transport of the military representative office at Lanzhou Railway Bureau.

These simple facilities had proved both practical and reliable throughout the test, he said.

Chinese bullet trains travels at a speed of about 350 kmph. It now has about 40 bullet train lines with 16,000 kms of high speed tracks.

China's extensive rail network in Tibet not far from Arunachal Pradesh providing the facility to move troops and weapons has evoked concerns in India prompting it to undertake rail, road and air development in its border region.
By PTI | 9 Jun, 2015, 04.40PM IST
China conducts first military mobility test on bullet train for rushing troops to Xinjiang - The Economic Times

BEIJING: China has successfully conducted the first-ever military mobility test by rushing troops and weapons on its bullet train to the restive Muslim-majority Xinjiang province, aimed at evaluating its performance in quick movement of soldiers during a crisis.

Terming the test as a milestone in the People's Liberation Army's (PLA) mobility, the China National Defence Daily said that the trial has been successfully completed on the Lanzhou-Xinjiang high-speed railway in northwest China .

An analysis of the trial run held on June 2 evaluated the train when it is fully loaded with troops, soldiers' personal weapons placed on the luggage racks as well as in the spare room at both ends of each carriage.


Hopefully the military has its own trains.
Not a good strategy mixing mitary on civilian vehicles as you'll now make civilian trains a target.

Just buy the same trains and paint them green or something.
Xinjiang launches cargo train service to Moscow
June 11, 2015

A cargo train service linking Urumqi with Moscow was launched on Wednesday. (People.cn/Photo)

URUMQI, June 10 -- Railway authorities in China's far western Xinjiang region on Wednesday launched a cargo train service linking its regional capital of Urumqi with Moscow.

The one more cargo train service westward can help boost the development of the northwestern autonomous region, a "core area" of the Silk Road economic belt, said Liu Jianxin, vice governor of Xinjiang, at the launch ceremony.

Since March 2014, Xinjiang has opened cargo train service to Kazakhstan, Georgia, Iran,Turkey and also Chelyabinsk of Russia.

The first train, loaded with 1,300 tonnes of PVC, left Urumqi at 6:15 p.m. and is scheduled to reach Moscow more than 4,000 km away in about ten days. It will return with wood pulp from Russia.

Wang Hongxin, chairman of Xinjiang Zhongtai Chemical Co., Ltd., said the cargo service can help drive the company's annual sales of PVC by 10 percent.

By the second half of the year, more than three cargo trains will run between Xinjiang and the destinations in Russia and also central and western Asia per week.

The trains can then transport 50 billion yuan (8.1 billion U.S. dollars) of cargo a year, Liu said.

Armed police responded to the attack and killed 15 suspects �designated as terrorists".
BEIJING (AFP) - At least 18 people are dead after ethnic Uighurs attacked police with knives andbombs at a traffic checkpoint in China s western Xinjiang region, Radio Free Asia reported on Wednesday.

The attack occurred on Monday in a district of the southern city of Kashgar, where tensions between Muslim Uighurs that call the region home and the majority Han Chinese have led to bloodshed in recent years.

Suspects killed several police officers with knives and bombs after speeding through a traffic checkpoint in a car in Kashgar s Tahtakoruk district, United States-based Radio Free Asia said, citing Turghun Memet, an officer at a nearby police station.

Armed police responded to the attack and killed 15 suspects “designated as terrorists,” Radio Free Asia cited Memet as saying.

The attack comes at the beginning of the Muslim holy month of Ramazan, a sensitive time in Xinjiang after an uptick in attacks over the past three years in which hundreds have died, blamed by Beijing on Islamist militants.

Repeated calls to the Xinjiang government news office were not answered. Such incidents are frequently reported in overseas media but not confirmed by the Chinese government until days later, if ever.

Exiled Uighur groups and human rights activists say repressive government policies in Xinjiang, including controls on Islam and on Uighur culture, have provoked unrest, a claim that Beijing denies.
At least 18 dead in attack in China's Xinjiang | World | Dunya News
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