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Xiaomi shows Arunachal is in India at handset launch, triggers anger in China

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Chinese net respond to the gaff indicated that Chinese very much aware south Tibet is disputed territory. I think this gaff prove Chinese ain't give up their claim of south Tibet.

Just like India never gives up the claim for Aksai Chin verbally.

However, some Indian members here are so proactive to change the status quo.

Well, then we are just getting a big punching bag here.
China's territorial integrity cannot be abjured by a phone manufacturing company. What a silly idea.

Some Indians astonish me with their greed. They are already committing a cardinal sin by squatting illegally on other people's territory (South Tibet). But instead of being placated with the status quo and enjoying their ill-gotten loot, they are unsatisfied, and scheming and fantasizing about seizing and squatting on even more territory (Aksai Chin).

If they keep up their greed and mendacity, they will be in for a rude awakening. The Seven Sisters states can be partitioned between China and Bangladesh at any time.
China's territorial integrity cannot be abjured by a phone manufacturing company. What a silly idea.

Some Indians astonish me with their greed. They are already committing a cardinal sin by squatting illegally on other people's territory (South Tibet). But instead of being placated with the status quo and enjoying their ill-gotten loot, they are unsatisfied, and scheming and fantasizing about seizing and squatting on even more territory (Aksai Chin).

If they keep up their greed and mendacity, they will be in for a rude awakening. The Seven Sisters states can be partitioned between China and Bangladesh at any time.

Well, China did lose nothing with this.

The only loser is Xiaomi, now they are going to lose the huge momentum in the domestic market.

Most users of Xiaomi are extremely patriotic, and now they are going to switch on something else with this stupid blunder from Xiaomi.
Well, they just want to sell their smartphones in India, so hence the lip service.

However, Xiaomi doesn't have the power to decide China's territorial sovereignty.

If they keep breaching the rules next time, then we might say goodbye to Xiaomi with the coming Dami, Nuomi, or whatever.

Who gives a shit about your Xiaomi and your weibo opinion?And of course CCP ?

Arunachal is our integral part.PRC cant do anything .You can take it or leave it.
Who gives a shit about your Xiaomi and your weibo opinion?And of course CCP ?

Arunachal is our integral part.PRC cant do anything .You can take it or leave it.

As I said above, Aksai Chin is also integral part of us, can you do anything about it?

You should feel lucky when we still have the mood to keep this status quo game.

Our primary objective is to develop our economic, but it doesn't mean that we are going to concede anything.
FACT: Arunachal Pradesh is a state of the Union of India. Period!

The Chinese can keep hollering, but it will remain part of India till the stars in the universe start winking out signalling the end of creation.
As I said above, Aksai Chin is also integral part of us, can you do anything about it?

You should feel lucky when we still have the mood to keep this status quo game.

Our primary objective is to develop our economic, but it doesn't mean that we are going to concede anything.

you are talking as if India will concede anything. good that Chinese government is run by mature individuals unlike some emotional fools.
As I said above, Aksai Chin is also integral part of us, can you do anything about it?

You should feel lucky when we still have the mood to keep this status quo game.
we don't give two hoots about your mood, aksai chin is our land, sooner or later you will have to leave our territory
Our primary objective is to develop our economic.
than give up aksai chin.
Well, China did lose nothing with this.

The only loser is Xiaomi, now they are going to lose the huge momentum in the domestic market.

Most users of Xiaomi are extremely patriotic, and now they are going to switch on something else with this stupid blunder from Xiaomi.

Extremely bad timing on their behalf. The Chinese smartphone market is currently extremely competitive. Huawei, Lenovo, ZTE, and a slew of others are all looking to for blood. Add to that, foreign makers like Apple and Samsung are reluctant to cede market share. This is a match to the death, and one error could spell someone's demise.

If Xiaomi had a monopoly on China's market, maybe they could afford to make even more grossly offensive gaffes, like saying the Tibetan plateau belongs to India. But they simply don't have that clout right now.

Arunachal is our integral part.PRC cant do anything .You can take it or leave it.

Ok then. We will take it, rather than leave it :).
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