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Xi says coronavirus is a 'devil'

I don't understand what are you saying, is it because you being too poetic here?
Nope. I just told you that a language often loses its touch due to translation. I wouldn't blame you for not understanding what I am saying if you only know one language throughout your life.
Relax. End of World won't happen in 2020 with Tokyo Olympics around the corner. I'm predicting USA will do something big in 2022 though. Right after Being 2008 Olympics when everyone thought the world would b rosy from then on USA pulled the rug under every investors feet with a major market meltdown. They gonna do something like this again in 2022... We can expect a major stock market collapse world-wide in 2022 after China hosts the Winter Olympics and everyone thought the world would b rosy from then on, but not in 2020.

In 2008, USA wasn't jealous of China so all they gifted was a late year market meltdown. In 2022, USA will have become a green colored monster (green with envy), so all hell will break loose. We can expect more than a market meltdown then. USA will show their true devil side in 2022...
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More to come.......

2022 maybe the end of world.
2020 is just a prelude.
Wow, so now Cnese start copying my prediction abt CN chaos in 2023 ?? :lol:

Relax. End of World won't happen in 2020 with Tokyo Olympics around the corner. I'm predicting USA will do something big in 2022 though. Right after Being 2008 Olympics when everyone thought the world would b rosy from then on USA pulled the rug under every investors feet with a major market meltdown. They gonna do something like this again in 2022... We can expect a major stock market collapse world-wide in 2022 after China hosts the Winter Olympics and everyone thought the world would b rosy from then on, but not in 2020.

In 2008, USA wasn't jealous of China so all they gifted was a late year market meltdown. In 2022, USA will have become a green colored monster (green with envy), so all hell will break loose. We can expect more than a market meltdown then. USA will show their true devil side in 2022...
CN is in chaos in 2023. Its was predicted in early 2018. Cnese's IQ is too low to realize that in 2018.
Its like reporting that Trump seems "happy" today, after Trumped posted that he is gay.
That doesn't mean devil or evil. It means a tough opponent or enemy. Same as arabic satan means a tough opponent.
Wow, so now Cnese start copying my prediction abt CN chaos in 2023 ?? :lol:

CN is in chaos in 2023. Its was predicted in early 2018. Cnese's IQ is too low to realize that in 2018.
Vietnam will not be spared too. Millions will suffer :enjoy: It's a world phenomenal.
Despite having cases in France and Germany i am not worried of a complete outbreak in Europe. China is acting fast and taking extreme measures trying to contain it. Lets hope it will not take months to defeat it, fingers crossed
Vietnam will not be spared too. Millions will suffer :enjoy: It's a world phenomenal.
We all know that Two third (2/3) of Guangdong factories, the biggest export province, r leaving CN.

CN is no more the factory for the world. Million Cnese like u loss job and will not able to find new jobs after Lunar YN holiday. But where r those factories coming ?? They r coming to VN, making VN rich.:cool:

For coronavirus, its just like Sars, a kind of tropical virus, spreading all over CN due to Global warming (that making the wolrd more tropical). VN is a tropical nation like Pinoy, Malay etc, thats why we suffer much less than CN :cool:
I love how ppl compare NCov2019 with the flu and goes into but what about the 6k death per year here and there... or that new cova is not that dangerous... that if you are "strong enough" you can make it...

Just to make it clear... There Is no Vaccine neither Clinical therapeutic process... As To "you can Make it" You need to be into INTENSIVE CARE... at the Hospital... Now tell me Which COUNTRY on earth have enough "Specific" beds and Manpower to handle it?
Right now Few thousands cases and it's already as if half the pop is dying... Not even gonna say that everyday... the number of new cases almost double...

As for the Vaccine... that thing isn't going to be out at least for next year IF one is found Today...

So yes... This sh*t IS a problem... this isn't some joke...
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Danish newspaper's virus cartoon angers China
Issued on: 28/01/2020 - 13:14Modified: 28/01/2020 - 13:13


Copenhagen (AFP)

A Danish newspaper refused to apologise to China on Tuesday over a satirical cartoon it ran about the deadly new virus that has killed dozens and infected thousands more.

Thats so satiric, but thats what the West think abt Cnese now.
actually xi dada should thank the virus for bringing peace to HK ...lol
France should also thank the wuhanists for bringing the yellow vest protests to an end...lol
Update to 12.00 noon today.
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I won't worry too much if I am not in Wuhan and Hubei. The fatality rate is similar to SARS, and the deaths are mainly old people with chronic sickness.

During the SARS outbreak in 2003, I was working in Shenzhen, just a river and a bridge away from Hong Kong where SARS was at its worst. Rumours and fake news were everywhere then, just as it is now.

We went through SARS period, none of our 500 workers in the factory got infected by SARS.

As long as you take adequate protection as in using surgical face masks, clean your hands in proper manner and clean with anti-bacterial liquid on all surfaces (door handle, lift buttons etc) touched by multiple peoples, refrain from talking to too many people especially strangers, you are quite safe.
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