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Xi may visit India in Sept, to boost ties on agenda


Sep 12, 2012
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Improving Sino-India economic ties will top the agenda for discussion when Chinese president Xi Jinping visits India next month.

Though the dates for Xi's visit have not been officially announced yet, it is likely that he will head to India in September. Xi is also likely to club the visit along with his trips to Pakistan and Sri Lanka.

Xi will visit India "very soon", ambassador Ashok K Kantha said on Wednesday, adding that the "economic agenda of the visit is the most important aspect".

Kantha said that China has both the capital and the expertise to meet India's infrastructure needs, and added that "some concrete announcements" about China's economic involvement in India would be made during the visit.

Railways and industrial parks are the two expected sectors where China is likely to money and expertise in India.

Kantha was speaking on Wednesday evening at a discussion on the book 'The Silk Road Rediscovered', written by Anil K Gupta, expert on globalisation and entrepreneurship.

Kantha said a large Chinese delegation visited India last month to study the railway sector. Earlier, representatives from 30 Chinese companies had also visited Gujarat to visit locations for an industrial park.

Kantha said the bilateral imbalance — around US$ 35 billion in China's favour — "bothers us a lot" and that it was making trade ties between the two countries "unsustainable".

The present approach of China selling goods to India will not work, Kantha said, adding that in the long run, Chinese companies have to move to India for more sustainable economic ties.
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