At this symposium, Xi Jinping disclosed that from 2014 to 2019, the central government's transfer payments to the Xinjiang Autonomous Region and the Corps increased from 263.69 billion yuan (1 yuan, approximately US$0.14) to 422.48 billion yuan, an average annual increase of 10.4%. , Supporting Xinjiang in total over 2 trillion yuan in 6 years. 19 provinces and cities have strengthened all-round counterpart support, invested a total of 96.4 billion yuan in aid to Xinjiang (including the Corps), implemented more than 10,000 aid projects in Xinjiang, introduced 1.684 trillion yuan of funds in place from enterprises in aid to Xinjiang, and invested by central enterprises More than 700 billion yuan.
Central government fiscal transfer payments: ¥2000 billion
Government assistance from other provinces and cities: ¥96.4 billion
Enterprise investment in other provinces and cities: ¥1684 billion
State-owned enterprise investment: ¥700 billion
Total: ¥4480.4 billion ==$ 657.567 billion
How does the amount given to a state by centre be qualified as aid. It seems that Xinxiang is not in China but a separate nation.