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حکومت پنجاب نے عظمیٰ بخاری کے گھر کے باہر آٹے کا ڈھیر لگادیا

I pretty sure Labors are paid unless you mean that PTI govt is using slave labor. This is clearly a PR event meant to spread awareness among people about the supply of wheat and counter negative propaganda. Assuming all expenses are paid from tax payers money here is an estimated total cost of this PR event:
100kg flour: 50000 rs
Shipping costs: 15000 rs (assuming delivery charges of furniture shopping I recently did in US; If govt has Amazon Prime membership then its free)
Total cost of this PR event is around 80K Rs which is minuscule compared to the cost of “media cell” that used to run from PM house and the “advertisements” media houses used to receive in billions of rupees.

Just like you Uzma B is also a God fearing honorable member of this society and she can distribute the gifted flour to poor or pay the govt back for it - which would be win win for all then.

17500PKR is minimum wage in the country.

Iran pays 500PKR more than Pakistani government.

As far as your pathetic concerns of a Goebbels propaganda go. Well you will reap what you have sown so why waste writing paragraphs of utter nonsense?
17500PKR is minimum wage in the country.

Iran pays 500PKR more than
17500 is the monthly rate - unless you mean it took a month to get the flour delivered? I gave you a very very conservative delivery cost I know in US. But if you want to use a higher rate its fine - that poor labor for sure took 10x less money then the social media team Uzma B used to run for PMLN on tax payer money.
17500 is the monthly rate - unless you mean it took a month to get the flour delivered? I gave you a very very conservative delivery cost I know in US. But if you want to use a higher rate its fine - that poor labor too 10x less money then the social media team Uzma B used to run for PMLN on tax payer money.

How many people starved to death on the fateful day this propaganda stunt of Albert Speer was orchestrated?
How many people starved to death on the fateful day this propaganda stunt of Albert Speer was orchestrated?
Alhamdulilah there are no deaths from starvation that I know of in Pakistan even in worst time - except in Thar, Sindh which is shameful. I don't know how starvation in Pakistan - which is a serious issue - has anything to do with this event. If you have such a huge concern do volunteer in Pakistan with your time and money, there are truly some wonderful NGOs doing amazing work.

As far as your pathetic concerns of a Goebbels propaganda go. Well you will reap what you have sown so why waste writing paragraphs of utter nonsense?
My paragraphs are as useful or wasteful as yours are. Looking at number of posts on this forum I am waaaaayyy behind you on paragraphs (assuming most of your one liners can be classified as paragraphs; otherwise we maybe pretty close to each other).
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Alhamdulilah there is no deaths from starvation I know of in Pakistan even in worst time - except in Thar, Sindh which is shameful. I don't know what starvation - which is a serious issue - has anything to do with this event. If you have such a huge concern do volunteer in Pakistan with your time and money, there are truly some wonderful NGOs doing amazing work.

My paragraphs are as useful or wasteful as yours are. Looking at number of posts on this forum I am waaaaayyy behind you on paragraphs (assuming most of your one liners can be classified as paragraphs).

You can masquerade as a Brahmin or a Syed all you like. Nothing to do with the fact that government chose to mock the people by wasting resource and actively covering up massive scandals of wheat mafia.

The wonderful NGOs you and Alice want are not going to be allowed anytime soon back in the country.
You can masquerade as a Brahmin or a Syed all you like. Nothing to do with the fact that government chose to mock the people by wasting resource and actively covering up massive scandals of wheat mafia.

The wonderful NGOs you and Alice want are not going to be allowed anytime soon back in the country.
I meant NGOs like Eidhi, unless you believe he was not Muslim? Then there is also Khidmat, which I hope you would approve as Kosher.
Mafias are every where; lawyers, transport, traders, media etc - with such a weak coalition dont expect any strong action against these lobbies.
I meant NGOs like Eidhi, unless you believe he was not Muslim? Then there is also Khidmat, which I hope you would approve as Kosher.
Mafias are every where; lawyers, transport, traders, media etc - with such a weak coalition dont expect any strong action against these lobbies.

Are you done? Will you get the Niazi Jugend crescent for this service to the government?
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