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Wuhan Whistleblower virologist Li-Meng Yan speaks to WION news

This is so fake, she is not even a virologist by training. She is an ophthalmologist. She married a Sri Lankan who is virologist. She is trying to make some quick bucks or trying to get a visa. Plus WION along with Z TV is owned by a BJP member of the Indian parliament. Lastly the lady who comes to clean my house in Pakistan is better looking than the lady who does these shows for WION.
This is so fake, she is not even a virologist by training. She is an ophthalmologist. She married a Sri Lankan who is virologist. She is trying to make some quick bucks or trying to get a visa. Plus WION along with Z TV is owned by a BJP member of the Indian parliament. Lastly the lady who comes to clean my house in Pakistan is better looking than the lady who does these shows for WION.
No you are wrong :
Li-meng Yan : WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Also : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32199493/

Viral dynamics in mild and severe cases of COVID-19

  • Li meng Yan : School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China.
No you are wrong :
Li-meng Yan : WHO Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Control, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Also : https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32199493/

Viral dynamics in mild and severe cases of COVID-19

  • Li meng Yan : School of Public Health, LKS Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China.
No I am not wrong. Do you think anyone from HK knows what happened in Wuhan. Multiple fails here. Plus do you think anyone with any credibility will interview with WION.
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Do you think anyone from HK knows what happened in Wuhan.
They have this wonderful invention in Hong Kong called email and telephone. :woot:
BTW, the papers published by that person is in collaboration with doctors in hospital in Nanchang university. I don't know if you have ever studied in a university at all, but academics co-operate with each other all the time.
No other media in the world including Indian ones relentlessly going after and bash Chinese CCP regime like Wion new and it's host Palki Sharma. She is one woman media army waging media war against Chinese communist regimes propaganda.

Sample this, her last night show on China and most comments are from non-Indians who can't have enough of CCP bashing.

She has been exposed as a fraudster by Hong Kong News Media.

Hong Kong University has even released a statement of denial claiming that they have no record of her oe heard of her.

She has never been to Wuhan or China.
Like Dennis Ho and Nathan Law, she is jus one of the Black Revolutionary Guards that went on a rampage destroying Hong Kong.
He is on the payroll of Steven Bannon.

No other media in the world including Indian ones relentlessly going after and bash Chinese CCP regime like Wion new and it's host Palki Sharma. She is one woman media army waging media war against Chinese communist regimes propaganda.

Sample this, her last night show on China and most comments are from non-Indians who can't have enough of CCP bashing.

Then check out who owns WION?
When there are 6 millions cases of COVID in India and she is only interested in bashing China with her fabricated lies, ams you named her your heroine, something is wrong with you and not her.
She is PAID to do so. You ard just a brainless zombie. :sarcastic: :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
We know that the US had an outbreak in the summer and autumn of 2019. This was covered up and those who released the virUS refuse show this data. However deaths in US did not spike until the European virUS (mutation C) hit the US in late winter.

Meaning Mutation A which was released first in the US was not deadly. Why would China release a virus on the US that is not deadly, then release the same in Wuhan which was much more deadly (mutation B).

Those that released the mutation A virUS in the US knew that this was not like mutation C, which was used as a second wave to devastate everybody.

I have relatives in the States, who got extremely sick and could not shake off the "flu", this was late Autumn 2019 and early Winter 2019. People who were tested for the flu, got negative results, doctors then thought this was a bad cold. They never tested for the novel SARS2 coronavirUS. Only China did this.

This mutation A gave people antibodies. US refused to do widescale testing in February and March. You were put on lists until May, only those approved to get this based on complex criteria to get tested. People who were not sick in March and April, however tested positive for antibodies, such as mayors, report they were very sick in December of 2019 and think they had the coronavirUS then in 2019.

Crazy Karen blames China for the coronavirUS being out in Autumn of 2019:

We do know that the coronavirUS was out in the general pubic in the Fall of 2019. Western governments, except Italy and Spain - who both admit they had coronavirUS in 2019, have covered this up to blame China for letting the mutation B virUS from Wuhan loose in January.

US knew of a disease spreading human to human in Wuhan in November of 2019, never reported this to the public, kept it a national secret.

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