Why are some people acting like these groups are not just sub-communities of Punjabis? It's so weird, a few hundred years ago or even just a couple of decades ago they would have all been called Punjabis. Who concocted these made-up ethnic groups? Why would anyone identify with them?
I can't think of a single "Seraiki" or "Hindko" dynasty, poet, ideologue, etc who exists in the history books. All such people simply called themselves Punjabis (or, more broadly, Indo-Aryans). There is no basis for any of this. It just seems like a desperate ploy to carve the Punjab, and before someone says "muh vote bank too big", why not just make Lahore, Karachi and other big cities their own independent territories like Islamabad, as opposed to cutting up provinces along such arbitrarily made-up identities?