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WSJ: China's CoronaVac offer 100% protetction rate (against death) for the more deadly Brazilian P.1 variant of COVID-19

AstraZeneca does not use mRNA and is just as effective at reducing hospitalisation and deaths in the UK as Pfizer, where 10s of millions of people each have been jabbed with both vaccines.

Although AstraZeneca is only 70-80% effective at preventing symptomatic infection it is nearly 100% effective at preventing deaths. Only downside is there is a 1 in 1 million risk of dying from a bloot clot by taking it if you are under 55. Over 55s it is as safe as any other vaccine out there.
Astra Zenica,J&j uses viral vector tech which has much more side-effect than inactivated vaccine like sinovac. Trail result also showed astra has 27 percent efficacy for silent virus carriers.

Turkey :The vaccine has an efficacy of 83.5 percent against the novel coronavirus, and prevents hospitalization by 100 percent, Ankara-based Hacettepe University announced in March based on third-phase trials in the country

"Since the inoculation began, the positive case ratio for people aged 65 and above has dropped to 8.2 percent from 17.7 percent, and has decreased to 1.3 percent from 5.3 percent for healthcare workers. The hospitalization ratio for senior citizens decreased to 31 percent from 57.4 percent, and for medics, the ratio dropped to 0.78 percent from 3.1 percent, Nikkei Asia reported on Tuesday, citing Health Minister Fahrettin Koca, who took the jab shortly after the vaccine was granted emergency authorization.

Vaccination provides significant benefit regarding cases, hospitalization, receiving intensive care, intubation dimensions," said Koca, who urged eligible citizens to get vaccinated."
Believe what you want but Sino vac is the only one to be trialled on frontline workers ,and reported least sideeffects.I would take it over astra anyday.
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China uses a proven and traditional method of producing their vaccines which is effective against all the protein and not just the spike protein. They are must safer.
China has injected more than 330 million vaccines and not a single death that can be proven related to its usage.

Once the vaccines is injected into the body, the rest is up to one own body immunity system and how fast it grows up.
SERRANA, Brazil—This town of 45,000 people in southeastern Brazil has been at the center of a unique experiment for the past three months: vaccinate nearly every adult against Covid-19 and see what happens.

In recent weeks, after most of the adults here got their second dose, Covid-19 cases and deaths plunged and life has started to return to normal as the pandemic continues to rage across Brazil.

All of Serrana’s adults were offered CoronaVac between February and April as part of the experiment, known as Project S. It is the first mass trial of its kind in which an entire town is vaccinated for Covid-19 before the rest of the country.

Not everyone in the town was eligible, including minors under 18, adult women who are pregnant or nursing, and others with serious health problems. Of the roughly 27,700 eligible adults, 27,150, or 98%, were vaccinated, according to town officials.

Town officials and residents said they are thrilled with the results so far. Infections are down 75% from a March peak in Serrana, while there have been no deaths from Covid-19 among the people who were fully vaccinated, suggesting CoronaVac is also effective against the aggressive P.1 variant sweeping the region.

In the waiting room of the town’s intensive-care unit, the effects of CoronaVac are already visible. “Only three weeks ago, this was so full, people had to stand,”
said Lucia Elaine Caldano, the unit’s administrator, pointing to rows of empty chairs. In the past three weeks, only one person has been put on a ventilator—a woman who had refused to take the vaccine.

In April, six people died from Covid-19 in Serrana. Of those, five had only taken the first dose of the vaccine. The other victim had symptoms two days after the second dose, suggesting that the disease was contracted between jabs, according to Mayor Capitelli.

Serrana’s study promises to add clarity to a global mishmash of studies of CoronaVac. In Phase 3 trials carried out by Butantan late last year, it was found to be about 50% effective against symptomatic infections and 100% effective at preventing fatal cases.

The trial’s volunteers were all medical professionals, unlike in the Phase 3 trials of other vaccines such as the one developed by Pfizer Inc.
, meaning the volunteers were exposed to higher viral loads, potentially leading to a slightly lower efficacy rate, researchers said.

So basically the west finally admited that the so-called 50% effective number they reported last year in Brazil, was against an much more aggressive P.1 variant in Brazilian, and with a far more exposed group of population (the medical professionals), and even that much biased test, CoronaVac were still able to offer 100% protection rate against death, for all the high-risk medical professionals in Brazil. :rofl:
Seems like Wall Street Journal are more rational when comes to report international news.
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