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WS-10 being largely deployed and WS-15 increasing the number of flights

The WS-18 is also slated to be mature around this same timeframe, although it's a copy of the D-30KP2 rather than wholly indigenous. Also, the WS-18 has been flight testing since 2009 and is supposed to either be on the initial test versions of the Y-20 or at the latest the production version. Assuming this report is legitimate, cannot be sure because there have been similar announcements that turned out to be false, I think it's more likely they are talking about the WS-18. Almost all WS-15 news to date has been speculations by various people and to my knowledge, there is no official confirmation about it's actual status. Whereas, the WS-18 has been officially acknowledged as being in flight tests since 2009 on the H-6K and officially declared to be a future engine choice of the Y-20. The Y-20 will take first flight sometime between 2012-2014.

Well for people who don't understand Chinese, it will be hard to understand how things work in China. :coffee:

They just gave the official merit for the success of the WS-15 engine since 2011.

Good. Hopefully this year WS-10 will be on J-10B as well, not just the J-11B, J-15 and forthcoming J-16.

lol now you get a taste of CCP style of leacking infos, so basically there are only three (officially acknowledged) types of engines for fighter jets in development, WS-10, WS-15 and WS-13, and the article mentioned one is mass produced for current deployment and one is under ever increasing rigid testing so it can only be WS-10 and Ws-15...the reason I exclude WS-13 is that the article hinted those are for PLA's own usage.
Apparently WS-13 will be on J-21.

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