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Writer of NYT piece about Pakistan india engagment now being abused online..and she is surprised !


Apr 22, 2010
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United States
World has skewed view ...but this episode has changed perception of Pakistan and india ...what Pakistan achieved is equal to years of Indian work this is what a charismatic leader gives you..modi is obviously no match for IK international standing

She seems to be a muslim..thats why biased reporting
You forgot to mention downing an F16 by our mig21...that too in their territory
If you want live in your dreams fine but cant expect the world to say yes to it...

Even your IAF quotes "eye witnesses" just to keep plausible deniability in case Pakistan lines up all the f16s..while abhi sahab the supposedly hero is quite about this remarkable achievement
I will wait for Abhinandan's response.. Pakistani couldn't make him speak 'I didnt shot any plane and wouldn't change my statement when i go back'. I do not trust any media Indian or Pakistani.
His recorded video is a beating around the bush and cuts no 1 full statement
He will either be sacked (if he stays quiet /professional ) or allowed if he cobfirms a false claim
Habibi :p
boys played well...

Its interesting to see how social media / information has become part of the 5th gen warfare....very interesting
You forgot to mention downing an F16 by our mig21...that too in their territory
keep blabbering without a prove @Vikki
Dude You downed a Mig 21 not F 22 whats the hype... Indians has had courage to chase you back in your territory Pakistan planes didn't even chase them back inside india
But by JF-17 and you (Indians) called it JUNK FIGHTER @Vikki ;):enjoy:

I will wait for Abhinandan's response.. Pakistani couldn't make him speak 'I didnt shot any plane and wouldn't change my statement when i go back'. I do not trust any media Indian or Pakistani.
His recorded video is a beating around the bush and cuts no 1 full statement. That man is tiger would not lie.
first you're newbe on PDF but your intention quite clear from here, TROLL @IAFHero48 ;):enjoy:
Dude You downed a Mig 21 not F 22 whats the hype... Indians has had courage to chase you back in your territory Pakistan planes didn't even chase them back inside india
IAF had the courage to chase PAF inside Pak...Pak in response didn't need to show courage by chasing IAF back...this ain't a game of tag
...instead they did something only the most courageous and capable airforces do around the world, as in they blew IAF fighter out of the sky ;)
She seems to be a muslim..thats why biased reporting

yes, there are no muslims in india...../s this isn't a muslim issue, it's an indo pak issue. Her seeming like a muslim has nothing to do with her reporting.
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Ok one just fighter downed another junk.. why didn't u chased Mirage when it bombed you..? Su 30 was waiting behind for your JF and F 16 that would have been a really brave task.. which Abhinandan tried and only he can tell if he achieved it or not. Its easy to defend but not attack
It about tactic enenmy is always looking for loopholes in our defense, and you're here for troll not for positive debate @IAFHero48
Every one will blow the enemy if it comes and stays inside and defenses are prepared, Pakistan showned no courage , Abhinandan did but not a wise decision he was told to cool down, he made bad decision to me.
It's not courageous to fight ur enemies and defend urself in the face of aggression? Sooo what should one do? Cower in fear? U can keep ur cowardly philosophy to urself. Pakistanis don't have that kind of mentality.
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