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Worse than SARS - Death toll from coronavirus exceeds SARS as 75 die on one day in China

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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China suffered its worst day of the coronavirus outbreak, with 75 people dying in one day on Monday. It means the outbreak has exceeded SARS deaths.

The death toll from coronavirus in China has now risen to 426 — exceeding the fatalities from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

During the SARS outbreak of 2002-03 there were 349 deaths in mainland China and it eventually killed nearly 800 people globally.


Since the virus was detected late last year in the central city of Wuhan, it had spread to more than 20 countries, and several other nations have instituted tough travel rules with China.

The World Health Organisation has declared the crisis a global health emergency, and the first foreign death from the virus was confirmed in the Philippines on Sunday.

The Chinese government also said it "urgently" needed medical equipment and surgical masks, protective suits, and safety goggles as it battles to control the outbreak.

Authorities in provinces that are home to more than 300 million people — including Guangdong, the country's most populous — have ordered everyone to wear masks in public in an effort to contain the virus.


A medical worker sprays antiseptic outside of the front gate of Shanghai Stock Exchange Building. Photo / Getty Images

But factories capable of producing around 20 million masks a day are only operating at 60-70 per cent of capacity, industry department spokesman Tian Yulong said, adding that supply and demand remained in "tight equilibrium" as a result of the Lunar New Year break.

All but one of the new deaths reported Monday were in Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province, most of which has been under lockdown for almost two weeks.

With 17,200 confirmed infections, the mortality rate for the new coronavirus is around 2.1 percent, compared with 9.6 percent for SARS.


China has infused tumbling financial markets with cash as cases of coronavirus continue to climb, leading to fears of a "worst case scenario" of prolonged economic disruption.

The Shanghai Composite index fell nearly eight per cent on Monday amid news the death toll from the virus had risen to 361 with 17,205 cases confirmed – an increase of nearly 3000 in the last 24 hours.

The World Health Organisation said the number of cases will continue to climb with thousands of tests pending. Meanwhile Chinese President Xi Jinping told an emergency meeting of the party's central committee that those who shirked responsibilities in the fight would be punished.


A worker takes the temperature of a customer at the entrance of a Walmart store in Wuhan. Photo / AP

Financial markets around the world have been hammered by the virus that has left millions in lockdown and turned global megacities into ghost towns. Airlines have cancelled hundreds of flights while workers at some of the world's most valuable companies including Apple, Starbucks and Levi's have been told to stay home.

"The worst case scenario is that this Wuhan coronavirus rages on unchecked like the ebola crisis in west Africa several years ago," said Francis Lun, a stock analyst in Hong Kong.

In that case, it could take two or three years for China to recover, he said. "Because China is the big elephant in the room now. If it falls, it will bring down all these smaller fries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and even Japan. So nobody is immune," Lun said.

Already analysts have revised down growth forecasts for the world's second largest economy from around 6 per cent to 5 per cent.

On Sunday, China's central bank announced it would put 1.2 trillion yuan (A$258 billion) into the markets to ensure there would be enough cash.

Chinese officials have insisted the blow is temporary, however analysts are not so sure.

"This is well beyond the Band-Aid fix, and if this deluge doesn't hold risk-off at bay, we are in for a colossal beat down," Stephen Innes of AxiCorp. said in a client note.


It comes as Chinese scientists claim to have uncovered further evidence the coronavirus originated in bats. In two papers published Monday in the journal Nature, scientists report that genome sequences from several patients in Wuhan show the virus is closely related to the viruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.

In one study, Shi Zhen-Li and colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology reported that
genome sequences from seven patients were 96 per cent identical to a bat coronavirus.


A person wearing a face mask and a plastic bag stands in a pharmacy in Wuhan. Photo / AP

SARS is also believed to originate in bats, although it jumped to civet cats before infecting people in the 2002-2003 international outbreak.

Although scientists suspect the latest virus outbreak in China began at a seafood market in Wuhan where wild animals were on sale and in contact with people, the animal source has not yet been pinpointed.

"In essence, it's a version of SARS that spreads more easily but causes less damage," said Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading who was not connected to the two studies.

"The virus also uses the same receptor, the door used to get into human cells, which explains transmission and why it causes pneumonia," he said.


A person travelling on a Japanese-operated cruise ship has tested positive for a new virus after leaving the ship in Hong Kong on January 25.

The ship returned to Yokohama carrying 3,000 passengers and crew members after making port calls in Vietnam, Taiwan and Okinawa.

A team of quarantine officials and medical staff boarded the ship on Monday night and began medical checks of everyone on board, a health ministry official said on condition of anonymity, citing department rules.

He said some people on the ship have developed coughs, fevers and other symptoms, though they were not yet linked to the virus. The passengers and crew members may be quarantined on the ship if the captain agrees to do so, the official said.

China suffered its worst day of the coronavirus outbreak, with 75 people dying in one day on Monday. It means the outbreak has exceeded SARS deaths.

The death toll from coronavirus in China has now risen to 426 — exceeding the fatalities from Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

During the SARS outbreak of 2002-03 there were 349 deaths in mainland China and it eventually killed nearly 800 people globally.


Since the virus was detected late last year in the central city of Wuhan, it had spread to more than 20 countries, and several other nations have instituted tough travel rules with China.

The World Health Organisation has declared the crisis a global health emergency, and the first foreign death from the virus was confirmed in the Philippines on Sunday.

The Chinese government also said it "urgently" needed medical equipment and surgical masks, protective suits, and safety goggles as it battles to control the outbreak.

Authorities in provinces that are home to more than 300 million people — including Guangdong, the country's most populous — have ordered everyone to wear masks in public in an effort to contain the virus.


A medical worker sprays antiseptic outside of the front gate of Shanghai Stock Exchange Building. Photo / Getty Images

But factories capable of producing around 20 million masks a day are only operating at 60-70 per cent of capacity, industry department spokesman Tian Yulong said, adding that supply and demand remained in "tight equilibrium" as a result of the Lunar New Year break.

All but one of the new deaths reported Monday were in Wuhan and the rest of Hubei province, most of which has been under lockdown for almost two weeks.

With 17,200 confirmed infections, the mortality rate for the new coronavirus is around 2.1 percent, compared with 9.6 percent for SARS.


China has infused tumbling financial markets with cash as cases of coronavirus continue to climb, leading to fears of a "worst case scenario" of prolonged economic disruption.

The Shanghai Composite index fell nearly eight per cent on Monday amid news the death toll from the virus had risen to 361 with 17,205 cases confirmed – an increase of nearly 3000 in the last 24 hours.

The World Health Organisation said the number of cases will continue to climb with thousands of tests pending. Meanwhile Chinese President Xi Jinping told an emergency meeting of the party's central committee that those who shirked responsibilities in the fight would be punished.


A worker takes the temperature of a customer at the entrance of a Walmart store in Wuhan. Photo / AP

Financial markets around the world have been hammered by the virus that has left millions in lockdown and turned global megacities into ghost towns. Airlines have cancelled hundreds of flights while workers at some of the world's most valuable companies including Apple, Starbucks and Levi's have been told to stay home.

"The worst case scenario is that this Wuhan coronavirus rages on unchecked like the ebola crisis in west Africa several years ago," said Francis Lun, a stock analyst in Hong Kong.

In that case, it could take two or three years for China to recover, he said. "Because China is the big elephant in the room now. If it falls, it will bring down all these smaller fries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea and even Japan. So nobody is immune," Lun said.

Already analysts have revised down growth forecasts for the world's second largest economy from around 6 per cent to 5 per cent.

On Sunday, China's central bank announced it would put 1.2 trillion yuan (A$258 billion) into the markets to ensure there would be enough cash.

Chinese officials have insisted the blow is temporary, however analysts are not so sure.

"This is well beyond the Band-Aid fix, and if this deluge doesn't hold risk-off at bay, we are in for a colossal beat down," Stephen Innes of AxiCorp. said in a client note.


It comes as Chinese scientists claim to have uncovered further evidence the coronavirus originated in bats. In two papers published Monday in the journal Nature, scientists report that genome sequences from several patients in Wuhan show the virus is closely related to the viruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, or SARS.

In one study, Shi Zhen-Li and colleagues at the Wuhan Institute of Virology reported that
genome sequences from seven patients were 96 per cent identical to a bat coronavirus.


A person wearing a face mask and a plastic bag stands in a pharmacy in Wuhan. Photo / AP

SARS is also believed to originate in bats, although it jumped to civet cats before infecting people in the 2002-2003 international outbreak.

Although scientists suspect the latest virus outbreak in China began at a seafood market in Wuhan where wild animals were on sale and in contact with people, the animal source has not yet been pinpointed.

"In essence, it's a version of SARS that spreads more easily but causes less damage," said Ian Jones, a professor of virology at the University of Reading who was not connected to the two studies.

"The virus also uses the same receptor, the door used to get into human cells, which explains transmission and why it causes pneumonia," he said.


A person travelling on a Japanese-operated cruise ship has tested positive for a new virus after leaving the ship in Hong Kong on January 25.

The ship returned to Yokohama carrying 3,000 passengers and crew members after making port calls in Vietnam, Taiwan and Okinawa.

A team of quarantine officials and medical staff boarded the ship on Monday night and began medical checks of everyone on board, a health ministry official said on condition of anonymity, citing department rules.

He said some people on the ship have developed coughs, fevers and other symptoms, though they were not yet linked to the virus. The passengers and crew members may be quarantined on the ship if the captain agrees to do so, the official said.


That gif really brings it home, no wonder everyone is afraid. it is spreading very quickly.

Thanks for the share.
It can't be natural, it is definitely a biological/germ weapon with which China has been attacked, the question is who has the technology and ability to design, develop and weaponise this weapon and a hatred enough of China to use it.
Some people are so gullible to believe the CCP propaganda.

This virus had already thousands of cases for weeks now. The CCP hid everything through censorship until the spread got so bad even they couldn’t hide it any longer. The situation is far worse than what they are reporting now. The virus has not just spread to all of China (with 1.3 billion people) but to the entire world. The real death toll is probably in the multiple thousands already but they don’t want to panic their people. CCP is gradually and reluctantly giving out the numbers. The real numbers are a total catastrophe.
It's ridiculous. I know it's politically incorrect and borderline racist but they really need to get a handle on a certain section of their population eating just really random stuff. Even 40 years ago, this would have been locally contained but in this connected world, it is a risk for everyone.
Some people are so gullible to believe the CCP propaganda.

This virus had already thousands of cases for weeks now. The CCP hid everything through censorship until the spread got so bad even they couldn’t hide it any longer. The situation is far worse than what they are reporting now. The virus has not just spread to all of China (with 1.3 billion people) but to the entire world. The real death toll is probably in the multiple thousands already but they don’t want to panic their people. CCP is gradually and reluctantly giving out the numbers. The real numbers are a total catastrophe.

Something massive is happening in China, the CCP is a joke, have you noticed the silence from the paid CCP trolls on here?
Even neutral people are turning against China with this virus.

Yeah exactly, this is what happens when the paid CCP trolls continuously lie and divert attention by bashing the West, especially without the help of the West China would still be a poor backward country.
Even neutral people are turning against China with this virus.
Yeah exactly
If some obviously not neutral NED trolls who continously lie and try to divert attention towards seemingly "bad" or just as bad portrayed events or non-events in China that may or may not even be remotely real or not, with onesided, hyperbolic and dishonest slander and bashing of China to divert attention from America or whatever respective nations agenda they push under false flags, to misinform and misguide neutral people about China, say so, then obviously it must be true.

But keep jerking each other off with your selfdelusion.

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