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World's-largest flat panel manufacturer LG is built on stolen Taiwanese technology


Dec 15, 2009
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World's-largest flat panel manufacturer LG is built on stolen Taiwanese technology

Taiwan was 10 years ahead of South Korea in industrialization. In fact, Taiwan's cumulative USPTO patents over the last 30 years are still ahead of South Korea. Furthermore, Taiwan's quality appears to be far superior to South Korean USPTO patents. I will discuss this further in the USPTO patent thread.

From the citation below, we see the world's seven largest flat panel display manufacturers for March are:

1. South Korean LG Display: US$1.84 billion
2. South Korean Samsung Electronics: $1.25 billion
3. Taiwan Innolux: $1.17 billion
4. Taiwan AU Optronics: $1.12 billion
5. Japan Sharp: $0.39 billion
6. China BOE Technology Group: $0.26 billion
7. China Star Optoelectronics Technology: $0.257 billion

The problem with the list is that LG Display illegally used four critical Taiwanese AU Optronics patents to manufacture its flat panel displays. Basically, the world's largest flat panel maker is built on stolen Taiwanese technology.

You also have to wonder how much of Samsung's business is built on "appropriated" Taiwanese technology. There have been times when Samsung was caught red-handed and had to license Taiwanese technology. The problem is that litigation is expensive. Also, it is almost unheard of to obtain an injunction against a South Korean conglomerate.

In conclusion, though it is extremely unfair, a significant portion of South Korean success is built on stolen Taiwanese patents.


Global flat panel sales in March up 18% | FOCUS TAIWAN

"Global flat panel sales in March up 18%
LG Display of South Korea ranked as the largest screen supplier in March with sales of US$1.84 billion, ahead of Samsung Electronics Co., which had US$1.25 billion in sales, the survey showed.

Taiwan's Innolux Corp. and AU Optronics Corp. came in third and fourth, respectively, after posting US$1.17 billion and US$1.12 billion in sales during the month.

Japan-based Sharp Corp. came in fifth with sales of US$390 million, followed by China's BOE Technology Group Co. and China Star Optoelectronics Technology Corp., which had US$260 million and US$257 million in sales, respectively.

(By Pan Chi-i and Frances Huang)"


LG Loses Patent Infringement Lawsuit to AU Optronics | General Patent Corporation

"LG Loses Patent Infringement Lawsuit to AU Optronics

May 4, 2010 - LG Electronics not only lost the patent infringement lawsuit it filed against AU Optronices, but was even found to be infringing AU's patents itself.

A division of LG, LG Display, filed a lawsuit in December 2006 alleging that AU infringed four of its patents related to LCD displays. AU denied the claims and filed its own lawsuit against LG, alleging that LG infringed four of AU's patents related to LCD optimization.

A U.S. District Court judge in Delaware first found LG guilty of infringement of all four AU patents in February; on April 29, the same court found that AU was not guilty of patent infringement on all of LG's charges."


Just Another Mobile Phone Blog: ITRI prevails in patent dispute with Samsung

"ITRI prevails in patent dispute with Samsung
Author: Maximus | Posted at: 5/22/2010

The Taiwan government-sponsored Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) has reportedly prevailed over Samsung Electronics in a patent infringement lawsuit involving 19 patents, according to market sources.

Samsung could still appeal, the sources noted.

ITRI noted that the lawsuit is still in process and declined to comment.

ITRI last year sued Samsung in the US, accusing the Korean vendor of infringing its patents of from semiconductor, display and handset technologies. ITRI claimed that Samsung's i607, D520, SPH-A940, SPH-M220, SPH-M320 and SGH-D307 handset models violated its patents of US 6,459,413 and US 5,208,472."


South Korean LG is still stealing Taiwanese patents.

Courthouse News Service

i hv no doubt regarding the report ...been working with these korean giants ....n all i can say ...Chinese are wrongly labeled as copy-pasters ...with chinese product you get wot you pay ....but for these korean brands ...you pay highest for medium-Low quality, Stolen technology ....
Koreans rigged their phones to give higher bech mark values ...Engineering same story ... n the list continues ...
:enjoy:i buy Blackberry, but mine is made in Mexico. At least i am based in Mexico.
According to Reuters. BOE Tech‘s 2013 sales were 5.54 billion USD。

What other lines of biz does it do part from flat panel display?
On another forum, a person asked me why South Korea was stealing Taiwanese technologies. Here is the discussion.

Originally Posted by Hope:

I thought patent ruling was global? Why are the Koreans stealing the Taiwanese patents?

My reply:

U.S. courts only have jurisdiction in the United States. However, U.S. courts are considered neutral ground and the most fair.

South Korea is stealing Taiwanese patents, because it will take years to engineer around the Taiwanese patents. South Korea can never gain market dominance in flat panel displays or electronics without stealing Taiwanese patents. The South Koreans will always be years behind. Hence, South Korea steals like hell from Taiwan.
According to Reuters. BOE Tech‘s 2013 sales were 5.54 billion USD。
What other lines of biz does it do part from flat panel display?

all other smaller to much smaller displays.
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