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Jul 29, 2011
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Most of the PDF members may not know this but in January of 1986, two Pakistani Brothers from Lahore ( Basit Farooq Alvi and Amjad Farooq Alvi ) launched a Virus attack which went Global and got World's attention. Times Magazine ran the story and for few days it remained as the main news on CNN. How many members remember this or have read about it ?

The virus was spread through the Floppy Disks and not through the Internet as the net was not widely used in those days.

Here is some Information on it from Wikipedia:

  • January: The Brain boot sector virus is released. Brain is considered the first IBM PC compatible virus, and the program responsible for the first IBM PC compatible virus epidemic. The virus is also known as Lahore, Pakistani, Pakistani Brain, and Pakistani flu as it was created in Lahore, Pakistan by 19 year old Pakistani programmer, Basit Farooq Alvi, and his brother, Amjad Farooq Alvi

Brain is the industry standard name for a computer virus that was released in its first form in January 1986,[1] and is considered to be the first computer virus for MS-DOS. It infects the boot sector of storage media formatted with the DOS File Allocation Table (FAT) file system. Brain was written by two brothers, Basit Farooq Alvi and Amjad Farooq Alvi,[2] from Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.

Brain affects the IBM PC computer by replacing the boot sector of a floppy disk with a copy of the virus. The real boot sector is moved to another sector and marked as bad. Infected disks usually have five kilobytes of bad sectors. The disk label is changed to ©Brain, and the following text can be seen in infected boot sectors:

Welcome to the Dungeon (c) 1986 Basit & Amjads (pvt) Ltd VIRUS_SHOE RECORD V9.0 Dedicated to the dynamic memories of millions of viruses who are no longer with us today - Thanks GOODNESS!! BEWARE OF THE er..VIRUS : this program is catching program follows after these messages....$#@%$@!!
There are many minor and major variations to that version of the text. The virus slows down the floppy disk drive and makes seven kilobytes of memory unavailable to DOS. Brain was written by Amjad Farooq Alvi, who at the time lived in Chahmiran, near Lahore Railway Station, in Lahore, Pakistan. The brothers told TIME magazine they had written it to protect their medical software from piracy, and it was supposed to target copyright infringers only.[3] The cryptic message "Welcome to the Dungeon", a safeguard and reference to an early programming forum on Dungeon BBS, appeared after a year because the brothers licensed a beta version of the code. The brothers could not be contacted to receive the final release of this version of the program.

Brain lacks code for dealing with hard disk partitioning, and avoids infecting hard disks by checking the most significant bit of the BIOS drive number being accessed. Brain does not infect the disk if the bit is clear, unlike other viruses at the time, which paid no attention to disk partitioning and consequentially destroyed data stored on hard disks by treating them in the same way as floppy disks. Brain often went undetected, partially due to this deliberate non-destructiveness, especially when the user paid little to no attention to the slow speed of floppy disk access.

The virus came complete with the brothers' address and three phone numbers, and a message that told the user that their machine was infected and to call them for inoculation:

Welcome to the Dungeon © 1986 Brain & Amjads (pvt). BRAIN COMPUTER SERVICES 730 NIZAM BLOCK ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN LAHORE-PAKISTAN PHONE: 430791,443248,280530. Beware of this VIRUS.... Contact us for vaccination...
This program was originally used to track a heart monitoring program for the IBM PC, and pirates were distributing illicit copies of the disks. This tracking program was supposed to stop and track illegal copies of the disk. Unfortunately, the program also sometimes used the last 5k on an Apple floppy, making additional saves to the disk by other programs impossible.

Author response[edit]
When the brothers began to receive a large number of phone calls from people in United States, United Kingdom and elsewhere, demanding that they disinfect their machines, they were stunned and tried to explain to the outraged callers that their motivation had not been malicious. Their phone lines were overloaded. The brothers with another brother Shahid Farooq Alvi are still in business in Pakistan as Brain NET Internet service providers with a company called Brain Telecommunication Limited.

In 2011, 25 years after Brain was released, Mikko Hyppönen of F-Secure travelled to Pakistan to interview Amjad for a documentary.[4][5] Being inspired by this documentary and its wide spread, a group
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Interview by a finnish Journalist:

Yeah i have heard about him.Why Pakistanis are not commenting on this thread??

I think mainly because they cannot view Youtube and most of them have never heard that these two Pakistani brothers started the World's first Floppy Disk virus to protect their Copyrights and their story be was published in Times Magazine as a " Cover Page " Story.
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My teacher told me that they fought with each other for some reason and created virus for harming each other computers as they both were computer addicts.
Hmm...it seems to have been pretty widespread but I don't remember it. Back then people were downloading all their **** software off of dialup BBS's and anything could happen.
Hmm...it seems to have been pretty widespread but I don't remember it. Back then people were downloading all their **** software off of dialup BBS's and anything could happen.

I don't know if you were an adult in 1986 , but back then it was all over the news.

Times Magazine had a cover story on this topic.

See the youtube video in post No. 5 by a finnish Computer Programmer.

BTW, I need the help of Moderators to correct the Title of this thread @Aeronaut @WebMaster

This was not just Pakistan's First computer virus , It was actually THE WORLD' FIRST COMPUTER VIRUS.
Interview by a finnish Journalist:

I have watched this!! :raise: Was interesting but since I am not into computers that much I only watched it as an observer not as one who can discuss it in details :ashamed:

I think mainly because they cannot view Youtube and most of them have never heard that these two Pakistani brothers started the World's first Floppy Disk virus to protect their Copyrights and their story be was published in Times Magazine as a " Cove Page " Story.
I have watched this!! :raise: Was interesting but since I am not into computers that much I only watched it as an observer not as one who can discuss it in details :ashamed:


I distinctly remember the story back then.

This was the first Computer Virus in the World and my American Friends were SHOCKED that some people from Pakistan were on the cutting edge of Computer Technology.

Please keep in mind that this was 1986 and PC's were just coming in Vogue.

Amjad ( the older Brother ) was a Hardware Engineer and the main brain behind this. Basit was just 19 andstill learning from his older Brother.
I distinctly remember the story back then.

This was the first Computer Virus in the World and my American Friends were SHOCKED that some people from Pakistan were on the cutting edge of Computer Technology.

Please keep in mind that this was 1986 and PC's were just coming in Vogue.

Amjad ( the older Brother ) was a Hardware Engineer and the main brain behind this. Basit was just 19 andstill learning from his older Brother.
I remember I watched the Youtube video when I was trying to learn to hack :ashamed:
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