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Worldmap that shows which countries think is the threat for world peace

Lol even the Ukrainians think US is a threat to the world peace.... Even when the seem hell bent to save them from " Russian aggression" and safeguard the " Democracy"...
Though couldn't understand why the Romanians and Italy fear Iran....
Even more Germany, Sweden and Finland consider US as a threat to world peace....
This survey was from 2013.Before Russian aggression.If it done today in Ukraine the result would be quite different.
But I am amused that french don't consider USA a threat given that they are the most anti american European nation.
Who is being defensive me or you???? Who really is war mongering....the US, who is currently involved with nothing, and lives peacefully with all its neighbors like Canada, Mexico, and a huge South American land mass, or China, who's got his naval ships parked outside of pretty much all neighbors back yards outside of Pakistan? Every single one of your neighbors (outside of Pakistan) hate you, Philippines, Japan, India, Vietnam, and the list goes on!!!

If USA is involved in nothing currently and not "war mongering", why the hell they keep 12 or so operational nuclear carriers out of which 9 or so are at the active state of readiness 365 days a year?

Who is USA wants to be defended from that require 12 aircraft carriers? Don't they have enough Nukes?

Whether the 13% not like the government or not, its their human right to do so. Unlike the Chinese (Tiananmen square), the US doesn't run tanks over its people. So our people are free and totally allowed to even disagree with their government's stance on things, and find a leader to vote for, who is more aligned with their ideology. But in China, disagreeing with the government means, you and your family will be picked up, taken to concentration jails and probably killed. Just like what the globe saw on tiananmen square years ago!!!

And yes, we are allowed to carry weapons. It is one of the greatest American traditions and a right given to us by our constitution and we exercise it to protect ourselves.

Oh really? Did US let communism grow in it's soil peacefully? How many people were arrested and defamed just because they believed in socialism and communism?

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