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World War II Victory Parade Red Square 1945 in color


May 20, 2012
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World War II Victory Parade Red Square 1945

Interesting color footage of the Soviet victory parade after the defeat of Hitler.

:salute: to the millions of men and women who died defending their country and contributed hugely to the defeat of Hitler
World War II Victory Parade Red Square 1945

Interesting color footage of the Soviet victory parade after the defeat of Hitler.

:salute: to the millions of men and women who died defending their country and contributed hugely to the defeat of Hitler

Yes after liberating Germany from Hitler they raped and killed German civilians. Victory indeed.
Yes after liberating Germany from Hitler they raped and killed German civilians. Victory indeed.

Jeez.. I am not denying that rapes and war crimes happened, but those were isolated events, and later on the Soviet leadership strictly prohibited them! Raping was never ordered as well.

And most importantly, most Soviet soldiers experienced the Nazi slaughter with their own eyes and lost loved ones to it... what Hitler did to many of them is unimaginable. The difference is that the German government itself gave the order to exterminate entire towns and villages, to conduct mass shootings of women and children etc etc etc....

War crimes happen.... in every war! But ordering them... and that on such a scale cannot be compared to the the incidents which you mentioned.
Jeez.. I am not denying that rapes and war crimes happened, but those were isolated events, and later on the Soviet leadership strictly prohibited them! Raping was never ordered as well.

And most importantly, most Soviet soldiers experienced the Nazi slaughter with their own eyes and lost loved ones to it... what Hitler did to many of them is unimaginable. The difference is that the German government itself gave the order to exterminate entire towns and villages, to conduct mass shootings of women and children etc etc etc....

War crimes happen.... in every war! But ordering them... and that on such a scale cannot be compared to the the incidents which you mentioned.

Tell that to Chechens, Tatars and most importantly Circassians.
Tell that to Chechens, Tatars and most importantly Caucasians.

Fair enough... they did bad things against those groups.. but if we talk about the war against Hitler and the Nazis, the Soviets did remarkable things and played a vital role in the defeat against Hitler.
The way the Red Army fought from defeat to victory, the astonishing endurance of the Soviet people (Siege of Leningrad as a prime example) and they way the have shown the world that "Quality has a quality on its own" are very admirable.

And imagine this: What would have happened if Hitler had won in Stalingrad? I could have forced the Soviets far behind the Ural mountains.... and thus he could have opened up a way into the middle east... and from there to the subcontinent itself. This was an actual plan made up by the Germans and S.C. Bose.

But the result of this would have been terrible: A fascist puppet government elected by the Axis (that would have probably been the best case), an exploitation of people and resources for the Axis war effort.... and the worst of it, the subcontinent would have become a target for Allied attacks of all kind... maybe even the nuclear bomb itself.

Oh yeah.... And there would unlikely be a India or Pakistan as well.

So after all, I am happy that the Soviets kicked Hitler`s a** back in 1942.
The Soviets were initially allies of Germany - they invaded and split Poland together after the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. But it is also true that the Soviets lost more men than ALL the countries combined in WW-2; over 25 million. That is a crazy number. For all the Hollywood movies we have seen; it was more because of the steadfastness of the Soviets and the bulldog-like resolve of the Brits that Hitler was finally defeated.

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