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World War 3 (India at War)

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india will join the US camp no doubt about it. don't you agree?

There will be no world war 3. That's all i have to say. In any case , if there is a world war 3 , i hope our leaders will try to keep us out of the war at any cost. Any country that participates in this war will be destroyed.
This video must be a dream of our Chinese and Pakistani friend's, was it me or did any one else he the fighting robot.
Quick some one call Pakistani Nationalist he would be happy to know about the armed robot being used.
There will be no world war 3. That's all i have to say. In any case , if there is a world war 3 , i hope our leaders will try to keep us out of the war at any cost. Any country that participates in this war will be destroyed.

looking at the world situation today, there is no doubt that another big war is looming on the horizon. the question is when? causalities will indeed be unimaginably high, but i wouldn't go as far as to say that countries will be destroyed.. well, just countries that lose the war and are unable to rebuild.

This video must be a dream of our Chinese and Pakistani friend's, was it me or did any one else he the fighting robot.
Quick some one call Pakistani Nationalist he would be happy to know about the armed robot being used.

it was made by a european american living in new york city. in the video it said that india was largest "free" state on earth, that right there should of made indians break out in tears.
looking at the world situation today, there is no doubt that another big war is looming on the horizon. the question is when? causalities will indeed be unimaginably high, but i wouldn't go as far as to say that countries will be destroyed.. well, just countries that lose the war and are unable to rebuild.

it was made by a european american living in new york city.

Nuclear weapons are there for a reason even if you survive you gonna be in some deeeeeeeeep SH*T from the radiation and lack of resources.

Just because it says European doesn't really give a 100% proof it was made there.
looking at the world situation today, there is no doubt that another big war is looming on the horizon. the question is when? causalities will indeed be unimaginably high, but i wouldn't go as far as to say that countries will be destroyed.. well, just countries that lose the war and are unable to rebuild.

it was made by a european american living in new york city.

No sane country will risk nuclear anhillation. I do fear a war as a result of countries with immature leadership like Iran and North Korea , but nothing more. Either way , the video is hillarious. The holy islamic empire , seriously? Atleast looking at today , there's more hostility between arab states than between there is between India and China.
Fcking fanboys:lol:

Why this sudden surge on anti-India threads by Chinese brothers? What happened to those idiots who were always complaining about threads opened by Indians about China? Some were even banned just because they have opposite views to this state sponsored idiots!!!

Preach what you practice :lol:

btw i used :lol: icon to remind some jokers :lol:
Why this sudden surge on anti-India threads by Chinese brothers? What happened to those idiots who were always complaining about threads opened by Indians about China? Some were even banned just because they have opposite views to this state sponsored idiots!!!

Preach what you practice :lol:

btw i used :lol: icon to remind some jokers :lol:

how is this thread anti-india? did you watch the video? it even called india the largest "free" state on earth!
What did you achieve by posting such nonsensical crap? You just exhibited your ignorance like the makers of this twaddle.

And in 2050, you wouldn't see Jaguars still flying! And nothing said about the devastation in Pakistan and China by the Wests and India's nukes that would obliterate both the countries from the face of the Earth? US have enough nuclear weapons to pulverize the world six times over. But according to this crap neither China nor Pakistan is shown getting a single hit? Jeeez!

That is why I say, avoid posting sh!t on PDF just for some brownie points. It just make's one look like an uneducated ignoramus! :azn:

By the way, how old are you? Juveniles having no frickin' knowledge and suffering from intellectual bankruptcy should think twice before posting idiotic cut-and-paste content.

It seems the Chinese on PDF are getting vicarious pleasure, perhaps even orgasms nowadays every time they post anti-India stuff. Carry on....Small pleasures for small minds.
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