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Arable land - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India only had a high GDP because every economy in the world was based on AGRICULTURE and India had the most arable land in the world.

Whats more impressive is China having such a HIGH GDP while having such little arable land.

And the Indian list of inventions is pretty small if you compare it to the chinese list

List of Chinese inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China was the military and technological power of the ancient world, India was the worlds farmer/breadbasket

Do not make such a comparison, relax, China and India are two great civilizations, Asia and the world, Asia is now the need for more unite and cooperation
India only had a high GDP because every economy in the world was based on AGRICULTURE and India had the most arable land in the world.

:argh: don't get so defensive.

I wasn't looking down upon China or something.:rolleyes:

Are you seriously so navie to hint that India only used agrarian exports to obtain its status in the ancient world?:D

India had a higher share of the world's economy share in those time because spices,diamonds,jewelery work etc were only found in India the most imporatant fact was that India was located in strategic location for trade,i.e close to Africa,Persia,China,not that far from Europe.

Whats more impressive is China having such a HIGH GDP while having such little arable land.

It is impressive that China had to depend on silk and inventions like porcelain for its trade. Ming dynasty(from the imperial court) vase are any collector's wet dream come true.

And the Indian list of inventions is pretty small if you compare it to the chinese list

List of Chinese inventions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China was the military and technological power of the ancient world, India was the worlds farmer/breadbasket
Whatever makes you happy :coffee:
As the world all know that India has much more close ralation with modern science than China does.
Even the Four Inventions of ancient China was a conclusion made by western people.
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Well India could follow the Chinese Prescription for SUCCESS.

Part 1 Kill off every one that disagrees with the goverment, a 100 million in the case of China.

Part 2 Send countless millions more to concentration re-education work camps that are guilty of Disharmonious thoughts. No trials necessary.

Part 3 Brainwash all children into beliving there is no God untill age 18.

Part 4 Allow no one in power that belives in God or religion, nor allow any one in power family to profess religion.

Part 5 Censorship, make sure that the people only hear and say what the goverment wants, in China case that now means 75,000 people employed as censors.

Presto, magic, you have a economy one third that of the USA but it takes 5 times the number of people to produce it.

please your comments are very emotional

i'm not sure if it is either exagerating or just bs

Kill off every one that disagrees with the goverment, a 100 million in the case of China.

really? I never heard China has that for of population control where 100 million is killed from 1980-2010. maybe your refering to the similar story that 400-600 million chinese now love above the PPP

Send countless millions more to concentration re-education work camps that are guilty of Disharmonious thoughts. No trials necessary.

Thanks for the praise but, we need to first invent a telepathic machine that can read thoughts. I'm pretty sure we'll catch up to America's HAARP technologies.

Brainwash all children into beliving there is no God untill age 18.

yep im pretty brainwashed to not devote myself to anyone other than who i personally care for. now i miss to joy of spending thousands of dollars in donation. you got the Chinese there.

Allow no one in power that belives in God or religion, nor allow any one in power family to profess religion.

I don't understand this statement. your stating as if China is an organization lead by a group consent rather than a dictator. how can the person in power be restricted to rules if you claim him as the dictator? haha I thought he was the one to make the rules.

Part 5 Censorship, make sure that the people only hear and say what the goverment wants, in China case that now means 75,000 people employed as censors.

ya for this to work, you have to ban all tourism to the country and from the country. one of the few countries that does this in the 21th century was Iran who had almost 0 tolerance for immigration and tourism after its revolution. but even that country is opening up to the world.
:argh: don't get so defensive.

I wasn't looking down upon China or something.:rolleyes:

Are you seriously so navie to hint that India only used agrarian exports to obtain its status in the ancient world?:D

India had a higher share of the world's economy share in those time because spices,diamonds,jewelery work etc were only found in India the most imporatant fact was that India was located in strategic location for trade,i.e close to Africa,Persia,China,not that far from Europe.

It is impressive that China had to depend on silk and inventions like porcelain for its trade. Ming dynasty(from the imperial court) vase are any collector's wet dream come true.

Whatever makes you happy :coffee:

yep and now there is direct shipping from anywhere part of the world =)
Ignore Captain America, he is a well known troll. :lol:

As for the figures he posted, he is actually thinking of the racist genocide of 100 million Native Americans. He gets confused sometimes.
Harry Wu Exposes China's Nazi-like Genocide
Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Friday, Jan. 10, 2003
See part one of series, Americans Fund Slave Labor.
WASHINGTON – The late Chinese communist dictator Mao Zedong “ranks right up there with Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler because of the way he methodically damaged an entire people.”

So says Chinese dissident Harry Wu. He should know. He was a prisoner of China’s labor camps for years. His book “Troublemaker” gives the reader a chilling expose of the butchery that goes on in those camps and the elaborate methods used to disguise them so as not to attract attention in the Western world.

After all, American consumers are paying for this at shopping malls. And many self-styled “consumer advocates” in this country are not lobbying for “full disclosure” on the imported slave merchandise. More often, they prefer to save their energies for the harassment of American companies that pay taxes to Uncle Sam, as do their workers who are often getting union-scale wages.

“Mao killed just as many people as Hitler, maybe even more,” Wu says. “He intentionally sought to destroy the traditional Chinese family system because it is inherently subversive to the collective Communist utopia.” Moreover, Mao was responsible for millions of deaths “as a result of his lunatic agricultural policies.”

Hitler carefully used euphemistic phrases such as “final solution” (extermination of the Jews). Mao’s code language was “Take Revolutionary Action.”

Harry Wu knows firsthand what that meant. Translated, it was an order to the Red Guards on the night of Aug. 18, 1966 to go “rampaging through the city, killing whoever displeased them, 1,741 in all,” just in that one day alone.

The rationale was: “My neighbor is a capitalist? Torture him. Kill him.”

Wu says he “felt a terrible link with the Jews whose lives were destroyed on Kristallnacht and during all other official pogroms.”

“The photographs of Hitler, that terrible sneer on his face, his eyes bulging out, were a warning to the world that he would kill anybody in his way.”

The difference between Hitler and Mao?

Mao Smiled as Millions Starved

“One never saw Mao with an ugly expression on his face.” No, you see, “With a sweet smile on his face, he was responsible for millions of deaths from starvation [and for] millions being banished to camps, for many being executed,” Wu tells us.

There. Now doesn’t the “sweet smile” make you feel better about Mao vs. Hitler?

The leftist opinion molders in the U.S. have convinced some of the populace that Mao was somehow beneficent. That’s how we get books with cute little “Sayings of Chairman Mao” and such. One can only imagine the uproar that would greet any implied respect for “Mein Kampf,” which was a version of what might be subtitled “Sayings of Der Fuehrer.”

Harry Wu has done an in-depth study of the Holocaust, including the death camps at Buchenwald, Dachau and Sachenhausen.

When the Chinese dissident visited Dachau, he noticed a slogan on the iron grillwork of the front gate: ARBEIT MACHT FREI. Tanslated, it means “Labor makes [you] free.” How ironic! “In China, the slogan for our camps was ‘Labor makes a new life.’”

Wu saw the dormitory at Dachau where the prisoners slept, crowded together, 500 or 600 people “who were given five minutes a day to use the so-called bathroom and then get out. Just a sink and water. Hundreds of people waiting for dirty water.

“These conditions were no worse than ours were,” he thought.

Extermination of the Jews?

One passage in “Troublemaker” says, “In China, we did not have Hitler’s gas chambers, but in a racial sense, we do put Tibetans and Uighurs and other minorities in a special category. And we put our troublesome people, our class enemies in camps and make them work. I have no doubt that if war came, the Chinese would kill people in the camps if they could not use them. The Chinese have created an enemy, a separate class, a prisoner class.”

The Nazis would subject prisoners to “human experiments.”

The doctors did not want to experiment on their own airmen, so they would talk to the camp commandant and say, “Hey, can I have someone.” Those “experiments” often led to death.

The Chinese would traffic in human organs. At one time, he confronted a Chinese doctor who had participated in taking kidneys out of “prisoners like me.”

The doctor was offended when Wu called him a murderer. Like the Nazi doctors before them, the Chinese physicians saw sacrificing the lives of prisoners as a necessity to achieve a higher good.

Get Harry Wu's must-read "Troublemaker" from Newsmax
Harry Wu Exposes China's Nazi-like Genocide
Ah, "Captain America" is back for more trolling. :lol:

You want to know who beat the Nazis record for racist genocide? Yes, it was America, and the 100 million Native Americans that were butchered because they were of the "wrong skin colour".

Two figures are given, both low and high, at: between 10 million and 114 million indians as a direct result of US actions. Please note that Nazi Holocaust estimates are between 6 and 11 million; thereby making the Nazi Holocaust the 2nd largest mass murder of a class of people in history.

American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992)
God, Greed and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries: Grenke (New Academia Publishing 2006)
Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Cesarani, (Routledge 2004)

The people who died because of Chairman Mao's policies died through starvation, not deliberate genocide. And certainly not "racist genocide" like the Native Americans experienced.

To found an entire nation on the biggest racist genocide in history, of 100 million Native Americans, that is horrific. And that is how America was born... on stolen land, and a racist genocide that surpassed even the Nazis. What a poor legacy.
Ah, "Captain America" is back for more trolling. :lol:

You want to know who beat the Nazis record for racist genocide? Yes, it was America, and the 100 million Native Americans that were butchered because they were of the "wrong skin colour".

American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992)
God, Greed and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries: Grenke (New Academia Publishing 2006)
Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Cesarani, (Routledge 2004)

The people who died because of Chairman Mao's policies died through starvation, not deliberate genocide. And certainly not "racist genocide" like the Native Americans experienced.

To found an entire nation on the biggest racist genocide in history, of 100 million Native Americans, that is horrific. And that is how America was born... on stolen land, and a racist genocide that surpassed even the Nazis. What a poor legacy.

People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong's regime (1949-1975): 40 000 000 [make link]
Agence France Press (25 Sept. 1999) citing at length from Courtois, Stephane, Le Livre Noir du Communism:
Rural purges, 1946-49: 2-5M deaths
Urban purges, 1950-57: 1M
Great Leap Forward: 20-43M
Cultural Revolution: 2-7M
Labor Camps: 20M
Tibet: 0.6-1.2M
TOTAL: 44.5 to 72M
Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls

As far as the american indians are concerned,

The best-documented figures are derived from collated records of strictly military engagements such as by Gregory Michno which reveal 21,586 dead, wounded, and captured civilians and soldiers for the period of 1850–90.[1] Other figures are derived from extrapolations of rather cursory and unrelated government accounts such as that by Russell Thornton who calculated that some 45,000 Native Americans and 19,000 whites were killed in battle.

The majority of the indians that died were by disease.
American Indian Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Inevitable from the time Columbus discovered america in 1492.

Thats over a 500 year period from 1492 until today.
The Americans still beat the Nazis for the record of the biggest racist genocide in History. 100 million Native Americans slaughtered, and their land stolen.

On a side note, type in "Collapse of..." in Youtube.

That will give you a list of the "most commonly used search terms".

So while Captain America is whining about the collapse of China, the real thing on everybody's mind is the "collapse of America". It's the most commonly searched term.

The phrase "collapse of China" doesn't even appear on the top 20. :azn:
People's Republic of China, Mao Zedong's regime (1949-1975): 40 000 000 [make link]
Agence France Press (25 Sept. 1999) citing at length from Courtois, Stephane, Le Livre Noir du Communism:
Rural purges, 1946-49: 2-5M deaths
Urban purges, 1950-57: 1M
Great Leap Forward: 20-43M
Cultural Revolution: 2-7M
Labor Camps: 20M
Tibet: 0.6-1.2M
TOTAL: 44.5 to 72M
Twentieth Century Atlas - Death Tolls

As far as the american indians are concerned,

The best-documented figures are derived from collated records of strictly military engagements such as by Gregory Michno which reveal 21,586 dead, wounded, and captured civilians and soldiers for the period of 1850–90.[1] Other figures are derived from extrapolations of rather cursory and unrelated government accounts such as that by Russell Thornton who calculated that some 45,000 Native Americans and 19,000 whites were killed in battle.

The majority of the indians that died were by disease.
American Indian Wars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Inevitable from the time Columbus discovered america in 1492.

Thats over a 500 year period from 1492 until today.

You simply spread lies in this one after another. Mr. liars.
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