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World Prophecy

Why 21 December 2012 is Such an Important Date?
The Prophecy of the Mayan Calendar
First, we need to say a few words about the people that lived in Central America until the Spanish conquests. Apart from Aztecs, the mayan civilization represents an important period of the Mexican history. Located in the Yucatan province, Mayas had powerful shamans who were studying the cycles of the universe. They believed an accurate observation of the stars and planets would allow them to predict the future. Actually, they did! Long before these events happened, Mayan shamans foresaw Christopher Colombus' arrival and the end of their civilization.

Another prediction made by the shamans directly concerns us, today. They believed that an important event would happen in 2012, precisely on December 21st.

This prediction would have no importance if it wasn't confirmed by science. Thanks to technology and complex calculations made by advanced computers, astronomers confirm what Mayan shamans felt, giving credit to their prediction.

We know today that on 21 December 2012, planet Earth and the Sun will be exactly aligned with the center of the galaxy, the Milky Way. Scientists are not sure, yet they think this could cause magnetic turbulences. Concretely, this possibly means the happening of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and such. Actually, that's exactly what Mayan shamans prophesied.
I am a Catholic Christian and can give you our POV. When the end is near, the Gospel will have been preached to all nations, many Jews will be converted, and we will see the "signs of the times," an apostasy from the true faith, and an Antichrist, whom many will see as a man of peace and wonders. The elect (His Church, true Israel) will suffer a great Tribulation and many will be martyred. Then Jesus will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead in His final judgement of the world, the "Last Judgement." Our bodies will be glorified, and we will reign with Him, as heirs of our Father, forever and ever.

It's not up to us to conjecture and speculate as to when this will happen. I know of no Christian tradition that believes the Antichrist will be a leader of a non-Christian faith. I wouldn't believe some of the wacko "born-again" Christian types who claim to know the year and the hour.

I suspect God, whether we say Allah, Vishnu, Yahweh, or Our Father, will act in His own good time, according to His own good graces. He is merciful and just.
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In the “Brahma-Vaivarta Purana”, Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga - one of the four stages of development that the world goes through as part of the cycle of eras, as described in Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna predicted that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years.

Mayan Calendar Matches Hindu CalendarIt is interesting that this prediction of the emergence of a new world is prophesied to appear about the same time that the Mayans predicted it to come! The Mayan calendar began with the Fifth Great Cycle in 3114 BC and will end on 21 December 2012 AD. The Hindu Kali Yuga calendar began on 18 February 3102 B.C. There is only a difference of 12 years between the Hindu's beginning of the Kali Yuga and the Mayan's beginning of the Fifth Great Cycle.

Golden Age Could Begin in 2012The ancient Hindus mainly used lunar calendars but also used solar calendars. If an average lunar year equals 354.36 days, then this would be about 5270 lunar years from the time when the Kali Yuga started until 21 Dec 2012. This is the same year that the Mayans predict rebirth of our planet. It is also about 5113 solar years of 365.24 days per year, and is day number 1,867,817 into the Kali Yuga. By either solar or lunar years, we are over 5,000 years into the Kali Yuga and it is time for Lord Krishna's prophecy to happen according to the ancient Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna's Golden Age could easily begin in 2012!

Mayan Prophecy Matches Hindu ProphecyIt is amazing that both calendars began at about the same time over 5,000 years ago and both calendars predict a totally new world and/or golden age after about 5,000 years into their calendars! We are definitely on to something with these Mayan and Hindu 2012 predictions. Historically, this is an amazing fact since these two ancient cultures did not have any contact.
Maulana Doctor Israr Ahmed's prophecy : Dr. Israr Ahmed on PTV predicted that Issa Masih would come as the next Mahdi and that he would have lasers in his eyes that would travel across the earth and cause the Jews, Hindus and other Kaafirs to melt leaving only brave and Pak people of Pakistan alive.

If Maulana Doctor Israr Ahmed's prophecy comes true, then all bets are off.

lol way to go -ay. I don't believe in all this. if you guys changing lifestyle for the end of days- give me all your money before you leave.

I have listened to Dr. ISRAR's views on this. And your words are nowhere near to what he has to say. Also he always maintains his views about MAHDI are his and they can be wrong.
Well I like ALLAMA IQBAL saying:
Kalki's war with China (or maybe, North Korea)

The great conqueror, Kalki then paid homage to his father and started for conquering Kikatpur with his army. The Buddhists live in that city. The residents of that city do not worship God or their forefathers. They do not fear after-life. Other than the body, they do not believe in any soul. They do not have any pride in their lineage or in their race; money, marriage etc. are insignificant to them. People of that place eat and drink a variety of things. When Jin (the leader) heard that Kalki has come to fight them, he gathered a huge army and went out of the city to fight Him.

~ Kalki Purana, II[6], Verses 40 to 44

Although the city of Kikatpur is unidentified, yet it is specified that "Buddhists" live there. But the descriptions of the belief of those people are anything but Buddhist and are more in consonance with the ideology of the Communists, i.e. people who do not worship God, do not believe in after-life, soul, race and the significance of wealth and give the collective more importance than the individual. The choice of foods of the Chinese (or Koreans) are also considered exotic in other parts of the world. Interestingly, the name of the leader is also mentioned as "Jin". As we all know, Jin, Xin or Xian are very common names among the Chinese. On 15th March 2003 the Chinese Communist Party elected Hu Jintao as the new President of China. By religion, China (or Korea) is predominantly Buddhist, although no religion is allowed to be openly practiced under the Communist rule. Thus the description of the belief of the people and their religion are not contradictory but very appropriate.

He (Jin) took up various types of arms and started war with Kalki. Even the Gods were surprised by the techniques of war adopted by Jin. Jin injured Kalki's horse with a javelin and made him disoriented and unconscious and attempted to take him away, but could not lift him...On seeing that, King Vishakhjupa got angry and encountered Jin and picked up unconscious Kalki in his own chariot. Kalki regained his consciousness in a while and encouraged his soldiers; following that, he rushed towards Jin after getting down from the chariot of Vishakhjupa.

~ Kalki Purana, II[7], Verses 5, 6, 8, 9

It seems that Jin was not a mean enemy and Kalki did not have a smooth ride either and had his moments of ups and downs. Of course this is what is expected if a western force confronts the mighty Chinese army, the biggest in the world in terms of numbers.

Soon, Garga (associate of Kalki) and his army killed 6000 Buddhist soldiers. Bharga and his soldiers killed and injured 11 million enemy soldiers and his mighty allies killed 2500 of them. Kobi along with his sons killed 2 million enemy soldiers, Pragya killed 1 million and Sumantu killed 5 million soldiers.

~ Kalki Purana, II[7], Verses 5, 6, 8, 9

It seems that Kalki and his allies kill or injure an army which is almost 20 million strong. An army of this huge proportions can only be assembled by a country like China and its allies. Thus, the attack on the city of Kikatpur does not merely represent an attack on a city but on a country, probably in alliance with others.

Soon Kalki smiled and said unto Jin - O Sinner ! Don't flee but come and face me...Soon your body will be pierced with my arrows. Soon you shall depart from this world. Then, no one will go along with you. So, you and your allies surrender before me. On hearing the words of Kalki, mighty Jin said "The fate can never be seen. I am a materialist, Buddhist. Nothing but the perceptible are accepted by us. The unseen and the imperceptible are banished by us. Hence your effort is fruitless. Even if you are Godly, I am before you; see if you manage to kill me. In that event, will the Buddhists forgive you?

~ Kalki Purana, II[7], Verses 15 to 18

Once again, the ideology of Jin is apparent from his own words. This is contrary to what the Buddhists profess - Buddhists believe in fate, soul and rebirth like the Hindus. But this "Buddhist" does not believe in fate or the imperceptible and this ideology is not the ideology of any religion, but that of Communism. But for communism, China would have been the world's largest Buddhist country and its people, at least in private, still follow the religion. Verse 26 describes the death of Jin in the hands of Kalki. The next few verses describe the battle between Suddhodhan, the brother of Jin and the forces of Kalki, in which the former manage to inflict some heavy damages on the forces of Kalki, using, among other things an weapon if illusion (Maya). Ultimately Kalki managed to defeat the Buddhist forces who either died, lay injured or fled the battlefield.

But it was not the end of the war yet. On the verge of the defeat of the "Buddhist" army, their womenfolk gathered to battle Kalki and his allies. This is quite unprecedented in the annals of Hindu epics or for that matter, history and stories from anywhere in the world.

The wives of the Buddhists, gathered for battle riding on chariots, birds, horses, camels and bulls to defend their husbands. These beautiful, powerful young ladies devoted to their husbands did not seek the shelter of their children. These glorious women, dressed in battle-gear and various jewellery came to the battlefield armed with swords, power-weapons, arrows and javelins. In their hands were heavenly rings. These beautiful women consisted of hair dressers, women devoted to husbands (house-wives) and even prostitutes. These women, troubled by the death of their husbands and fathers came forth to fight the army of Kalki. People even care to protect objects like soil, ashes, wood etc. Therefore, how can these women tolerate the death of their husbands in their presence? The womenfolk of the Buddhists, seeing their husbands injured and troubled came in front of them and started to fight the soldiers of Kalki. Seeing the women take to battle, the soldiers of Kalki were amazed and came to Kalki to inform him about the whole matter in details. Hearing this, Kalki, clever as he is, arrived there on a chariot accompanied by his allies and army with a cheerful mind. Seeing the women astride in various types of vehicles, standing in formations, Kalki started saying "Ladies, please hear what I have to say. It is against the principles for men to fight against women..."

~ Kalki Purana, III[1], Verses 11 to 20

We can guess that Kalki indulged in intense diplomacy to dissuade the women from fighting. Kalki Purana describes in the next few verses the words of Kalki which can be called the unashamed flattery of the women by Kalki. Though not quite relevant, it will show that the Kalki Purana is not simply a text of war and conquest and gloom and doom that we associate these times with. Rather, it shows the human and the spiritual aspects of the whole war.

...On your beautiful moon-like face, falls the locks of fine hair. Everyone's mind become cheerful on seeing this. Which man can hit on such a face? On these beautiful faces are a pair of eyes like lotus with long eyelashes and dark pupil. Which man can hit such a face? Your breasts are decorated like the necklace of Shiva. Even the pride of the cupid gets hurt on seeing this. Which man can hit on such a place? Which man can hit the spotless face of a woman on which play the locks of fine hairs from the head? Which man can hit your slim waists weighed down by breasts and decorated by very fine body-hair? Can any man shoot an arrow in your eye-soothing and feminine pubic area covered by fine hair and untouched by sin? Hearing these words of Kalki, the infidel-women smiled and said - "Sir ! When our husbands died in your hand, we too have died". Saying this, the women prepared to kill Kalki.

~ Kalki Purana, III[1], Verses 21 to 27

All such attempts of eulogizing femininity by Kalki cut no ice with the women. At this point of time however, a miracle happened which persuaded the women from fighting Kalki :

...However the weapons remained in their hands. The various weapons metamorphosed and stood before the infidel-women decorated in gold and said "Ladies! Do ye know Kalki as the Supreme God, empowered by whom we take the lives of living beings. Have confidence in our words. On His command we propagate and on his glory we have attained various forms and by His mercy we have become renowned. By His empowerment does the five elements carry out their own actions. He is the Supreme Being Himself. Under His wishes has the nature created the whole Universe. The creation and the continuity of the creation is nothing but His action. He is the Beginning and the End, from Him arise all the holy things in the world. It is He, who is our husband, our wife, son, friend and relative. From Him comes forth all these illusion-like happenings. Those who know that life and death are nothing but coming and going under the influence of love, affection and fondness, those who are devoid of any feelings of anger and hate, who are the devotees of Kalki, they know the above illusion-like happenings as false. How was Time created? Where does death come from? Who is Yama (Death incarnate and lord of the underworld)? Who are the Gods? By His illusion, it is Kalki who has become many. O Ladies! We are not weapons and no one gets hurt by us. He is the weapon and it is he who hits. These distinctions are nothing but the illusion (Maya) created by the Supreme Being. ...We cannot hit the devotees of Kalki. Hearing the words of the weapons, the women were surprised. They shed their illusion of attachment and came to seek Kalki.

~ Kalki Purana, III[1], Verses 27 to 39

Whether it was a miracle or diplomacy, the end result was that the Buddhist women did not fight Kalki's army, thus averting what could have been the only war between a male and a female army. After the war and victory, Kalki returned from Kikatpur with his army.

Nostradamus apparently refers to the fall of China allegorically as well, by referring to the fall of the Great Wall of China -

II.57 Before the conflict the Great Wall will fall, the great one to death, death too sudden and lamented, born imperfect: the greater part will swim: Near the river the land stained with blood.

Since Kalki Purana refers to the exploits of Kalki only, the details of Chinese advances before the war is not clear. By the own admission of Nostradamus, his prophecies too mostly describe the events in and around Europe. A few other prophecies, however, indicate that China will conquer much of Asia before facing the western alliance. Here are a few such prophecies :

"The events taking place in Europe are a deception. Russia will be the scourge for all nations, because it was not converted. Russia attacks the West, and China invades in Asia."

- Lucia, the last living seer from Fatima, April 7, 1990

Along with the Chinese incursion in Asia, there will also be a Russian invasion in the Europe. Thus, this world war will not simply be the result of an Arab invasion but an invasion by the alliance of Russia, China and Islamic nations. There are a large number of prophecies about the Russian invasion of Europe and attacks on the USA.

The prophecies made by Anton Johansson, Sweden, (1858 - 1909) also specifically mention Chinese attack on India. Johansson successfully predicted the sinking of the Titanic and named one of its victims, millionaire John Jacob Astor VI, foresaw the events of World War I, accurately predicted San Francisco's earthquake of 1906 and a volcanic eruption in 1902 that demolished the city of St. Pierre, Martinique. He said the Third World War would break out at "the end of July, beginning of August." adding, "I do not know the year." (the "Calamitous War" under Cancer mentioned by Nostradamus) -
Kalki's war with China (or maybe, North Korea)

The great conqueror, Kalki then paid homage to his father and started for conquering Kikatpur with his army. The Buddhists live in that city. The residents of that city do not worship God or their forefathers. etc. etc.

~ Kalki Purana, II[6], Verses 40 to 44

etc. etc.

I dont' know from where you got these verses, but I feel these aren't quite correct ones as Buddhism is only about 1500 years old while these holy books were supposedly written many hundreds years before start of Buddhism, Jainism, Shikhhism or even Islam. So how can they quote about Budhists. :confused:
I dont' know from where you got these verses, but I feel these aren't quite correct ones as Buddhism is only about 1500 years old while these holy books were supposedly written many hundreds years before start of Buddhism, Jainism, Shikhhism or even Islam. So how can they quote about Budhists. :confused:

Bingo, I thought same when i read that. but I found it interesting when I read. here is the full article.

Hindu Prophecies : The Kalki Purana

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