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Does any particular nuclear explosion come to mind when wondering why Pakistan got soybeans instead of F-16s? :D

As I said before, no one can stop Pakistan from being absolutely free of USA if it wants to indeed do so. After all, Iran has been very successful in doing this. Go for it!

Unfortunately they do stop Pakistan whenever Pakistan wants to break free. A recent regime change in Pakistan is an example.
If nukes were the issue, why wasnt the money returned quickly? What nuclear explosion have we done now that helicopter engines are banned? As i said, excuses. And they can find many at any time.
Let's go in order here:

Unfortunately they do stop Pakistan whenever Pakistan wants to break free.

If Pakistan truly wanted to break free, no power on Earth can stop it. Pakistan's failures are its own responsibility, not anyone else's. The sooner this is understood, the better it is for a proper solution.

A recent regime change in Pakistan is an example.

100% BS. The government coalition failing is ALL due to internal factors and failures, no need to look elsewhere. Jus because one failed demagogue is trying to make political hay out of this claim will never make it true.

If nukes were the issue, why wasnt the money returned quickly?

LOL. The money was returned, which is pretty amazing, actually, considering there was no compunction to do so at all.

What nuclear explosion have we done now that helicopter engines are banned?

Does the fall of Kabul and Pakistan's victorious role ring any bells? Like I said before, there is no cure for selective amnesia, is there. :D

As i said, excuses. And they can find many at any time.

If you look for excuses for blaming Pakistan's ills on others, of course you will continue to find them, and this will keep the country deep in the mudhole that it has dug for itself.

I hope all of that is clear. I think I am done with you and your kind in this thread.
Let's go in order here:

If Pakistan truly wanted to break free, no power on Earth can stop it. Pakistan's failures are its own responsibility, not anyone else's. The sooner this is understood, the better it is for a proper solution.

100% BS. The government coalition failing is ALL due to internal factors and failures, no need to look elsewhere. Jus because one failed demagogue is trying to make political hay out of this claim will never make it true.

LOL. The money was returned, which is pretty amazing, actually, considering there was no compunction to do so at all.

Does the fall of Kabul and Pakistan's victorious role ring any bells? Like I said before, there is no cure for selective amnesia, is there. :D

If you look for excuses for blaming Pakistan's ills on others, of course you will continue to find them, and this will keep the country deep in the mudhole that it has dug for itself.

I hope all of that is clear. I think I am done with you and your kind in this thread.

Yeah american officials meeting MNAs and the threatening letter are all bullshit? Why not make the letter public? Poor countries like Pakistan can easily be bought, our generals, bureaucrats, politicians are bought. Its our fault we get sold but its also their interference to buy out our sellouts. Pakistan helped the US more in Afghanistan, we gave them safe exit, they negotiated an exit and somehow we made them angry? Man there is no cure for inherited chamchageeri and slavery.
Yes now the ppl of Pakistan want to break free and have identified the culprits, it will take time but we will break free.
Yeah american officials meeting MNAs and the threatening letter are all bullshit? Why not make the letter public? Poor countries like Pakistan can easily be bought, our generals, bureaucrats, politicians are bought. Its our fault we get sold but its also their interference to buy out our sellouts. Pakistan helped the US more in Afghanistan, we gave them safe exit, they negotiated an exit and somehow we made them angry? Man there is no cure for inherited chamchageeri and slavery.
Yes now the ppl of Pakistan want to break free and have identified the culprits, it will take time but we will break free.


Let's go in order here:

If Pakistan truly wanted to break free, no power on Earth can stop it. Pakistan's failures are its own responsibility, not anyone else's. The sooner this is understood, the better it is for a proper solution.

100% BS. The government coalition failing is ALL due to internal factors and failures, no need to look elsewhere. Jus because one failed demagogue is trying to make political hay out of this claim will never make it true.

LOL. The money was returned, which is pretty amazing, actually, considering there was no compunction to do so at all.

Does the fall of Kabul and Pakistan's victorious role ring any bells? Like I said before, there is no cure for selective amnesia, is there. :D

If you look for excuses for blaming Pakistan's ills on others, of course you will continue to find them, and this will keep the country deep in the mudhole that it has dug for itself.

I hope all of that is clear. I think I am done with you and your kind in this thread.
I tend to agree with both of you. you make good points. but from my point of view you both are talking about absolute black and white.
for me there is a bit of grey area.
some international intervention is not out of question.
likewise our own internal politics and the way we conduct ourselves also contributes to unfavorable outcomes

NOW we can debate how much each of the two contribute in bringing Pakistan where it is.
Yeah american officials meeting MNAs and the threatening letter are all bullshit? Why not make the letter public? Poor countries like Pakistan can easily be bought, our generals, bureaucrats, politicians are bought. Its our fault we get sold but its also their interference to buy out our sellouts. Pakistan helped the US more in Afghanistan, we gave them safe exit, they negotiated an exit and somehow we made them angry? Man there is no cure for inherited chamchageeri and slavery.
Yes now the ppl of Pakistan want to break free and have identified the culprits, it will take time but we will break free.
How many times did Americans threaten Pakistans leaders over the last 20+ years including after Abbotabad raid? IK going to Russia was the straw that broke the back and made US become so aggressive that the military cowered to pressure? Get real. US has threated and punished successive gotvs and army leaders since the start of Afghan war. They still followed their own course and did what they want. If Bajwa wanted to keep IK there would be less than nothing the US could do. This fall happened because IK made more enemies than friends and talked himself into corners he couldnt get out of. He then had an alignment of will against him from Army, opposition, and foreign powers. No one was for IK except PTI supporters (many Pakistani as happy he was booted, though i think majority are sympathetic towards him). But reality is of army had no role in politics, he would still have been PM.
we need

F16 C/D Block 52+
+ JF17 Block III

all in one photo

personally I would like the JF17 Block III to lead the J10 + F16 in any formation

but I have to say the F16 is the most beautiful aircraft I have ever seen
Let's go in order here:

If Pakistan truly wanted to break free, no power on Earth can stop it. Pakistan's failures are its own responsibility, not anyone else's. The sooner this is understood, the better it is for a proper solution.

100% BS. The government coalition failing is ALL due to internal factors and failures, no need to look elsewhere. Jus because one failed demagogue is trying to make political hay out of this claim will never make it true.

LOL. The money was returned, which is pretty amazing, actually, considering there was no compunction to do so at all.

Does the fall of Kabul and Pakistan's victorious role ring any bells? Like I said before, there is no cure for selective amnesia, is there. :D

If you look for excuses for blaming Pakistan's ills on others, of course you will continue to find them, and this will keep the country deep in the mudhole that it has dug for itself.

I hope all of that is clear. I think I am done with you and your kind in this thread.
Hi Vcheng,

Only if it was that simple---. Powers of this world are 'very' powerful and make nations do many things they don't want to---unless you are the leader of N Korea.
How many times did Americans threaten Pakistans leaders over the last 20+ years including after Abbotabad raid? IK going to Russia was the straw that broke the back and made US become so aggressive that the military cowered to pressure? Get real. US has threated and punished successive gotvs and army leaders since the start of Afghan war. They still followed their own course and did what they want. If Bajwa wanted to keep IK there would be less than nothing the US could do. This fall happened because IK made more enemies than friends and talked himself into corners he couldnt get out of. He then had an alignment of will against him from Army, opposition, and foreign powers. No one was for IK except PTI supporters (many Pakistani as happy he was booted, though i think majority are sympathetic towards him). But reality is of army had no role in politics, he would still have been PM.
So Pakistanis wanted higher energy costs, btw there were no takers for the friendly to everyone gov't of US State Dept approved Shobazz goat's latest LNG tender, more inflation and complete economic collapse with reduced exports and out of control imports.

Got it, thx for clearing that up.
So Pakistanis wanted higher energy costs, btw there were no takers for the friendly to everyone gov't of US State Dept approved Shobazz goat's latest LNG tender, more inflation and complete economic collapse with reduced exports and out of control imports.

Got it, thx for clearing that up.


It is all about the pakistani nucs---create s much debt that pak has to forfeit the nucs to stay alive.
Turkish upgrade would have to be with US approval, perhaps after Turkey itself gets approval to do the upgrade on its own jets, and tries to put in a good word to allow Pakistan to be allowed to do the Turkish upgrade as well.

Pakistan may not be allowed to buy more Aim-120s, so with the Turkish upgrade it could use the Turkish Gokdogan BVR missiles and Bozdogan WVR missile, which are in testing.

Down the line, a Turkish upgrade would allow Pakistan to fire the Gokhan (a Turkish ramjet enabled BVR missile)

These missiles would make the Turkish upgrade in some aspects better then an American upgrade.

Are you saying these upgrades will be made on PAF F-16s? Even these weapons upgrade will need US permission. As far as I know Pakistan does not have permission to F-16 source code. So non-US weapons cant be integrated.

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