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World costliest aircraft just got costlier.

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No offense but when was the last time you actually won? You got your arses handed to you by a bunch of rag tag Talibani Mullahs. Only battles you Americans have won are against unarmed women and children.
Beside post 41 that proved you wrong, I will explain a bit further to prove you are inadequate in your understanding of war.

A war have two components: political and military. That is why von Clausewitz said 'War is continuation of politics by other means'.

That mean militarily speaking, the US is undefeated. What politicians do with the battlefield victories are for a different discussion.
Beside post 41 that proved you wrong, I will explain a bit further to prove you are inadequate in your understanding of war.

A war have two components: political and military. That is why von Clausewitz said 'War is continuation of politics by other means'.

That mean militarily speaking, the US is undefeated. What politicians do with the battlefield victories are for a different discussion.

If by winning you mean killing hundred and thousands of innocent people then you people have definitely won. Even hillary clinton admitted that for every 1 armed combatant you killed almost 10 civilians. If by victory you mean utter devastation and indiscriminate mass murder then yes have won.

As for post 41 dedicating victory against ISIS to americans is nothing but load of crap. ISIS was effectively driven out by Russia and Iran backed syrian government. US bet all it horses on Kurds who got pummeled by turks before they could even lift off. US had no boots on ground in syria or iraq to fight ISIS in the first place. By all retrospect US actually left no stone unturned to promote activities of ISIS merely to weaken Syrian government. ISIS gained foothold in syria due to American interference in the first place.

In Libya again you merely provided support to a group involved in civil war. Making bombing runs on densely populated cities does not count as military might. Same strategy you used in Syria but there it failed due to russian presence.

In Afghanistan i dont even need to mention what an utter failure that was for Americans. Bunch of Mullahs armed with AK47 taught you new meaning of humiliation on world stage. If wars are all about optics then they nailed it while American bombed hospitals and schools to their heart's content.

As for Iraq you played right into the hands of Irani intelligence and removed saddam your own puppet for nothing. You boasted about Nukes in hands of sadam but couldnt even find a screwdriver to justify your war. Effectively giving birth to ISIS as well. Thanks for that gift to the entire world.

If anything it all proved that you people didnt achieve any military objective in any of your wars which could justify your war. You people are nothing but Rabid Dogs destroying everything in your path.
if America had not been warlike in 1940s you would be speaking Japanese @beijingwalker
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Let US return to the thread, shall we?


While you are it open your filthy mouth wide enough so world can take a crap in it. How the mighty have fallen.
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