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Workable presidential system for Pakistan

Maula Jatt

Jul 24, 2021
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United States
I saw Imran Khan discussing how he is not a fan of presidential system as it causes issues for smaller provinces

I suggest that we make 3 provinces out of punjab - South, north, central Punjab and southern pashtunkwa in B-stan, FATA seperate thing

And we come to a compromise - every province gets 4 electoral votes

Whoever wins majority in the province gets the 4 electoral votes - this means Balochistan, gilgit and North Punjab , Sindh in this presidential system have the same voting power as each province has 4 votes - you always have odd provinces like 5 or 7

Whoever wins most provinces, wins the presidency - regardless of voter #'s

lead towards a more balanced federation as intended by founding fathers, presidential system that promotes a "national" candidate where you need to convince everyone

And province remain largely autonomous (like RN, I think this is fine, after 18th amendment- provinces by and large are autonomous in almost everything)

@fitpOsitive @TNT @lastofthepatriots @Zhukov

What do y'all think? - you get a presidential system and a balanced federation

Win win situation

(Goes without saying millitary interface needs to end cause whatever you bring will turn to shit with it- and from Indonesia to Turkey, presidential system was instrumental in turning the tide aways from the millitary control to a civillian one cause it usually results in strong civillian personalties, power)
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I saw Imran Khan discussing how he is not a fan of presidential system as it causes issues for smaller provinces

I suggest that we make 3 provinces out of punjab - South, north, central Punjab and southern pashtunkwa in B-stan, FATA seperate thing

And we come to a compromise - every province gets 4 electoral votes

Whoever wins majority in the province gets the 4 electoral votes - this means Balochistan, gilgit and North Punjab , Sindh in this presidential system have the same voting power as each province has 4 votes

lead towards a more balanced federation as intended by founding fathers, presidential system that promotes a "national" candidate where you need to convince everyone

And province remain largely autonomous (like RN, I think this is fine, after 18th amendment- provinces by and large are autonomous in almost everything)

@fitpOsitive @TNT @lastofthepatriots @Zhukov

What do y'all think? - you get a presidential system and a balanced federation

Win win situation

(Goes without saying millitary interface needs to end cause whatever you bring will turn to shit with it- and from Indonesia to Turkey, presidential system was instrumental in turning the tide aways from the millitary control to a civillian one cause it usually results in strong civillian personalties, power)
Very good idea. But I am sure Sindhis and balochs will never support this idea. Punjab and kpk have open minds, and thats the reason they are progressing. So yeah, the question of Balochistan and Sindh will still be there.
I saw Imran Khan discussing how he is not a fan of presidential system as it causes issues for smaller provinces

I suggest that we make 3 provinces out of punjab - South, north, central Punjab and southern pashtunkwa in B-stan, FATA seperate thing

And we come to a compromise - every province gets 4 electoral votes

Whoever wins majority in the province gets the 4 electoral votes - this means Balochistan, gilgit and North Punjab , Sindh in this presidential system have the same voting power as each province has 4 votes - you always have odd provinces like 5 or 7

Whoever wins most provinces, wins the presidency - regardless of voter #'s

lead towards a more balanced federation as intended by founding fathers, presidential system that promotes a "national" candidate where you need to convince everyone

And province remain largely autonomous (like RN, I think this is fine, after 18th amendment- provinces by and large are autonomous in almost everything)

@fitpOsitive @TNT @lastofthepatriots @Zhukov

What do y'all think? - you get a presidential system and a balanced federation

Win win situation

(Goes without saying millitary interface needs to end cause whatever you bring will turn to shit with it- and from Indonesia to Turkey, presidential system was instrumental in turning the tide aways from the millitary control to a civillian one cause it usually results in strong civillian personalties, power)

Archaic British governance system needs to go!
2/3 Majority is PTI and Pakistani Citizen Demand !!!
And all the corrupt will be flushed down the toilet

As of April Pakistan is a failed state

Imran Khan's push for 2/3 majority is pretty much life support to put state back in right direction
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Gilgit-Baltistan also needs to be declared as a province and absorbed into Pakistan, separate from Kashmir.
I will accept Imran Khan as President only if he declares Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani as a fraud.
no system will work as long as Power is not taken from Wardi Mafia their illegal financial assets nationalized and general hanged for their crimes against people of Pakistan!
Until the Mir Jafar corp GHQ is not dissolved, where it's occupants and their criminal Mafia spawns (PDM, corrupt judges, ECP, police..) are not tried and hang, no system in Pakistan will work. First we need to Win back our freedom, from the current apartheid system sponsored by these generals scum.

Imran Khan is doing no one favors by playing damsel in distress (pacifism) in front of these wicked criminals who see the country and it's people as cannon fodder to further themselves and get out of their way to please their foreign masters at the cost of national interests, we lost our sovereignty that was fought by Jinnah and his allies since the time Ayub the dog usurped the throne for himself by cheating against no other than one of the founders of Pakistan itself Fatima Jinnah.. never again will I support the the institution if we have treacherous pigs running it.
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The best Option for Pakistan is a Hybrid System in which President is Directly elected but has Reserve Powers and certain constitutional obligations. Judicial Appointments, Military Appointments, appointments in state organs eg Election Commissioner, FIA, NAB Etc. ,and Dissolving parliament and calling for new elections remain his prerogative only. In essence and in practice Precedency remains the guarantor of the constitution. A father figure for the nation who can when need be stop the infighting in parliament and put the unruly kids back in their place. The normal functioning of the Government and policy making should remain in the hands of Parliament and Prime minister.

President gets elected every 7 Years and after leaving office becomes Senators for life. And parliament gets elected every 5 years. Similar to Italy but with proper mechanisms to recall (directly by the electorate) both President and the parliament if any of them tries to abuse their power. This systems at best eliminates the reservations of smaller provinces.

The second more Direct option would be to have an Electoral Collage similar to USA. But for that to work you would have to convince almost all provinces to dissolve themselves into smaller units who in turn would have their own directly elected Governors.

I would go with first one as it is a lot easier to Implement. And would put an end to Government interference in the State institutions.
I saw Imran Khan discussing how he is not a fan of presidential system as it causes issues for smaller provinces

I suggest that we make 3 provinces out of punjab - South, north, central Punjab and southern pashtunkwa in B-stan, FATA seperate thing

And we come to a compromise - every province gets 4 electoral votes

Whoever wins majority in the province gets the 4 electoral votes - this means Balochistan, gilgit and North Punjab , Sindh in this presidential system have the same voting power as each province has 4 votes - you always have odd provinces like 5 or 7

Whoever wins most provinces, wins the presidency - regardless of voter #'s

lead towards a more balanced federation as intended by founding fathers, presidential system that promotes a "national" candidate where you need to convince everyone

And province remain largely autonomous (like RN, I think this is fine, after 18th amendment- provinces by and large are autonomous in almost everything)

@fitpOsitive @TNT @lastofthepatriots @Zhukov

What do y'all think? - you get a presidential system and a balanced federation

Win win situation

(Goes without saying millitary interface needs to end cause whatever you bring will turn to shit with it- and from Indonesia to Turkey, presidential system was instrumental in turning the tide aways from the millitary control to a civillian one cause it usually results in strong civillian personalties, power)
So basically US Structure of Government but after restructuring the current administrative divisions.

Well this solution is easy to implement. And will be widely acceptable to those who are already in power.

But I always write that the ultimate solution to this mess is complete abolition of provincial system. And down with all the power circles whose source of power is Punjab, Sindh, KPK, Baluchistan etc. Just Readjust the Divisions and make every division a state of the Federation. Delegate maximum amount of Powers to the states and only keep major things like Defense and Foreign Policy with Federation.
We have to murder provincialism if Pakistan have to survive. Why 2 sindhs and 4 punjab? Why not simply Karachi Hyderabad Sakhar Larkana Lahore Faisalabad Gujranwala Multan Bahawalpur?
the main equation has to be that no one province gets too much power or that you cant cobble together low pop provinces and deprive high pop provinces (what happens in the us). you have to strike a balance between population and also giving weight to those who are under represented.
but the 800 pound gorilla is not the system of election/governance. isi/ib ko nakail dalna is the most important.
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its not perfect and especially Sindhis won't like anyone touching Sindh - so minus Sindh , Baluchistan is small enough so there's no need to make it smaller except for north-south divide, thats more than sufficient
So I think this is balanced- and we give every province an equal electoral vote- that vote elects presidential candidate from that province
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I always thought the same and its pretty obvious that more provinces will lead to better governance but from recent events I can understand why some provinces are against their division, the reason is the establishment will make them weak and useless.

I would prefer making all cities in to provinces for administrative purposes only, this is so the Sindhis, Balochis, KPK people are happy being part of the bigger province but for administrative purpose they have own small units of provinces. Like in Karachi you have K1 K2 etc or Lahore has L1 L2 etc, this doesn't divide the city but its good for governance. Each province can directly elect the CM or Govenor, Mayor etc.

By the way Gilgit Baltistan is part of Kashmir, it shows us how the powerful misuse their power to divide the weak. India claiming Ladak and Jammu is not part of Kashmir and Pakistan is claiming GB is not part of Kashmir. Seems like a deal has been done between the 2 rivals.
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its not perfect and especially Sindhis won't like anyone touching Sindh - so minus Sindh , Baluchistan is small enough so there's no need to make it smaller except for north-south divide, thats more than sufficient
So I think this is balanced- and we give every province an equal electoral vote- that vote elects presidential candidate from that province
Divisions should be made provinces.. end of story.
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