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Work on Thar coal project finally starts


Aug 9, 2013
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Work on Thar coal project finally starts – The Express Tribune

It is finally happening. A long-awaited work in the Tharparkar district to spud out coal, after a study in early 1990s showed billions of tons of underlying reserves, starts today. And this is the actual physical work that involves hundreds of labourers and heavy-duty machinery to remove the sand.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will kick off the project, being jointly spearheaded by Engro Corporation and Sindh government under a $1.6 billion investment plan.
“There is a perception that this is just talk and nothing’s actually happening,” Shamsuddin A Shaikh, Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC) CEO, told The Express Tribune.
“But the fact that the prime minister is coming for the ceremony shows Pakistan is going to do this.”

SECMC officials met the premier on Wednesday in a two-hour meeting and succeeded in sorting out policy issues and getting a firm backing of the federal government.
Besides the mining, the project also involves six coal-fired power plants of 660 megawatt (MW) each − something that energy experts say should have been done a long time back.
In the coming days, thousands of tons of sand will be moved, Shaikh said. “We have to take care of 10 to 15 metres of sand before the mining starts. Then this open-pit mine will go to a depth of around 130 meters.”
The initial task of removing sand will be completed within the next six months, he said. “By the time it is completed we would have reached the financial close.”
SECMC is in talks with the Export-Import Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China to fund mining and power projects, respectively.
“The banks had some concerns. They wanted to know how serious we are. But now we have everything with us to pacify them,” Shaikh said.
The project is based on 75:25 debt to equity ratio. The company envisages raising $900 million from Chinese banks, $300 million from a Pakistani banking consortium and the remaining $400 million from sponsors.
“Sindh government has already transferred $100 million in a special account. Another $50 million comes later. Engro will arrange $150 million along with some other business groups.”
Shaikh said that now since the project finally takes off many business groups were coming forward to take part.
The company also plans to raise some part of equity by listing shares at the stock exchange. The investment offers internal rate of return of 20.5% along with protections, which independent power producers enjoy.
“It is very important that everyone knows that the government is according top priority to developing Thar coal project. We have specifically received the prime minister’s assurance on this.”
Industry people have been sceptical about the government’s energy policy. It is pursuing multiple power projects, which will use imported coal.
“Out of the 10 priority projects of the government, Thar coal is third in ranking, just behind Gadani Power Park and a hydropower plant. Luckily, we are at the most advanced stage. This will work in our favour,” Shaikh said.
Construction work on mining and power plants will be completed three years after the financial close. SECMC expects to sign financial agreements by July, 2014.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 31st, 2014.
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Read more: Karachi
PM to perform earth-breaking of Thar coal mining, 660 MW power plant

PM to perform earth-breaking of Thar coal mining, 660 MW power plant

Thursday, 30 January 2014 18:56 Posted by Shoaib-ur-Rehman Siddiqui 99
MIRPURKHAS: Prime Minister Muhammed Nawaz Sharif along with ex-president of Pakistan Asif Ali Zardari will perform ground-breaking of Thar coal mining project and 660MW coal fired electricity generating plant at Islamkot near here on Friday.
All arrangements have been finalized by the Sindh Government as well as district administration Tharparkar about Prime Minister's visit, said Deputy Commissioner Tharparkar Makhdoom Aqeel Zaman while talking to APP here on Thursday.
It may be recalled that Sindh Government has already spent over Rs 20 billion for the development of infrastructure, provision of water through LBOD after refining it through RO plants and construction of road via Badin and Thatta and other basic necessities.
The project is being carried out jointly by the Sindh government and Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC). The power plant's capacity would be increased from 660MW to 1,320MW at a later stage.
Nearly 230km transmission lines would be stretched to link the plant with the national grid told APP the spokesman of Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company. Companies willing to invest in the coal project would be given incentives added SECMC Spokesman.
Total 12 blocks of Thar coal minings had been set up. Thar coal deposits described as the 6th largest coal reserves in the world, were discovered in 1991 by Geological Survey of Pakistan (GSP) and the United State Agency for International Development.
Pakistan has emerged as one of the leading countries-seventh in the list of top 20 countries of the world after the discovery of huge lignite coal resources in Sindh.
It is one of the world's largest lignite deposits discovered by GSP in 90s with an estimated quantity of around 175 billion tonnes sufficient to meet the country's fuel requirements for centuries.
Renowned scientist Dr Samar Mubarakmand is supervising coal mining under ground gasification programme where work was in progress in four blocks of underground gasification project.
Sindh Government announced to resettle the population of the mining field.
Copyright APP (Associated Press of Pakistan), 2014
Inauguration ceremony with Prime Minister and Ex President being shown live right now:)
So after the huge success of the underground coal gasification project, we now have the megaproject to dig up the water-laden dirt-filled Grade-B Lignite called Thar coal. Glory is ensured. May be not. :D
This project can see much success with the right leadership and govts honest policies.
So after the huge success of the underground coal gasification project, we now have the megaproject to dig up the water-laden dirt-filled Grade-B Lignite called Thar coal. Glory is ensured. May be not. :D

A Corporation like Engro should know better, they started investing without taking your advise, they are doomed to bankruptcy:(

And all those third party consultants who created flawed bankable feasibility wasted millions on actual study, they should have simply asked for your opinion and the matter would have been laid to rest.

Please save all the financial institutions from incurring loses... Those fools have agreed to pump in hundreds of millions... Please save them before they lose it all:(
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So after the huge success of the underground coal gasification project, we now have the megaproject to dig up the water-laden dirt-filled Grade-B Lignite called Thar coal. Glory is ensured. May be not. :D

:) Maybe the private firms investing in millions in this project did it without any homework, may be not :P
So after the huge success of the underground coal gasification project, we now have the megaproject to dig up the water-laden dirt-filled Grade-B Lignite called Thar coal. Glory is ensured. May be not. :D

Angry young man, why you are so negative. :pop:

@ Topic - It's good to see some sort of government after 5 years of PeePeePee
:) Maybe the private firms investing in millions in this project did it without any homework, may be not :P

Or may be there is a loan swindle behind all the shell game of investments? :D

Angry young man, why you are so negative. :pop:

@ Topic - It's good to see some sort of government after 5 years of PeePeePee

No anger, just realism.

Case in point: The wonderful Inaugural Plaque of the Iran-Pakistani pipeline, revealed with similar fanfare by President Zardari in the last days of his historic Presidency. How is the Iranian gas being supplied helping Pakistan's economy thus far? :D
Case in point: The wonderful Inaugural Plaque of the Iran-Pakistani pipeline, revealed with similar fanfare by President Zardari in the last days of his historic Presidency. How is the Iranian gas being supplied helping Pakistan's economy thus far? :D

Difference is that in case of IP - the wonderful inauguration was done in last days of his govt. and everybody knew it's political move, No private firm was investing & leading project. Both are not the case here - Engro group is a successful business entity, so we can hope that it's not hollow stunt, but arrangement of 900m from Chinese bank is question mark at the moment.
Difference is that in case of IP - the wonderful inauguration was done in last days of his govt. and everybody knew it's political move, No private firm was investing & leading project. Both are not the case here - Engro group is a successful business entity, so we can hope that it's not hollow stunt, but arrangement of 900m from Chinese bank is question mark at the moment.

Hope all you want Sir, but this project remains doubtful unless the money shows up.
I hope the project is completed as soon as possible, because Thar coal is is one of Pakistan's very important national asset.
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