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Women Come Out in Numbers to Support Taliban and Sharia law

Actually clothing is VERY effective in blocking sun light, particularly the type of UV that helps body manufacture vitamin D. I just read a research article that says even for muslim women living in equatorial countries, vitamin D deficiency is common. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6643/4/5/399/htm
A genuine concern.
I am likewise concerned about the high incidence of melanoma I e skin cancer from too much sun exposure in bikini clad women.
Quite alarming , don't you agree.
Yeah, another friend also educated me on this court yard configuration, which I appreciated very much. As of the hot temperature, I notice many Muslim men wear white robes, not black robes. Presumably black robes are bad for hot weather, aren't they? If Muslim women need to cover themselves head to toe, shouldn't they also wear white robes?

To answer your question depends on summer and winter season the thickness of the outer cloth can change.

Researchers have studied the heavy black robes worn by Bedouins in the desert. They say the key there is thickness. The outer layer of fabric does get hotter because the black color absorbs more heat. And that heat doesn't get transmitted to the skin because of the thick fabric.

But thin black clothing transmits that heat to the skin, making a person hotter.

To answer your question depends on summer and winter season the thickness of the outer cloth can change.

Researchers have studied the heavy black robes worn by Bedouins in the desert. They say the key there is thickness. The outer layer of fabric does get hotter because the black color absorbs more heat. And that heat doesn't get transmitted to the skin because of the thick fabric.

But thin black clothing transmits that heat to the skin, making a person hotter.

What about ventilation? Body generates its own heat, too, and it needs to dissipate.
Personally, I think what they dress is fairly beautiful, like the last of your pictures shows, except that not seeing the face is a bit annoying. I imagine a scenario where mothers go to the school to pick up their children. If all mothers are covered head-to-toe, even faces, if they wear the same color, children may have a hard time figuring out who is whose mother. :D Or each may have to put up a sign with a name written on it. Much like how people pick up arriving travelers at airports. :D

During normal daily life, women should expose their faces, unless their faces are fearfully ugly, like Darth Vader, whom I am always reminded whenever I see a Muslim women with complete coverage.

Not really the face can be revealed among family and in front of individuals who haven’t hit puberty in a sense or balic is the other term we use. Often times the media gives a very lopsided coverage. I mean really after 4 year college degree in journalism their called experts when they don’t have an iota of clue what their covering.

The media tends to take the most extreme and paint everyone with the same brush.

What about ventilation? Body generates its own heat, too, and it needs to dissipate.

Yes, that concern is their for long-term use and a study was completed in Saudi Arabia in regards to it's ventilation function. However, over the decades fabric advancement and so-called breathable fabric has been introduced to elevate the concern. But remember this is only worn when they are outside the house, once they are inside they take it of so it shouldn't pose a long-term issue.
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Not really the face can be revealed among family and in front of individuals who haven’t hit puberty in a sense or balic is the other term we use. Often times the media gives a very lopsided coverage. I mean really after 4 year college degree in journalism their called experts when they don’t have an iota of clue what their covering.
But schools are public places. Teachers, guards, janitors certainly have passed puberty.

Women's faces should not be something to be feared, except to those men who take celibate, monastery life. For all we know, men's lust is a great enemy to their spiritual practice. But for regular men, if women's faces also pose such a threat, very likely they get too much time in their hands and their energy hasn't been exhausted in the endless toil of making a living. Something a society needs to fix and not seeing women's faces is probably not a solution.
But schools are public places. Teachers, guards, janitors certainly have passed puberty.

Women's faces should not be something to be feared, except to those men who take celibate, monastery life. For all we know, men's lust is a great enemy to their spiritual practice. But for regular men, if women's faces also pose such a threat, very likely they get too much time in their hands and their energy hasn't been exhausted in the endless toil of making a living. Something a society needs to fix and not seeing women's faces is probably not a solution.

Your correct in your view. But as you’ll see facial covering is worn different in different Islamic countries due to local cultural influences. So we shouldn’t just see the Afghanis as the standard. When my wife studies and went out in public her face was visible in public and private without any issues along with her sisters.
I am curious about vitamin D level in women living under sharia law.

unlike China where everyone have free media and press
But schools are public places. Teachers, guards, janitors certainly have passed puberty.

Women's faces should not be something to be feared, except to those men who take celibate, monastery life. For all we know, men's lust is a great enemy to their spiritual practice. But for regular men, if women's faces also pose such a threat, very likely they get too much time in their hands and their energy hasn't been exhausted in the endless toil of making a living. Something a society needs to fix and not seeing women's faces is probably not a solution.

yes because we need opinion of Genocide nation number 1 China which kills its own citizens if they dare speak against the government
Your correct in your view. But as you’ll see facial covering is worn different in different Islamic countries due to local cultural influences. So we shouldn’t just see the Afghanis as the standard. When my wife studies and went out in public her face was visible in public and private without any issues along with her sisters.
Culture is man-made. What might have made sense before may not at present. In addition, some cultural habit didn't make sense in the beginning. I am from a country that had an infamous cultural habit (foot binding) that was sick and twisted at the very beginning. Yet it lasted hundreds of years. That makes me to suspect any restriction on women beyond practicality and regardless of contemporary context usually comes from the sickness of men. Women are partners of men. When men start to blame women for their own failures, the society is going nowhere but downhill.
Culture is man-made. What might have made sense before may not at present. In addition, some cultural habit didn't make sense in the beginning. I am from a country that had an infamous cultural habit (foot binding) that was sick and twisted at the very beginning. Yet it lasted hundreds of years. That makes me to suspect any restriction on women beyond practicality and regardless of contemporary context usually comes from the sickness of men. Women are partners of men. When men start to blame women for their own failures, the society is going nowhere but downhill.
Ok, but we can't use what you say as a blanket rule that would apply all the time. If there are cultural practices that have benefits they should be kept. Similarly, if there are things that seemingly have harmful effects, they should be looked at in detail. A comparative study should be conducted to see the benefits vs harms, and it should be apply to large populations. You coming here and saying that is not much more than your opinion on this. Conduct a scientific study, show clear harm and bring it to our attention.
I am curious about vitamin D level in women living under sharia law.
don't worry they get enough of that , they still don't end up taking tons of pills everyday unlike West....

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