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Woman dies of COVID-19 , Relatives attack hospital


Aug 30, 2010
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by Newsweek Pakistan May 29, 2020 0 comment


Deceased woman’s family attacked staff after claiming she did not have any symptoms of novel coronavirus
Family members of a coronavirus patient who died in hospital early on Friday attacked doctors and broke open a door of the facility after claiming the deceased had not shown any symptoms of COVID-19.

According to staff at the Lady Reading Hospital, a 50-year-old woman was brought to the hospital Thursday night in critical condition. They said that she passed away shortly after, resulting in her family members vandalizing the hospital and attacking healthcare professionals tasked to treat her.

The deceased woman’s son, Shahzad Advocate, meanwhile claimed that his mother had not shown any symptoms of the coronavirus. He said that she had been a cardiac patient—heart patients are deemed at high risk of coronavirus complications and have been advised by medical professionals to practice social distancing at all times—and accused the doctor on call of ignoring her plight and instead ordering a coronavirus test.

According to Shahzad, his mother was then shifted to a coronavirus ward and she died shortly after. Reacting in anger, he admitted, his family had brawled with doctors and damaged the hospital.

This isn’t the first instance of family members taking their anger out at doctors for failing to save patients who have been brought to hospital for treatment at a late stage. On May 20, the relatives of two coronavirus patients harassed doctors at Lahore’s Mayo Hospital. Similarly, on May 15, a suspected coronavirus patient’s family attacked a doctor at Karachi’s Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center.

Healthcare professionals fear such incidents will only increase as hospitals start to get overwhelmed by the influx of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients. Doctors have long warned that if the government continues to ease lockdown restrictions and allows the virus to spread rapidly, a point would come when they would have to choose between saving one of two people.

As of May 29, Pakistan has 64,028 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, against 22,305 recoveries and 1,317 deaths. There are currently 40,406 active cases of infections nationwide.
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Deceased woman’s family attacked staff after claiming she did not have any symptoms of novel coronavirus
Family members of a coronavirus patient who died in hospital early on Friday attacked doctors and broke open a door of the facility after claiming the deceased had not shown any symptoms of COVID-19.
by Newsweek Pakistan May 29, 2020 0 comment


Deceased woman’s family attacked staff after claiming she did not have any symptoms of novel coronavirus
Family members of a coronavirus patient who died in hospital early on Friday attacked doctors and broke open a door of the facility after claiming the deceased had not shown any symptoms of COVID-19.

According to staff at the Lady Reading Hospital, a 50-year-old woman was brought to the hospital Thursday night in critical condition. They said that she passed away shortly after, resulting in her family members vandalizing the hospital and attacking healthcare professionals tasked to treat her.

The deceased woman’s son, Shahzad Advocate, meanwhile claimed that his mother had not shown any symptoms of the coronavirus. He said that she had been a cardiac patient—heart patients are deemed at high risk of coronavirus complications and have been advised by medical professionals to practice social distancing at all times—and accused the doctor on call of ignoring her plight and instead ordering a coronavirus test.

According to Shahzad, his mother was then shifted to a coronavirus ward and she died shortly after. Reacting in anger, he admitted, his family had brawled with doctors and damaged the hospital.

This isn’t the first instance of family members taking their anger out at doctors for failing to save patients who have been brought to hospital for treatment at a late stage. On May 20, the relatives of two coronavirus patients harassed doctors at Lahore’s Mayo Hospital. Similarly, on May 15, a suspected coronavirus patient’s family attacked a doctor at Karachi’s Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center.

Healthcare professionals fear such incidents will only increase as hospitals start to get overwhelmed by the influx of suspected and confirmed COVID-19 patients. Doctors have long warned that if the government continues to ease lockdown restrictions and allows the virus to spread rapidly, a point would come when they would have to choose between saving one of two people.

As of May 29, Pakistan has 64,028 confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus, against 22,305 recoveries and 1,317 deaths. There are currently 40,406 active cases of infections nationwide.

Jahil people...
Apparently, many people who are well and healthy (not tested +ve) are put on ventilators and somehow they die a couple days later.

Heard many similar stories. Doctors even declaring people as Covid +ve without even taking the test.

For someone who hasn't been tested +ve and is healthy with no breathing difficulty or fever, him getting killed within a couple days in a hospital is suspicious to say the least.

Even heard a story where a man who died of sugar and blood pressure and wasn't tested for Covid, his death was declared by the doctors as covid related and reported as such.

This isn’t the first instance of family members taking their anger out at doctors for failing to save patients who have been brought to hospital for treatment at a late stage.
Doctors can make up anything in Pakistan.

Not long ago, a scandal of a senior surgeon came to light who put stents in healthy people after declaring that they are heart patients in immediate need of surgery. He had done hundreds of such surgeries ruining the lives of many healthy people before he was busted by FIA.

We Pakistanis can trust no one. Not the doctors and not the government.
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this is why its called "pandemic" that many people are not taking seriously. Ask medical staff who are over whelmed with work and can not cope with such high pressure and even Americans cant keep up with this.
Jahil relatives & baghairat doctors. Rip poor woman.
If people dont trust doctors they should not go to hospitals then. This nonsensical conspiracy that doctors are putting healthy people on ventilators is stupid.
Heart patients have 80% more risk of dying because of Covid 19. The empirical data is available for everyone to see however our people consider themselves to be doctors and mostly disregard what doctors tell them.
Anyone attacking doctors or hospitals should be punished under anti terror laws.
If people dont trust doctors they should not go to hospitals then. This nonsensical conspiracy that doctors are putting healthy people on ventilators is stupid.
Heart patients have 80% more risk of dying because of Covid 19. The empirical data is available for everyone to see however our people consider themselves to be doctors and mostly disregard what doctors tell them.
Anyone attacking doctors or hospitals should be punished under anti terror laws.
Doctors even declaring people as Covid +ve without even taking the test.

Is it too hard to comprehend? Or should I post the news of doctor who is in jail now for putting stents in healthy people to get commission from the company which made those stents?

Go ahead and read the news below and tell us that you would trust the doctor arrested for putting lives in danger for money.

Doctors even declaring people as Covid +ve without even taking the test.

Is it too hard to comprehend? Or should I post the news of doctor who is in jail now for putting stents in healthy people to get commission from the company which made those stents?

Go ahead and read the news below and tell us that you would trust the doctor arrested for putting lives in danger for money.

An isolated incident cannot be used to issue sweeping statements. Doctors are well educated and equipped to diagnose better than laymen.
An isolated incident cannot be used to issue sweeping statements. Doctors are well educated and equipped to diagnose better than laymen.
Declaring someone to be covid+ve without taking covid test is a very serious thing. Denying the seriousness of it is criminal. A woman who was tested -ve was also forcibly put on ventilator, she died soon afterwards despite being healthy; denying its seriousness and blaming the victims is also criminal.

And the isloated incident of stents isn't that isloated as hundreds of patients possibly thousands have their lives ruined because doctor sahebaan happened to be too greedy.

An isolated incident cannot be used to issue sweeping statements. Doctors are well educated and equipped to diagnose better than laymen.
Declaring someone to be covid+ve without taking covid test is a very serious thing. Denying the seriousness of it is criminal. A woman who was tested -ve was also forcibly put on ventilator, she died soon afterwards despite being healthy; denying its seriousness and blaming the victims is also criminal.

And the isloated incident of stents isn't that isloated as hundreds of patients possibly thousands have their lives ruined because doctor sahebaan happened to be too greedy.
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