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Woman allegedly raped in INDIAS multinational IT corporation Infosys campus

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So what do you think the bigger problem - Being the Largest democracy or the Rape which happens in India?, Becasue i get a feel the problem of rape become an issue for you because Indians call themselves as a part of Largest democracy

Why not you can criticise anyone here, Because you are criticising a democratic country and its countrymen, But when you do that, also be prepared to be critcised by them too, which i think will be pretty hard for you....

I agree,and in the same democratic country, this decision was criticized and protested too...... By the way If i apply the same logic, there was a documentary by your legendary BBC was banned in pakistan a year ago??? You have any idea why was it??? was there any criticism on that ban with in pakistan????

When did i say that i was proud of the issue raised here????

This is the most important point, and the saddest part is, Morons use the fate of these poor girls to score points.....

Like I thought. You have no answers.

Just admit that there is a grave problem instead of pretending that it is something that can shrugged off. Don't be angry or in denial when this topic is discussed.
Like I thought. You have no answers.

Or you can say my answers are beyond your comprehension

Don't be angry or in denial when this topic is discussed.

Now here you are assuming - You know what happens when you assume You make "***" out of "U" and "ME" , I would not like to part of that assumptions...... On the contrary I was asking management for having a sticky to discussion Indian Rape related issues,
Stop talking about this topic plz. It happens everywhere and this arguing makes no diffference. Just feel sorry for the victm instead.

Just feel sorry for the victim and wait for it to happen again? I don't think that is the solution and you know it too.

Indians shouldn't get angry and insecure when the rape problem in their country is discussed. You like to blame and point fingers at others, yet are very insecure when someone points out your shortcomings. Have some spine and courage to call a spade a spade. Rape is a huge problem in India because it is indeed glorified by many. Don't believe me? Just look at this documentary and see the truth. BBC Four - Storyville, 2014-2015, India's Daughter
Like it is some sort of a conspiracy by the BBC, certain Western countries and feminist i.e. human rights organizations.
See, I was going to agree on that, specifying that it feels like that even from the inside perspective but that it is wrong
nonetheless to see it as a conspiracy when it's merely a socio-historic change, if a somewhat disheveled one ATM.
Then I read this :

You have nothing useful to add to this discussion because India has been tainted as a rape society worldwide. Indian men who support rapists in their country like you are in thorough denial.

Desist this now!
In a single answer, you try to negate another poster's right to expression and call him a rape supporter.
The former is ludicrous but the second is against the rules. Calm down or take a break from live answers.

If you persist along that tone, report will follow, sorry, Tay.
See, I was going to agree on that, specifying that it feels like that even from the inside perspective but that it is wrong
nonetheless to see it as a conspiracy when it's merely a socio-historic change, if a somewhat disheveled one ATM.
Then I read this :

Desist this now!
In a single answer, you try to negate another poster's right to expression and call him a rape supporter.
The former is ludicrous but the second is against the rules. Calm down or take a break from live answers.

If you persist along that tone, report will follow, sorry, Tay.

Why stop discussing this topic? Does it make you and your countrymen feel insecure?
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