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WMD & Missiles Question Thread

can a cruise missile converted to surface to air missile??

Nops, nothing is in the cruise missile which can make it into a SAM missile.

SAM is totally a different game, cruise missile a different thing.
Is Pakistan developing a more advanced version of Babur CM?
how strong are pakistani nukes in kilotons/megatons? And how much is the damage radius?
Can anybody well define the missile parts that are BOXED; technical aspects will be encouraged!!
01 April 2010 - 'Emerging Nuclear Postures in South Asia' (Audio)

On Thursday 1 April 2010 Brigadier (retd. ) Feroz Khan, U.S Naval Postgraduate School spoke on “Emerging Nuclear Postures in South Asia”.

The Obama Administration has placed renewed emphasis on arms control and nuclear disarmament. However, some experts believe that regional strategic trends are in fact moving in the opposite direction to the emerging global norms. On Thursday 1 April, Brigadier (retired) Feroz Khan will lead a discussion meeting in which he will assess emerging Indian and Pakistani force postures and doctrines, and the significant impact these will have on regional security in the coming decades.

Feroz Hassan Khan is on the faculty of Department of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California. He previously served on numerous assignments in the United States, Europe, and South Asia and experienced combat action and command on active fronts. His last assignment was Director, Arms Control and Disarmament Affairs, within the Strategic Plans Division, Joint Services Headquarters. Khan had been a key contributor in formulating Pakistan’s security policies on nuclear and conventional arms control and strategic stability in South Asia and represented Pakistan in several multilateral and bilateral arms control negotiations.

Among his academic degrees, Brigadier Khan holds a M.A. in International Relations from the School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington DC and has held a series of visiting fellowships at Stanford University; the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars; the Brookings Institution; Centre for Non-Proliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies and at the Cooperative Monitoring Centre, Sandia National Laboratory.

He has been a member of IISS since 1999 and is a regular participant in security-related international conferences, seminars and media. He has written numerous articles and book chapters in many reputed journals, newspapers and publications. His recently wrote an occasional paper “Pakistan’s Perspectives on Global Elimination of Nuclear Weapons” in Unblocking the Road to Zero, Henry L Stimson Centre series ; co-authored a book chapter “Pakistan: The Dilemma of Deterrence” in The Long Shadow: Nuclear weapons and Security in 21st Century Asia and “Pakistan’s Motivations and Calculations” in Asymmetric Warfare in South Asia: The Causes and Consequences of the Kargil Conflict. He is currently working on a book on Pakistan’s nuclear history titled Eating Grass: Pakistan and the Bomb, expected in 2011.
Military agencies normally opt not to expose the exact quantity of weapons it has.
They are super for collapsing large bunker and tunnel complexes or a series of buildings, killing damn near everybody inside and leaving no radiative contamination permitting rapid search and exploitation of the site. That should make perfectly good sense to anybody...
awesome thread for non-military ppl like me.. :)
thanks for sharing it, i am learning a lot.

What is MIRV ?
and what it is for.. plz throw some light..
awesome thread for non-military ppl like me.. :)
thanks for sharing it, i am learning a lot.

What is MIRV ?
and what it is for.. plz throw some light..

Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle or MIRV

It is pretty much one launch vehicle that has multiple warheads that (each warhead) independently targets different areas to cause massive destruction.

Minuteman III has Nuclear MIRV warheads.

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but i am not able to understand how it works..? whether its a some sort of launching thing from which a missile or multiple missiles are launched..?


you have already answered lol
thanks.. :D
They have to and they must be doing. There is never stopping at one point, more better results and performance are always needed.

I hope pak must develop a CM with MIRVs which can burst into multiples when sensing the threat in due coarse. or a smart CM..:coffee:

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