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Without the White Race world would have been permanently stuck at 1750 AD...Thoughts?

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All non sub-saharan Africans Humans have Neanderthal DNA...you too..heck even some sub-saharan africans may have Neanderthal DNA
We are all African. the homeland of all humanity is africa. Although several new theories have been created over different finds in China and Russia in recent years, scientific data have not yet proved the opposite.
We are all African. the homeland of all humanity is africa. Although several new theories have been created over different finds in China and Russia in recent years, scientific data have not yet proved the opposite.
Yeah but some of us outside Africa intermixed with older branches who had moved out earlier than us.
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Slavery in Islamic world is way different than slavery in the western world. Here slaves ruled their masters unlike in western world.

Slavery in the Western world had a strong racial aspect to it...Not that the Arab slave trade didnot castrate and torture Blacks...But the Arabs also had Turk slaves who could always rise up and rule over Arabs because of their superior strength, intelligence and martial characteristics
I am saying about modern thermodynamics, steam engines, mathematics, pure physics etc. And my comment was on a specific timeframe (post-16th century).

Around 1671CE two turbine steam engined devices were presented by the Jesuit Friar Min-Ming Wo to for the Khang-Hsi emperor. -Joseph Needham and Wang Ling. Mechanical Engineering. In Science and Civilisation in China Vol 4 (Physics and Physical Technology)
Steam engines were first used in steamboats hundreds of years before the Europeans got wind of them.

You need to look at timeline before you go off,for start ,the steam engine was invented by James Watt in just 1698.

There is the industrial and economic conditions that need to be satisfied to make the steam engine an actually useful invention . China didn't had the urgency for mass practical use.It took another 70 years for development.And it was not until 1830 that the first railroad appeared and 1839 before the first steam ship appeared.

The scientific development in the east occurred very differently than then in the west,that doesn't mean the world would've been permanently stuck at 17th century without white race.The white race plunged the east into a state of peril by late 16th century.
The east was never really allowed to indigenously grow post 16th century ,not until the end of the colonial era.
Around 1671CE two turbine steam engined devices were presented by the Jesuit Friar Min-Ming Wo to for the Khang-Hsi emperor. -Joseph Needham and Wang Ling. Mechanical Engineering. In Science and Civilisation in China Vol 4 (Physics and Physical Technology)
Steam engines were first used in steamboats hundreds of years before the Europeans got wind of them.

You need to look at timeline before you go off,for start ,the steam engine was invented by James Watt in just 1698.

There is the industrial and economic conditions that need to be satisfied to make the steam engine an actually useful invention . China didn't had the urgency for mass practical use.It took another 70 years for development.And it was not until 1830 that the first railroad appeared and 1839 before the first steam ship appeared.

The scientific development in the east occurred very differently than then in the west,that doesn't mean the world would've been permanently stuck at 17th century without white race.The white race plunged the east into a state of peril by late 16th century.
The east was never really allowed to indigenously grow post 16th century ,not until the end of the colonial era.
Around 1671CE two turbine steam engined devices were presented by the Jesuit Friar Min-Ming Wo to for the Khang-Hsi emperor. -Joseph Needham and Wang Ling. Mechanical Engineering. In Science and Civilisation in China Vol 4 (Physics and Physical Technology)
Steam engines were first used in steamboats hundreds of years before the Europeans got wind of them.

You need to look at timeline before you go off,for start ,the steam engine was invented by James Watt in just 1698.

There is the industrial and economic conditions that need to be satisfied to make the steam engine an actually useful invention . China didn't had the urgency for mass practical use.It took another 70 years for development.And it was not until 1830 that the first railroad appeared and 1839 before the first steam ship appeared.

The scientific development in the east occurred very differently than then in the west,that doesn't mean the world would've been permanently stuck at 17th century without white race.The white race plunged the east into a state of peril by late 16th century.
The east was never really allowed to indigenously grow post 16th century ,not until the end of the colonial era.

The chinese didnot write the Four Laws of Thermodynamics---->Next please

Not permanently stuck in 1750 AD thoughts but yeah a lot of the modern society values we have are thanks to the Enlightenment and French and American revolutions etc. Abolition and Civil rights movements gave us the concept of racial equality, suffragettes and feminist movements gave us the concept of women's rights, Stonewall gave us the concept of LGBT rights.
there is a lot of female centric regular pr0n where young lean über handsome white guys give pron actresses the girlfriend experience over the course of the video ...you are seeing too much into the interracial pr0n stuff....it is comical to think that White men have lost the edge when it comes to attracting women...the average white man is near 6 ft in Germany...me at just above 6ft donot feel overtly tall here...while in India I look like a giant...sure there are big muscular black men...and yes big muscular black men are bound to be more attractive to a certain subsection of women from all races...but I have got news for you....Big muscular black men are a small proportion of the black race, while 6ft handsome wavy hair archetype is damn near universal among white men...and the white man just needs to gym max and he will mog the black man in muscles too....
They can be all tall they can be but they can't have the pipe like them and size matters.
They can be all tall they can be but they can't have the pipe like them and size matters.

If you are a tall (6'+), adeqaute Testosterone, reasonably wide shouldered, thick wrist man ..most girls 5'6 or less would struggle with your size...sure there may be some thicc 5'10+ girls for whom nothing less than the biggest would do...but even then White men have that covered..the man with the largest member in the world is a white man
Slavery in the Western world had a strong racial aspect to it...Not that the Arab slave trade didnot castrate and torture Blacks...But the Arabs also had Turk slaves who could always rise up and rule over Arabs because of their superior strength, intelligence and martial characteristics
You are from bengal right. In your own province black rulers ruled and also the pioneer of guerilla tactic Malik Ambar was also a black african to be precise and he held key position during Nizamshahi rule.
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