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The Indians at first ignored Chinese achievement, then they laugh, then they threaten to fight back then now they lose. :rofl:.

Anyway, does it matter if I am Pakistani? The bigger problem is India, it's official, India is now growing slower than China. Where is the boasting now? It only takes one idiot to fck it all up. Even an autocratic government like China can't make this kind of dictatorial decisions, it goes through a select central committee and the effects analyzed by a think tank staffed by the brightest minds in China.
It's not even autocratic, it dictatorial. 100 people dying is propaganda? Millions unemployed is propaganda? Not even China with higher literacy, higher digitized economy dare to BAN CASH!:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sometimes I think you guys lack common sense, how do you curb BLACK MONEY with a higher denominated note? You think corruption will stop after you print new money? Common sense, it can only be reduced with enforcement understand. You guys really think Modi is some god sent down to make India a SUPA POWA? No wonder we Chinese think you are delusional, YOU ARE!:lol:

DEBASISH ROY CHOWDHURY is Chinese now?:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You could have unearthed shell companies without going through demonetization OK? You can just check the activity of these companies like other countries. Basically this exercise is as useful as cow dung, just bullshit. In the process, millions unemployed, 100 direct deaths, not to mention how many indirect deaths classified as hunger. You think the unemployed laborer has money to feed his baby now? The baby is already starving and now a genius supa man just made it worse. Before doing something, use the brain and think, not the behind.Amazing India indeed, Shining India.

Use of emoticons tells me your maturity level. No point in discussing with a troll.
Use of emoticons tells me your maturity level. No point in discussing with a troll.
That's what most losers say when they cannot argue with logics. Demonetization was a big f up and you know it. However due to your face saving egoistic need, you need to pretend it's a success and continue to be delusional thinking Modi is the messiah. One person cannot save a country, it takes the whole nation working together like China.
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