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With 500 Soldiers On Guard, China Starts New Construction In Doklam

If you read my posts this is exactly what I said the Chinese would do. Bring in a infantry battalion. place it on flank [near Doklam post] and then with guns trained as cover bring in the engineers to build the road.

So why did china not build permanent structure to accommodate these 500 soldiers ? Looks like they have a Plan B of going back when India responds :enjoy:
Big victory for India.
China has now fully accepted the reality she will never be able to build a road in standoff area and is now forced to build a road 10 km away.
Really? It's not that particular plot but land around as well where we don't want the accessibility for China.

If they can come so frequently to this land then it's a big gain for them. A few meters not kms which you Misread.

India must answer the bully.

It will haunt back later. Must attend it right away.
Big victory for India.
China has now fully accepted the reality she will never be able to build a road in standoff area and is now forced to build a road 10 km away.
Congratulation for the victory of our dear Indian friends, however i believed it doesn't matter where the road started, it only matter where it actually end at...NO?:pop:
Really? It's not that particular plot but land around as well where we don't want the accessibility for China.

If they can come so frequently to this land then it's a big gain for them. A few meters not kms which you Misread.

India must answer the bully.

It will haunt back later. Must attend it right away.
Read again it is 10 km and not metres.
10 km is a lot in military tactical mobility in mountainous areas and it will badly affect planned PLA movement.

lolzzzzzzzzzzzz congrats india. tge indians were saying any road near that area endanger indian interests
10 km is not near in mountain area. Will badly impact PLA mobility.
BTW, i thought loads of Indian mountain troops were stationed a few hundred meters away from the "crime scene", are they going to do anything to stop Chinese from building the road once again?
Okay just a quick summation of what has been happening. Doklam is all about the Silguri Corridor or "Chickens Neck". Few miles of Indian territory that connects Indian Assam and the contested state of Arunchal Pradesh with India.


Don forget people. it's all about? Gymochen. Yes get used to Gymochen. The way it has played out is simple. The Chinese have mountain spurs or crests that effectively block off PLA from lower plains of Silguri in India. These crests are supposed to belong to Bhutan. It is in India's intersest to make sure PLA is locked behind the few crests of the mountains so that it can't threaten the Silguri chickens neck in India. These crests is the only physical features that prevent PLA from pouring down into Indian Silguri on the plains.

PLA of course would want to be placed strategically on top of the last crest before the land drops down to Indian Silguri and the plains of India. The last crest is called Gyomochen. It is few miles south of Dokla La. The Chinese have over the preceding decades moved south crest by crest. Until they were firmly in position of Dokla La. They had already built a road upto Dokla La to that secured their position on Dokla La.

Now only a few miles south was the tempting final crest - Gyomochen. The Chinese now began to make their last effort to reach their goal by extending that road from Dokla La to few miles south to Gyomochen. Thids is what they tried this summer to do. But I think they badly made a mistake. They did not factor in that Indians would panic. And this is exactly what happened. When the Indians saw the road being extended south to the last spur that looks down on Indian plains and Silguri they paniced and intervened leading to the stand off. Gymochen is strategic because it is the last crest before the rolling plains of India below.

However what appears to have happened is Chinese merely postponed their march south. Look at the map below. The solid green line is the road Chinese have already built upto Dokla La [1]. From their the last spur that looks down on Silguri [Chickens Neck] at Gymochen is only few miles south. What the Chinese have done is flanked the border ridge with PLA combat units - flank marked dold red/broken red [2] and now began contruction of the road south to Gymochen [3] marked with broken green.


This summer when PLA tried to build the road from Dokla La [2] to Gymochen [3] India managed to obstruct it. It appears that the Chinese have done exactly what they wanted to do. Now the ball is in Indias court. Does the Indian Army have the gonads to move across to block the contstruction - though this time they are going to run into PLA infantry units and risk war or look down between their legs and see that China has castrated them already. What is it going to be?? If this was chess game India would be "checkmated" right now. So what is india going to do? Have you ballsOxe?

Just to give you a bigger picture of the checkmate of India by China please look below at the map. The Chinese will now extend the road upto Gymochen and from that high vantage point essentiall have the entire Silguri Corridor in their sights. Silguri town being only 45 miles distant with the chickens neck behind. In fact PLA will have India by the testicles.


The map puts everything in place. PLA is going to be sat pretty on top of Gymochen. In the perfect position to throttle the chickens neck at Silguri Corridor effectively chopping off North East India. This places Arunchal Pradesh the contested region between India and China in the vice grip. What a masterplay by China.

Congrats to @Chinese-Dragon @Beijing Walker @Andrewjen @Beast and other Chinese. That was perfect employment of the Art of War as advocated by Sun Tzu.

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It works a lot for Pakistan.

If India is kept busy at this side of border. Retaliation against Pakistan and big talks will stop. You guys will benefit with keeping less forces on west front to handle other internal issues.
True. What it will do is create a situation or possibility of a situation where China could launch a major attack on Silguri/Chicken neck using Gymochen as the staging post. . The road behind it could provide logistics to drive such a large force.This would place all of North West India in danger of being cut off.

Therefore Indian planners are now going to have to deploy/plan for such a eventuality - even if the possibility is remote. This helps Pakistan by placing more demands on Indian Army and also diverting it's resources. This puts India in a more defensive posture then she might otherwise be. Do not expect Indian government or officials to publicly own up the disaster this has turned into. The Indian Army will know though.
God....it seems like shifting goal post is the way to go....earlier we were told that its India who blinked and that is why India got egg on her face...and now we are told that road is being constructed 10 km away from the flashpoint and that's why Its India who got face on her egg....I mean i understand that we got egg on our face but atleast decide on what should be the reason..no :lol:....because from what i am making out of this....is that China was forced out of flashpoint....and is now responding by following the so called salami slicing...freaking 10 KM away...and something that Indian side was already anticipating...(refer to Army chief statements right after/during standoff)....now is there a sane brain here to discuss this issue, further??
God....it seems like shifting goal post is the way to go....earlier we were told that its India who blinked and that is why India got egg on her face...and now we are told that road is being constructed 10 km away from the flashpoint and that's why Its India who got face on her egg....I mean i understand that we got egg on our face but atleast decide on what should be the reason..no :lol:....because from what i am making out of this....is that China was forced out of flashpoint....and is now responding by following the so called salami slicing...freaking 10 KM away...and something that Indian side was already anticipating...(refer to Army chief statements right after/during standoff)....now is there a sane brain here to discuss this issue, further??

Do you not understand basic strategy?

The location they are building this at has nothing else there for this road to serve, what China is doing is cementing their claim in the region and massively boosting infrastructure capabilities allowing them to move forces faster into the area. This is also only the starting location, a road has to go somewhere and they will likely keep building until they get to the border.

On top of that they still have their troops patrolling the region, while India withdrew, so please stop trying to spin this.
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