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wishes of many memebrs here granted - Indo-Pak border tensions escalates - Pak army moving forward

There is no point in going for a full scale war with pakistan. It will only hurt the growing indian economy. Pakistan is a failed and suicidal state anyways, going for a war at this time will only make sure india never comes close to china's economy.
We will pretty much win too .The only issue is its your media which is making these claims and besides our soldiers are better equipped than yours .
ia fail.jpg
Doesn't this give the intention that India is escalating the situation to protect its assets in Afghanistan? Pakistan should still remain focus on the danger from Afghanistan. As we know with India we have many option(tact nukes etc) but with Afg-Pak border we need to continue fight there.
We will pretty much win too .The only issue is its your media which is making these claims and besides our soldiers are better equipped than yours .
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Ahem...we are not fighting the US army. With the same equipment we have split nations. Enjoy your lala land dream while it lasts. :lol:
Indian Army denies any 'unusual' Pakistan troop along the border in J&K

Jammu: The Indian Army has denied reports of any 'unusual' troop movement from Pakistan along the border in Jammu and Kashmir. The clarification from the Army comes after there were reports of the Pakistani Army moving forward from their posts along the international border and Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir.

"The Indian Army has detected no troop build up or unusual movement from Pakistani army," the Indian Army in a statement said.

In the last few days, Pakistani Rangers have opened unprovoked firing at several BSF posts along the international border in Jammu and Kashmir leading to a very strong reply from the Indian troops.


The clarification from the Army comes after there were reports of Pakistani Army moving forward from their posts along the international border.

In the past few days one BSF soldier and two Pakistani Rangers have been killed in Samba sector of Jammu and Kashmir while firing at several border outposts have taken place.

Once again the Indian F.U exposed !!

Ahem...we are not fighting the US army. With the same equipment we have split nations. Enjoy your lala land dream while it lasts. :lol:

So your nations gonna divide soon :yahoo::victory:
This is all a game plan by Pakistan Army to stop the operation in North Waziristan without impacting the aid inflow from the US.
Turns out to have been completely made up by your media. So much for your game plan theory. NWA operation will go through completely, anything else will see the military facing the wrath of the people. The PA is already on thin ice with the population when it comes to security and terrorism.

Thats what your forefathers dreamed about....only to loose half of what they had You can continue their legacy. :lol:
To be fair, India has already been split once. The independent states to come out of it were Pakistan and what is now Bangladesh. There is no need to brag, especially since India Also faces internal threats from separatists and Maoist forces. As far as I'm concerned, both nations are 1 for 1.
When I hear BSF, I think Suniel Shetty... :lol:
ontopic: let play waaaar. :pop:
Wonder if it has occurred that this may have been the intention - to have PA stretched on both the East & West ?

you had a chance for peace- we showed you our back for a second and you bruised it in an instance-
its should be clear for everybody now who doesn't want peace in the region-
next time you cry foul remember your own intentions- Cry Bae
To be fair, India has already been split once. The independent states to come out of it were Pakistan and what is now Bangladesh. There is no need to brag, especially since India Also faces internal threats from separatists and Maoist forces.
India split once means partition? It's not like pakistan waged a war and forced Indian soldiers to surrender and liberated!! There is a difference...sir.
And as far as internal threats of India is concerned, they are being crushed as we speak and their ideology has already started to die.
Many members here expressed wishes to the effect of escalation in India - Pakistan border tensions

thier wishes have been granted

Pakistan army moving forward on the India pakistan border

rangers being pulled back

No matter how much both countries talk to each finally it would be a major war in which one country survives and other perishes. These events will eventually lead to it.
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