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Wipe Out the Muslim Race' The New Game on the Block


Jan 4, 2009
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'Wipe Out the Muslim Race' The New Game on the Block.
Yet again the west shows its ugly double standard face, from Islamonline:

A computer game featuring an American hero sent to "wipe out the Muslim race" is sparking outrage among British Muslims.

"Encouraging children and young people in a game to kill Muslims is unacceptable, tasteless and deeply offensive," Mohammed Shafiq, Chief Executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, said in a statement on the group's website.

The "Muslim Massacre" game features players controlling an American Hero, armed with a machine gun and a rocket launcher, parachuted into the Middle East.

Zionist Crusade Watch

"The United States of America has declared war on Islam! Take control of the American hero and wipe out the Muslim race with an arsenal of the world's most destructive weapons," reads the game's website.

Users progress through levels, first killing Muslims who appear on screen and later taking on Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) and finally Allah.

"If it was the other way around, with a game featuring Muslims killing Israelis or Americans, there would be uproar and rightly so," said Shafiq.

First released in January, the game has recently become popular after being linked to by several prominent blogs.

Its creator, a US-born programmer Eric Vaughn, aka Sigvatr, describes it as "fun and funny".
Glorifying Violence

Britain's leading Muslim youth organization said the game is inciting violence and racial hatred.

"There is an increase in violence in this country and some of it comes from video games," said Shafiq.

"When kids spend six hours a day on violent games they are more likely to go outside and commit violence."

The Ramadhan Foundation called on authorities and internet service providers to act against such games.

"We have written to the British Government to urge an inquiry into this game and take action to shut down the site," said Shafiq.

"We urge ISP providers to take action to remove this site from their services as it incites
violence towards Muslims and is trying to justify the killing of innocent Muslims," he added.

"This game is glorifying the killing of Muslims in the Middle East….This is not satire but a deliberate attempt to demonize Muslims.

"If it was the other way around, with a game featuring Muslims killing Israelis or Americans, there would be uproar and rightly so.

If this were the other way round the Islamophobes would be screaming. In fact this is nothing new, there are several games, comics, and movies that demonize and call for Muslims to be destroyed. Yet Islamophobes like to ignore this and always point the finger at the Muslims, offcourse when they do things like this its only 'fun' and 'funny' and its not a big deal. Indeed when dozens of Muslims are killed by their armies its not a big deal at all, but simply collateral damage, as if we Muslims are worth nothing but collateral damage.

Theres more than 1.8 billion Muslims in the world and the number is only increasing so its going to be really hard for anyone to wipe out Muslims from the world.

Even though Muslim is not a race, we should be thinking like we are a single race, if we are all united then no one can touch us, but kaffirs want to divide us.
A GOD DAMNED VIDEO GAME. Let These FANATICS have FUN on Computer and let them Have shock when they really try this in Reality, They will just say "It wasn't supposed to be that Difficult"
A GOD DAMNED VIDEO GAME. Let These FANATICS have FUN on Computer and let them Have shock when they really try this in Reality, They will just say "It wasn't supposed to be that Difficult"

can you market a game in Europe in with you are a Nazi who sends jews to an oven?

you would be arrested for just questioning the holocaust
can you market a game in Europe in with you are a Nazi who sends jews to an oven?

you would be arrested for just questioning the holocaust

Well that's the main Difference between US (MUSLIMS) and them (Jews).
We have lost our Respect.
Dude we have games like Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City (Miami), and GTA 4 where you can kill Americans in New York City or Liberty city as it is called...

But this is different as this game specifically targets Muslims! Also this has a political message of Muslim destruction.
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Germans to this day are still reminded of what their ancestors did. last year, FIVE movies came out where as usual, the nazi's were the bad guys and the jews were the innocent victims standing behind a barbed wire. Even people are getting tired now from the same old theme about jews and their "Suffering".

The only shift from that theme in the media was after the bloody WOT started. Arabs, Muslims, and their stereotypical portrayal is a common subject for movies to make "Big Money".

And now what do we have here? "Crusade against the Muslims" video game.

Will these Shitheads ever stop?
Germans to this day are still reminded of what their ancestors did. last year, FIVE movies came out where as usual, the nazi's were the bad guys and the jews were the innocent victims standing behind a barbed wire. Even people are getting tired now from the same old theme about jews and their "Suffering".

The only shift from that theme in the media was after the bloody WOT started. Arabs, Muslims, and their stereotypical portrayal is a common subject for movies to make "Big Money".

And now what do we have here? "Crusade against the Muslims" video game.

Will these Shitheads ever stop?

This is true the movie Valkyrie were protagonist Tom Cruise and a group of dissident Nazi Officers/soldiers plan to assassinate Hitler also shows scenes of Jews being portrayed as innocent harmless victims when there is more to the story, a move to gather world sympathy for Jews...

Now a lot of the Western Film industry is owned by rich Jews this a FACT that even till today has not been successfully refuted!

Hollywood and the Western entertainment has certainly portrayed Muslims as evil, terrorist, dangerous, long beards, burqas, and so much more stereotypical BS...
These "Jew" sympathizing movies have come out in the last 6 months only. They all have the same basic theme. They're good movies, but they're also like a GIANT sugar-coated pill, full of over-kill sympathy. Sorry, but people are getting tired of all this crap.

1.The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
3.The Reader
4.Good (Viggo Mortensen)
5.Adam Resurrected

I'm getting sick of these Movies. They don't make epic WW2 movies anymore. It all comes down to the "Holocaust" now. In today's world, you're only stuck with either "hating" the Nazi's or sympathizing the "jews".

In Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, you can kill police officers, kill prostitutes, kill rival gang members, steal money, rob fast food stores, steal cars, run over people in a car, use explosives, assault weapons, bombs, train bombings, car bombs, even suicide bombings, take an air plane and fly it into buildings...All this can be done...

And it became one of the most popular video games in the world...

However, this game (GTA) is about their own people and made by them, and this game did not have political and hateful undertones that this new game about "Wiping out the Muslim Race" has, it is clear their message is hateful, it promotes violence, and encourages actual killing of Muslims..

I'm Glad we have NUKES!!!
If you have a problem with a game then i would suggest playing it and intentionally losing to the Muslims everytime. Maybe that would make you feel better.
If you have a problem with a game then i would suggest playing it and intentionally losing to the Muslims everytime. Maybe that would make you feel better.

No one's discussing the game-play here. It's more about the "Bigger picture" than the game itself. Which might be a start to a whole new level of specific ethnic exploitation. Not that it hasn't started yet, the recent hit "Call of duty 4" has promoted more ethnic slurs towards arabs in common language usage than any time before it's release.

If you don't understand the purpose of the thread, then try not to make a complete fool out of yourself.
It's probably the result of frustration because Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe and USA. White race already in trouble in Europe because some of the country has zero population growth and rest are turning either gay or lesbian.....

So what the hell you guys worry about. We will be around Insha'Allah.
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