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Windows 8's Look and Feel: It's New.

I know I can install Apple OS on non-Apple machines if I really want to--ILLEGALLY.

And, no, even function wise Apple products are not better.

I tell you, my $249 Toshiba netbook with 4-6 hours of battery life, 250 gb hard drive, 3 usb ports, web cam, barely 2 pounds, is far more functional than the toy called iPAD which costs twice as much.

About viruses too, that's just baloney! I have a Dell desktop which I bought refurbished in 2004 for about $400 shipped. I have that machine running as a home security server. Never been hacked, crashed. Came with XP. Works just fine.

My main computer here is a HP workstation. Quad core. Okay, AMD. 8 GB RAM. Handles all but hard-core games, and video editing. Home delivered for $560 total. Add $235 for a 23" HD Asus Monitor. Can run several virtual machines at a time. All ports open. Going fine for about 2 years. Runs 24/7--it is a test server. When I am ready to dump that then my real cost will be very little little--it has paid for himself.

I am tying this on a 17" Toshiba laptop running Win 7. Superb machine. Bought at a local Best Buy about 6 months ago for a mere $550.

Imagine if I had fallen for the Apple crap?

All my investments are sound. They are not driven by some 'keeping with Joneses' and appearing 'cool' to others.

I think most Apple users are gullible persons or wannabes. They are not dissimilar from those who bought 6000+ sq foot homes or giant SUVs. These kind of Narcisstic people helped bring down American economy. Buying products they did not need or could afford it.

And, oh, finally, Apple fanboys are absolutely annoying!
Oh, I finally have an avatar in this Forum! Suits this topic.
Lol, I am similar to Meengla, I am much knowledge in hardware and software, I can order to install hardware products or build up myself in CPU easy! I see today most people try to have one PC and one Apple at least.

The end of apple OS coming soon...Basically the linux spinoff just dragged its self but now its on the scene with virsues, malwares and so on. A colorless Operating System that apple has got with restriction on everything you can't do that steve jobs pop up while you want to it, when you press delete steve jobs says no no no do it apple way lol such a sick company sick rules sick over all, nobody wants a junk that has all over restrictions on it.

I wouldn't lie I have one of the Dell laptops and my Mcafee antivirus ended almost 3 months ago I did not Install any new antivirus not at all not free not paid one and It is clean and clear of any viruses...I surf alot downloads and watch movies/series alot and many graphic and other development and programming, From this platform I have to tell other who blame Microsoft its is the damn user who is to blame for viruses not the Operating System because every OS has holes and security issues and No OS is secure as claimed by Apple that is shamefully hiding behind curtains after being hit by many many viruses.

Have you guys tried MC WinMO 7 Mango? Its awesome not yet in the market but Its Smart. Next MS will be huge, sorry to say apple and alikes are stuck into Apps world I really hate Apps world, even thought it is just an evil things MS has to be dragged into it. But on OS Apps that comes along with OS as bundle would be just awesome but unlike apple for every stupid app you'll need to spend a dollar that is ready your credit card.
Why can't we just go back to the good ol' days or windows 98 and the now strangely reassuring blue screen of death?
I have see a video of the Windows Phone 7 update ('Mango') and it looks awesome. Can't wait to get that. I have a Windows Phone 7. My wife also has one. Both are Samsung Focus and we are very satisfied. In fact, my wife is in 7th heaven since I got her the Focus a few months ago. It is her first smart phone.
But I am not sure if Apple's days are numbered. True, now that Apple's market share is increasing the hackers are beginning to take notice. And, yes, before too long, you will see these Apple products being hacked. But I think Apple can survive any bad PR. I think Apple is a cult above all. An expensive one. You can find references to that online. So, the word of the mouth marketing goes a long way. I personally know about 6-8 relatively close Apple fanboi friends. Except for one guy the rest of them are always pedaling Apple products and dissing Linux, Windows. THAT is Apple's biggest strength. Free marketing.

Anyway, can't wait for Win 8 to come to tablet. I am waiting patiently. No rush. My netbook goes with me to beaches, cruises...until then.
I use UBUNTU for speed and avoiding clutter. The only problem is drivers.

Drivers should not be a problem if you are using modern hardware. If you are using a older computer you can check the UBUNTU forums for more information on drivers...help is very quick
Not directing at anyone in particular but here it is:
I have read in more than one places that Mac/Apple users have to put down Windows based computerS is because the Apple fanbois have to feel good about their very expensive purchase. You'd just bought a system for 2-3 times the price of a comparable Windows system. So you can't just feel bad about it. Why feel guilty? It 'looks' so nice? Look at those dancing icons?! But look at the neighbor who has only paid half or a third of what I paid. So you start feeling good about your purchase. You regurgitate the stuff you hear from the Apple website and the Apple fanbois: "It just works; Blue Screen of Death; Viruses..."
Even my otherwise very smart graphics guy fanboi has no answer when I tell him that my $560 desktop at home does not crash or been infected despite the fact that I run multiple instances of SQL Server, MySQL, IIS, File Zila FTP Server, as well as several kind of browsers, PDF Readers, Dream Weaver, Database connection client, accounting software, Zune Client...In fact, most of them are running right now as I type these lines. There are no antivirus though!
Windows MO7 is revolutionary in a way. Everything in one place on a single platform truly amazing, It will take time to take its share in the market, But Windows 8 will be the biggest blow to apple OS and linux will bite the dust. I understand apple will not completely shut off but apple's appeal will slow down even further I mean look at the interaction of Win 8 with user such user friendly and highly sophisticated skin majority of world wants to move forward with such a OS unlike linux and apple. And the OS itself seems to be pretty fast to run on many systems. Mr. steve jobs say his company focus on quality I believe companies are opened to earn profits not to focus on just quality and low orders...

I did see apple always attack Microsoft, I have never ever seen Microsoft attacked apple first those guys don't even bother to even look at apple company that is just one thing apple hate it wants attention its not getting it I have not seen mass Windows fanboys there is no such thing in World of Windows, where as you'll find them in apple world morons fanboys. iphone, ipod and its series, macbook/air/pro and apple router and accessories are the main apple products being sold..I can even list you items who % of sales even very low..So the question is the share is increasing but it is not increasing as an expanding company shares swells, I gave example of apple desktop servers being rejected by department of defense and many other companies and departments in favor of Dell and HP simply because of cost and reliability...Its like apple products are almost non existent in large companies and even mid level companies they have rather used lixux then apple, so steve jobs and his lot is just satisfying themselves in some delusional world, Oh yeah apple has one lame partner that gives them good publicity that is CNET even a crappy product wins over in a 5 round battle for some stupid reason lol.
have read in more than one places that Mac/Apple users have to put down Windows based computerS is because the Apple fanbois have to feel good about their very expensive purchase.

This is true... Apple guys are getting ho$ed by Jobs, enjoying it, and saying "thanks. More please."

The bad old days of Win 98 are long gone. I haven't run anti-virus software in 10 years and have yet to encounter a virus. It's not hard. Don't run unknown .EXE or .BAT types of files.

I'm really showing my age here. Not many guys remember the DOS vs WINDOWS wars of the 1980's. There were 500 computer magazines, and for years, every one of them was


And the MS-DOS geeks thought that the future was

chkdsk C:

ren pacman.exe pac.exe


Wocka Wocka Wocka :woot:

Most of this junk called windows if of extremely bad quality coded by programmed working from sheds in banglore.
I have increasingly become sick of windows starting from vista, then 7 and seems like whatever comes in future..its only a good os for daily word, email and stuff.
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