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Will USA Succeed in Containing China? by Zaheerul Hassan

Zaheerul Hassan

Jun 17, 2009
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According to the media reports, China strongly reacted against Washington administration decision of arm sale for worth $ 6.4 billion dollars to Taiwan. The arms package for Taiwan made out by Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency includes 60 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters, 114 Patriot "Advanced Capability" missile defenses known as PAC-3, 12 advanced Harpoon missiles capable of both land-strike and anti-ship missions, as well as communications equipment for Taiwan's F-16 fleet. The package also includes two renovated Osprey-class mine-hunting ships. On this issue Chinese leaders thrashed USA leadership and reveled that double standard of American foreign policy is a chronic disease in Sino-US relations. Beijing also indicated that it would "partially" stop bilateral military exchange programs with the Washington and also suspend talks on strategic security, arms control and anti-proliferation that were scheduled to take place soon. The Chinese Defense Ministry Foreign Affairs Office also summoned the defense attache of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and lodged a "stern protest" against the proposed arms sale to Taiwan.

Therefore, the said arms supply to Taiwan is an indicator of USA Game Plan of containing China. To implement her plan, she simultaneously started targeting China on two fronts, first is to hit her speedy flourishing economy and other is to pose security threat to China on exterior and interior fronts. Pentagon created armed net around China while supporting India, Taiwan, and landing her troops in Afghanistan. Nuclear Pakistan is a major hindrance in American desire of containing China; therefore Islamabad also never enjoyed too much cordial relations with USA. Intimacy between two neighbouring nuclear powers (Pakistan and China) has never been digested by Pentagon and her Asian ally (India).

In fact, China stance over current arms sale deal to Taiwan is absolutely correct since USA never displayed seriousness in establishing permanent relations with Bejing. The history reveals that overall chine’s relations with America always remained under clouds. Earlier in 1972 President Richard Nixon made his visit to the People's Republic of China. It was a significant step taken by him in formally normalizing of relations between two nuclear powers. American President Nixon was become the first US topmost leader who carried out visit China and tried to remove the clouds from bilateral relations. In this context, Pakistan played a very vital and positive role in establishing relations between two countries. But Post world war era brought many changes in geopolitical environment. Disintegration of Soviet Union has further stamped the deterioration of bilateral relations between Washington and Beijing. Actors of old Cold War replaced with China and USA. World divided into new global blocks. New Cold War put the two said supper powers at dragger drawn. The Unipolar System emerged which resulted into the supremacy of USA. China supported USA at number of occasions against Russia but unfortunately the single global power opened new fronts against china and Muslim world. Washington supported overtly Israel, India and now started instigating Taiwan against China. It is mentionable here that China is a mother country of Taiwan but American kept on using Taiwan leadership against China covertly but at times overtly assured Chinese authorities that she believed in the policy of noninterference on Taiwan issue consider it integral part of China. American dual face only reflects that USA never left her hidden policy of containment and would like to use Taiwan territory as her fighting base against China. But the people of Taiwan probably are against their leadership decision of extending relations with Washington against their mother country China.

China also warned USA after three weeks of increasingly furious exchanges between two countries (USA and China) over arms sale issue to Taiwan. There was news that American administration would be arranging Tibetan spiritual leader visit Dalai Lama and Obama has the desire to meet Lama soon. In this context Zhu Weiqun, a vice minister of the united front work department of China's ruling Communist Party, which steers policy on religious affairs said any meeting would "seriously undermine" the political basis of China-US relations.
He further stressed that If the U.S. leader chooses this time to meet the Dalai Lama, then it would be difficult for Beijing to rescue Washington from the currant economic crises.

Now, let’s analyse the presence of 1, 50000 USA and NATO troops in Afghanistan under the garb of war on terror. The placing of forces gradually took place after 9/11. The purpose of positioning the forces in the area is to capture central Asian resources on the name of elimination of militancy. Washington always tried to ensure Indian ingress on the name of reconstruction of Afghanistan. The aim of giving India a special role in Afghanistan is only to pose threat to nuclear Pakistan on two fronts. Her presence also created an alarm to China and Iran as well. American has also made arms and civil nuclear deal with India too. On March 17,2009 The US government has made an arms deal with India , she has given go-ahead to the $2.1-billion contract for Boeing Co. to supply eight P-8i long-range maritime surveillance planes to India. The contract is considered to be the largest US arms sale to India till date. American leadership never hesitated in giving priority to Indian over Pakistan just because of their common interests’ .i.e. containing China and targeting Pakistan. She always deliberately doubted that Pakistan and her intelligence agencies for helping militants. The aim of criticizing Pakistan is that USA and her allies like India, Israel and some of western countries do think that Islamabad would not be going against the interests of her natural friend “China” and thus they decided to prolong their stay in Afghan territory.

However on February 3, 2010 General Kayani’s while addressing a meeting categorically and correctly claimed that Pakistan security forces and intelligences agencies has given more sacrifices than NATO and ISAF forces. He said that more than 2700 troops which include three generals, five Brigadiers, many officers and soldiers proceeded to heaven during this war on terror. On the other hand NATO and ISAF forces have just lost 1500 soldiers. He further explained that Pakistan security forces are capable to defend their nuke programme and her intelligence agencies are not having double standards toward war on terror. Any how, USA despite staying in Afghanistan and also giving preference to India over Pakistan failed to create dent between Chinese friends and would not going to be succeeded.

In this context, General Kayani explained what ought to be understood when Pakistan talked of ‘strategic depth’. But off course, It “does not imply controlling Afghanistan”, USA and Israel are also being consider to give membership of the NATO. Israeli and Indian membership of NATO will provide reasons of striking all those countries which are having tense relations with Tel Aviv and New Delhi. Thus, Pakistan and non NATO countries should stress NATO authorities that purposed members should resolve their regional issues like Kashmir and Palestine prior to apply for the membership of NATO.

Similarly, Iran, Russia, Japan and Korean would not be going against the dream of USA because of her past experiences with Washington. In short America should put off the glasses and pay attention to her domestic affairs rather than seeing day dreams. She has to forego the policy of conspiracies and respect the sovereignty of other countries. Her pet (India & Israel) need to be chained for the permanent global peace. Her economy could only be revived, if she moves back her forces as early as possible from Asia and other countries. Obama should carry out the restructuring of Pentagon and Central Intelligence agencies for throwing out extremists religious personalities. The facts mentioned and narrated discussion of this article reveals that USA will never be able to contain China. Pakistan, Russia, China, Iran, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq should create a block for guarding their common interests.
The U.S will collapse with this massive military built up just like the old soviet. The U.S government is basically insolvent. It fights multiple wars and maintains army too big for itself. Its military budget is half of world total while its GDP is only 1/4. Its military equipment will become a huge pile of useless, rusty junk soon.

According to the media reports, China strongly reacted against Washington administration decision of arm sale for worth $ 6.4 billion dollars to Taiwan. The arms package for Taiwan made out by Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency includes 60 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters, 114 Patriot "Advanced Capability" missile defenses known as PAC-3, 12 advanced Harpoon missiles capable of both land-strike and anti-ship missions, as well as communications equipment for Taiwan's F-16 fleet. The package also includes two renovated Osprey-class mine-hunting ships. On this issue Chinese leaders thrashed USA leadership and reveled that double standard of American foreign policy is a chronic disease in Sino-US relations. Beijing also indicated that it would "partially" stop bilateral military exchange programs with the Washington and also suspend talks on strategic security, arms control and anti-proliferation that were scheduled to take place soon. The Chinese Defense Ministry Foreign Affairs Office also summoned the defense attache of the U.S. Embassy in Beijing and lodged a "stern protest" against the proposed arms sale to Taiwan.

Therefore, the said arms supply to Taiwan is an indicator of USA Game Plan of containing China. To implement her plan, she simultaneously started targeting China on two fronts, first is to hit her speedy flourishing economy and other is to pose security threat to China on exterior and interior fronts. Pentagon created armed net around China while supporting India, Taiwan, and landing her troops in Afghanistan. Nuclear Pakistan is a major hindrance in American desire of containing China; therefore Islamabad also never enjoyed too much cordial relations with USA. Intimacy between two neighbouring nuclear powers (Pakistan and China) has never been digested by Pentagon and her Asian ally (India).

In fact, China stance over current arms sale deal to Taiwan is absolutely correct since USA never displayed seriousness in establishing permanent relations with Bejing. The history reveals that overall chine’s relations with America always remained under clouds. Earlier in 1972 President Richard Nixon made his visit to the People's Republic of China. It was a significant step taken by him in formally normalizing of relations between two nuclear powers. American President Nixon was become the first US topmost leader who carried out visit China and tried to remove the clouds from bilateral relations. In this context, Pakistan played a very vital and positive role in establishing relations between two countries. But Post world war era brought many changes in geopolitical environment. Disintegration of Soviet Union has further stamped the deterioration of bilateral relations between Washington and Beijing. Actors of old Cold War replaced with China and USA. World divided into new global blocks. New Cold War put the two said supper powers at dragger drawn. The Unipolar System emerged which resulted into the supremacy of USA. China supported USA at number of occasions against Russia but unfortunately the single global power opened new fronts against china and Muslim world. Washington supported overtly Israel, India and now started instigating Taiwan against China. It is mentionable here that China is a mother country of Taiwan but American kept on using Taiwan leadership against China covertly but at times overtly assured Chinese authorities that she believed in the policy of noninterference on Taiwan issue consider it integral part of China. American dual face only reflects that USA never left her hidden policy of containment and would like to use Taiwan territory as her fighting base against China. But the people of Taiwan probably are against their leadership decision of extending relations with Washington against their mother country China.

China also warned USA after three weeks of increasingly furious exchanges between two countries (USA and China) over arms sale issue to Taiwan. There was news that American administration would be arranging Tibetan spiritual leader visit Dalai Lama and Obama has the desire to meet Lama soon. In this context Zhu Weiqun, a vice minister of the united front work department of China's ruling Communist Party, which steers policy on religious affairs said any meeting would "seriously undermine" the political basis of China-US relations.
He further stressed that If the U.S. leader chooses this time to meet the Dalai Lama, then it would be difficult for Beijing to rescue Washington from the currant economic crises.

Now, let’s analyse the presence of 1, 50000 USA and NATO troops in Afghanistan under the garb of war on terror. The placing of forces gradually took place after 9/11. The purpose of positioning the forces in the area is to capture central Asian resources on the name of elimination of militancy. Washington always tried to ensure Indian ingress on the name of reconstruction of Afghanistan. The aim of giving India a special role in Afghanistan is only to pose threat to nuclear Pakistan on two fronts. Her presence also created an alarm to China and Iran as well. American has also made arms and civil nuclear deal with India too. On March 17,2009 The US government has made an arms deal with India , she has given go-ahead to the $2.1-billion contract for Boeing Co. to supply eight P-8i long-range maritime surveillance planes to India. The contract is considered to be the largest US arms sale to India till date. American leadership never hesitated in giving priority to Indian over Pakistan just because of their common interests’ .i.e. containing China and targeting Pakistan. She always deliberately doubted that Pakistan and her intelligence agencies for helping militants. The aim of criticizing Pakistan is that USA and her allies like India, Israel and some of western countries do think that Islamabad would not be going against the interests of her natural friend “China” and thus they decided to prolong their stay in Afghan territory.

However on February 3, 2010 General Kayani’s while addressing a meeting categorically and correctly claimed that Pakistan security forces and intelligences agencies has given more sacrifices than NATO and ISAF forces. He said that more than 2700 troops which include three generals, five Brigadiers, many officers and soldiers proceeded to heaven during this war on terror. On the other hand NATO and ISAF forces have just lost 1500 soldiers. He further explained that Pakistan security forces are capable to defend their nuke programme and her intelligence agencies are not having double standards toward war on terror. Any how, USA despite staying in Afghanistan and also giving preference to India over Pakistan failed to create dent between Chinese friends and would not going to be succeeded.

In this context, General Kayani explained what ought to be understood when Pakistan talked of ‘strategic depth’. But off course, It “does not imply controlling Afghanistan”, USA and Israel are also being consider to give membership of the NATO. Israeli and Indian membership of NATO will provide reasons of striking all those countries which are having tense relations with Tel Aviv and New Delhi. Thus, Pakistan and non NATO countries should stress NATO authorities that purposed members should resolve their regional issues like Kashmir and Palestine prior to apply for the membership of NATO.

Similarly, Iran, Russia, Japan and Korean would not be going against the dream of USA because of her past experiences with Washington. In short America should put off the glasses and pay attention to her domestic affairs rather than seeing day dreams. She has to forego the policy of conspiracies and respect the sovereignty of other countries. Her pet (India & Israel) need to be chained for the permanent global peace. Her economy could only be revived, if she moves back her forces as early as possible from Asia and other countries. Obama should carry out the restructuring of Pentagon and Central Intelligence agencies for throwing out extremists religious personalities. The facts mentioned and narrated discussion of this article reveals that USA will never be able to contain China. Pakistan, Russia, China, Iran, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq should create a block for guarding their common interests.
China will fall if USA falls, the major business of China comes by selling cheap products to USA. Your economy is hollow, USA invents and then sell it's invented products, China is just xerox machine.
USA generation was very very smart and they knew how to play in the world and that's why they ruled the world, BUT i think US new generations is not that smart for some reason.
just a game. Focus is in Iran.But we china can't compromise.it refer to the safe of energy

Unfortunately,Taiwan(include Dala_lama) is the football.:partay::D
I will talk about this.

"The facts mentioned and narrated discussion of this article reveals that USA will never be able to contain China. Pakistan, Russia, China, Iran, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq should create a block for guarding their common interests. "

USA is trying to contain this many countries??? BTW, author forgot that if is is trying to do so, list becomes quite long (example India). :lol:
Surely an article out of frustation. Someone could explain me any possible reason USA wants to contain Bangladesh or Japan.

If someone wants to criticise USA he/she is free to do so but through BS article!!

And yes....link is not given.
I will talk about this.

"The facts mentioned and narrated discussion of this article reveals that USA will never be able to contain China. Pakistan, Russia, China, Iran, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Turkey, Bangladesh and Iraq should create a block for guarding their common interests. "

USA is trying to contain this many countries??? BTW, author forgot that if is is trying to do so, list becomes quite long (example India). :lol:
Surely an article out of frustation. Someone could explain me any possible reason USA wants to contain Bangladesh or Japan.

If someone wants to criticise USA he/she is free to do so but through BS article!!

And yes....link is not given.

Though, I don't see whats wrong with US trying to contain/to limit China's influence in Asia as well as in the middle east and Africa, since its all about their interest, from their stand point, they are doing the right thing for their nation.

But please, don't be ignorant... stop think good or peace towards a nation any nation... they don't exist. In a morale stand point, they are always bad. But as long as it just stays within the political circle, I am fine with them.

The effort of saving US from well known and recognized criticism in this forum by Indian, is far more than saving their own mother nation's criticism, and come on guys, be realistic.
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If china wanted to put underwear sanctions on USA , people in USA:usflag: will be wearing ... dirty underwear.... can you imagine the pain .....

I was told by a ex marine, all the US army uniforms are made in China :china: I swear to god , Viet Nam Vet (nicest of fellas I have ever met) ...he told me Azadpakistan2009I don't know what these idiots are doing , all the jobs are going to India , and I am a vet stuck with crummy job .. and all our gear is made in china , I can't even find anything made in USA anymore

I told him I feel your pain brother - I feel your pain , I have been searching for something to take home made in USA and I can't find anything other the a rock band shirt , which turned out to be also not not made in USA when I came home so I was not happy

I am telling the truth here 100% personal account talking with a celebrated VietNam solider

This is reality ... I think congress is living in a dream world :coffee:

China cannot be contained it can only help protect democracy in Asia unlike USA china is just working to help its people , and promote free speach (that is appropriate for its culture and people)
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If china wanted to put underwear sanctions on USA , people in USA:usflag: will be wearing ... dirty underwear.... can you imagine the pain .....

I was told by a ex marine, all the US army uniforms are made in China :china: I swear to god , Viet Nam Vet (nicest of fellas I have ever met) ...he told me Azadpakistan2009I don't know what these idiots are doing , all the jobs are going to India , and I am a vet stuck with crummy job .. and all our gear is made in china , I can't even find anything made in USA anymore

I told him I feel your pain brother - I feel your pain , I have been searching for something to take home made in USA and I can't find anything other the a rock band shirt , which turned out to be also not not made in USA when I came home so I was not happy

I am telling the truth here 100% personal account talking with a celebrated VietNam solider

This is reality ... I think congress is living in a dream world :coffee:

China cannot be contained it can only help protect democracy in Asia

You should have took a potato with you...
Its "Made in USA":smokin:
Though, I don't see whats wrong with US trying to contain/to limit China's influence in Asia as well as in the middle east and Africa, since its all about their interest, from their stand point, they are doing the right thing for their nation.

But please, don't be ignorant... stop think good or peace towards a nation any nation... they don't exist. In a morale stand point, they are always bad. But as long as it just stays within the political circle, I am fine with them.

The effort of saving US from well known and recognized criticism in this forum by Indian, is far more than saving their own mother nation's criticism, and come on guys, be realistic.

Ok....I agree with you that USA is trying to do this or that. But the question is, can USA do that?? As China is concerned, it is too powerful/big to be contained in any reference. When China might is increasing and USA is decreasing, I do not know how USA will achieve all these mentioned.

As USA criticism is concerned, we do not have any special love for USA. India on many occasion, was against USA be it cold war or recent climate summit. My post was related to article which does not make sense to me.

Ek Indian
USA generation was very very smart and they knew how to play in the world and that's why they ruled the world, BUT i think US new generations is not that smart for some reason.

I remember recient Obama statement, India and China are not playing for second place , and emphasised American kids to put more stress on Maths and Science and keep America on top.
He is real statesman.

He also said , India and China are producing more science and engg. grads every year compared to high school drop outs of America, he also commented brifly on how , Indian and parents in S asia are spending on their kids education and are sacrificing there today for their children's future.
Nowadays, is all about resources
if US able to control/influence Iran, it will recreate a huge impact on China.
This sort of impact is much greater than using the little Taiwan island to contain China.
Iran is well untoucahable since Russian companies have billion dollars invested in Iran , and also China is investing billion dollars in its refinery sector .....

There is NO fat chance in hell anyone would dare touch where Russias/Chinese are involved.

Tiwan is a little spec on map I can't even locate that on map it would probbly take 8 hours for Chinese army to land in Tiwan's capital ...sure the fancy jets would be flying in air , but what will they do when the fuel runs out ??? They can't land back to airport either they will fly out to near by airports or sink in sea.

Russia Controls Europe
China will control Asia

This is the future.

But China's anger is justified , they did not arm Cuba with J10 or Sukhoi crafts , or gave them Advace missile so why is US arming up Tiwan ?

But China is very peace loving nation - they will probbly try to just ignore it
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