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Will Russia, Germany save Europe from war?

I guess shes a bit like me then; I can sleep through an avalanche ! :lol:

lol one time we were staying at a hotel, she wouldnt wake up to the fire alarm sounding.....

Me on the other hand, never really sleep....

lol one time we were staying at a hotel, she wouldnt wake up to the fire alarm sounding.....

Me on the other hand, never really sleep....


So any chance of visiting Pakistan ? :)

I visited the US but you never came to the airport to receive me ? :cry:
So any chance of visiting Pakistan ? :)

I visited the US but you never came to the airport to receive me ? :cry:

not anytime soon, and hey, i lives in Australia now......

i come to welcome you if you ever set foot in sydney
not anytime soon, and hey, i lives in Australia now......

i come to welcome you if you ever set foot in sydney

Why ? You'd be surprised how different we are than what we're portrayed to be; I've personally known people (including Americans) who were awestruck by Pakistani hospitality and warmth when they visited us ! :(

Sydney, how'd you end up in Sydney ? :what:

Ahhh well all I know about Australia is that they've got more land than they've got people (a little like a warm version of Canada), they've produced some of the best bowlers to have ever played cricket, Steve Irvin was from there and every Australia I've ever seen (if hes white) has a tan that makes him look like a tomato ! :o:
Why ? You'd be surprised how different we are than what we're portrayed to be; I've personally known people (including Americans) who were awestruck by Pakistani hospitality and warmth when they visited us ! :(

Sydney, how'd you end up in Sydney ? :what:

Ahhh well all I know about Australia is that they've got more land than they've got people (a little like a warm version of Canada), they've produced some of the best bowlers to have ever played cricket, Steve Irvin was from there and every Australia I've ever seen (if hes white) has a tan that makes him look like a tomato ! :o:

lol most American have a mis guide sense about muslim and yes, i was like them until i actually went to Iraq.

how i end up in sydney is a long story, which i will tell you tomorrow, now i got to get some sleep and i will see you again tomorrow
As we stand, the whole shatter belt - apart from Ukraine and Belarus - has signed up to NATO. A new Berlin wall, this time US-built - from the Baltics to the Black Sea now runs through Kiev. Were Ukraine to become a NATO member in an albeit remote future, the shatter belt buffer zone would disappear. This means NATO - essentially the US - planted right on Russia's western border.

Serbia hasn't.
yes Serbia is not part of the Western alliance yet. But let's see for how long they can hold on.
The have already paid a heavy price.

Serbia is the most pro Russia country in the world. Serbians see Russians as their own people. Serbia will never join NATO like Croatia has.
Serbia is the most pro Russia country in the world. Serbians see Russians as their own people. Serbia will never join NATO like Croatia has.

Dude, you are too late for the party. Serbia has applied to join EU and are considering for joining the NATO after the resolve of Kosovo issue

In April 2008 Serbia was invited to join the Intensified Dialogue programme with NATO despite the diplomatic rift with the alliance over Kosovo.[92] Serbia officially applied for membership in the European Union on 22 December 2009,[93] and received candidate status on 1 March 2012, following a delay in December 2011.[10][94] Following a positive recommendation of the European Commission and European Council in June 2013, negotiations to join the EU commenced in January 2014.[95]

Serbia has been in the NATO "Partnership for Peace" Program since 2006 and since 2008, they are invited by NATO for intenisifed talk. And current situation in Serbia will actually forbade Serbia from joining NATO (Cause of Kosovo) but both side is actually working on the Issue

Read this


Serbia have applied for EU membership since 2009 and was recommended finally in 2013 and talk between EU and Serbia is holding currently in 2014, for more information, read this

EU - Enlargement - Serbia - European Commission

Just because Serbia speak Cyrillic does not mean they are pro russia. Infact, Serbian Cyrillic is more related to Ukrainian than Russian, an Ukrainian can understand what has been speak and wrote from a Serb and serb can understand Ukrainian vice versa.

Russian on the other hand, cannot understand Serbian as much as any ukrainian
i laugh so hard after reading the OP article.

Thats reminds me when I was fighting in Iraq, some dude say 10,000 RPG7 can bring down any US aircraft, even F22...

Or when i remember that PLA Navy admiral saying a thousand Fishing boat with bomb can finish any US carrier....

Please tell me this is a joke article....

That was a funny article.

Pepe Escobar is a gonzo journalist wannabe in the mold of Hunter S Thompson. Basically, someone with writing talent but lack the ability to or refuse to exercise dispassion in observance of human events. I read Escobar's stuff before and found him intellectually lacking. Nothing serious.
That was a funny article.

Pepe Escobar is a gonzo journalist wannabe in the mold of Hunter S Thompson. Basically, someone with writing talent but lack the ability to or refuse to exercise dispassion in observance of human events. I read Escobar's stuff before and found him intellectually lacking. Nothing serious.

nothing serious just laugh....that what i did

lol strange that somebody actually publish his crap while I on the otherhand got my last 3 defense article rejected by my publisher.....

Maybe i need to get on what he got on loo

funny some member comment or post on a subject which they know nothing about....

much like the OP article...
Putin pulls when Obama pushes

By M K Bhadrakumar
Assuming your opponent has a strength of six and you have a strength of four, if both exert in pushing against each other, your four is sure to lose to his six. One of the basics of applying force in judo is that if you do not push but pull as he pushes, you add your four to his six so that with a strength of ten you can easily pull him down.

‘Judo Knight’ Russian President Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, would know that only too well and he ‘applied force’ on his US adversary President Barack Obama by his surprise decision to scrap the South Stream gas pipeline project.

The $40 billion Gazprom-funded South Stream would have brought gas from Russia under the Black Sea to Bulgaria and on to southeastern Europe. Putin announced while on a visit to Ankara, Turkey,

“Taking into account the European Commission’s position, which is not contributing to the realization of this [South Stream] project, taking into account the fact that we have only recently received permission from the respective organizations in the Netherlands… Taking into account the fact that we still have not received Bulgaria’s permission, we think that Russia is unable to continue realization of this project in such conditions.”

On the face of it, Moscow ‘retreated’, given the European Commission’s lukewarm attitude under American pressure, not to increase further its energy dependence on Russia. But in reality, Putin outmaneuvered the West. He said,

“We will redirect the flow of our energy resources to other regions of the world, including by advanced and fast realization of liquefied natural gas projects. We will advance to the other markets and Europe will not receive these volumes, at least from Russia. We think that this is not corresponding with Europe’s economic interests and causes damage to our cooperation. But this is the choice of our European friends.”

In sum, Russia has mothballed South Stream, but it will nonetheless sell more gas to Europe via Turkey and there is nothing that the European Commission (or Washington) can do about it if the countries of southern Europe find it advantageous to tap into the energy hub that Russia is planning to create on Turkey’s border with Greece.

The surprising part is that Turkey is teaming up with Russia despite their differences over the Syrian conflict. Clearly, Turkey is asserting its independent foreign policies by refusing to adopt the Western sanctions against Russia. Moscow appreciates that under Prime Minister Recep Erdogan’s leadership, Turkey has opted for a nationalistic, autonomous foreign policy and emancipation from the US.

Of course, the Turkish-Russian strategic understanding has wide-ranging implications for regional politics. Washington won’t like what is happening, as this sardonic commentary by RFERL testifies.

The scrapping of the South Stream once again underscores that Putin is determined to diversify Russia’s energy export markets. The Asian markets become a top priority for Russian energy exports.
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