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Will Pakistan execute Jadhav before the final verdict?

Pakistan is in a strange situation - If she does execute Jadhav - The international image will further deteriorate. And if she doesn't Courts would be termed as kangaroo courts internationally.

Let's see what Pakistan decides to do.... unth ab kis karvat bethta hai... deakhne wali baat hai...
We will eventually execute him . may be in july or last weeksof june .
Then in that case may be in future pakistan need ICJ also having similar situation. Then ICJ will remind pakistan's action. :D
Will Pakistan execute Jadhav before the final verdict?
Global Village Space |

M. K. Bhadrakumar |

The initial reports from Pakistan regarding the International Court of Justice’s interim order on the Kulbhushan Jadhav case give a sinking feeling. If chances of Pakistan carrying out the death sentence were evenly poised, the balance now tilts in favor of execution. It’s now, say, 75% to 25%. Consider the following.

There has been a heavy criticism of the Pakistani government’s handling of the case at the ICJ by the opposition parties. The accusations range from inept handling to outright criticism that Pakistan should have altogether dissociated from the proceedings and refused to accept the ICJ’s jurisdiction to the highly combustive allegations that there might have been some ‘match-fixing’ between Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and PM Modi. The recent visit by the Indian steel magnate Sajjad Jindal has been linked to that preposterous conspiracy theory.

Pakistani government put on a back foot
“Pakistan’s security is so important and we have to maintain our fundamental sovereign right.”
– Sartaj Aziz

Without a doubt, Sharif’s government has been put on the back foot. It is now coming under compulsion to take a hard line. The Attorney General’s Office has vowed to take the case to its “logical conclusion”. Minister for Information Marriyum Aurangzeb said Pakistan will vigorously fight this case without compromising on its national security. Advisor to Prime Minister for Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said, “Pakistan’s security is so important and we have to maintain our fundamental sovereign right.”

Read more: Hague battle: Pakistan still very much in the game

There has been no statement from the Army so far. Evidently, the Army will keep a close tab on the groundswell of public opinion, which seems to favor the execution of Jadhav. The last date for Jadhav to appeal is May 19. But the timeline can be extended. Any such extension will give a clue on the way the wind is blowing in the GHQ in Rawalpindi.

Pakistan has already informed the ICJ that Jadhav will not be executed before August 10. It is safe to conclude that Pakistan will abide by the interim order by the ICJ. What lies beyond that certainty is a ‘known unknown’.

Having come this far, the probability is that Pakistan will present its case more forcefully at the next ICJ hearing. Surprisingly, its performance at the ICJ hearing last week was far below par – conveying even an impression that an interim order was a near-certainty and, therefore, why bother. It may have decided to keep the powder dry for the forthcoming hearing.

Will Pakistan wait for the final verdict?
From the various remarks in reaction to the ICJ’s ruling, it is apparent that Pakistan remains ambivalent about the ICJ’s jurisdiction. But the big question is whether this means that the door is open for it to refuse to comply with the ICJ’s final judgment — or even whether it will wait beyond August for the final judgment to come.

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Will Pakistan execute Jadhav before the final verdict?
I think Pakistan has already executed him.
Will Pakistan execute Jadhav before the final verdict?

Highly unlikely.
I doubt any one in international arena actually gives a squat about Yadav. As a matter of fact most people dont even have any idea about who is yadav. International community is worried that nut jobs in india might esclate it to war where nuclear exchange might become a reality otherwise they wont loose sleep over an indian from a population of over a billion people. Indians should get this into their thick skulls that we are not executing yadav anytime soon as evident by our treatment to previous indian spies who were handed the same verdict. Pakistan will keeep him alive to flaunt his face whenever india will point a finger at pakistan.

Good, the narrative is now changing from hang him asap, to we will not hang him for so and so reason.
Every one is now coming up with more reasons for not hanging him.

In coming days, pakistan will argue, we will not release him, why should we release him ?
And then slowly, one day they would argue, see we are great hearted nation, we release him, lol.
Hypothetically speaking, if we do hang him, ICJ will be left fuming, the max they can do, is complain to the UNSC, where China would veto any resolution. And Bhandari can keep on drinking gau mutar, and can keep on ranting.

Patwaris better wake up, before a boot kicking them in their behind, sends them into orbit.
Pakistan hanged Mumtaz qadri which was a high profile hanging then the monkey.

Its good that india took this internationally making issue between them not bilateral anymore, now Pakistan also has the chance to take different issue internationally and remind the world to take action with regards to kashmir
Pakistan hanged Mumtaz qadri which was a high profile hanging then the monkey.

Its good that india took this internationally making issue between them not bilateral anymore, now Pakistan also has the chance to take different issue internationally and remind the world to take action with regards to kashmir
ICJ is a biased organization, who will never give an unbiased decision.

Politicizing, or marketing your issue, should be done through a solid diplomatic core, and engagements with the press. And not via Pharaoh era advisors, with prostate issues.
A terrorist can be executed any time any where, it makes scenario more serious that such terrorist is military trained. A part & parcel of hindo extremist terrorist army.
ahhhh Bhadrakumar and his fantasies.

No Pakistan is not going to hang him before Next election take place so far it is the atmosphere.

BTW we should run a DNA test on him to find if he is an Aryan or a Dravidian :D
Pakistan should definitely execute Jadhav. Because it was direct attack on Pakistan. Pakistan should not have accepted ICJ because if any country doesn't accept that its an international dispute then ICJ didn't hear the case. And if Pakistani Government has made a mistake by accepting it then their casa should be prepared strongly. Although if ICJ has paused the execution uptil final verdict Pakistan should execute him. Because India is violating UN in Kashmir,China in South China sea,Russia in Ukraine, USA in Pakistan, Isreal in Philistine. Every country accepts UN or ICJ if its decision is in favour of that country. Jadhav was involved on many terrorist attacks. But Pakistani Government is getting soft in that case.
This needs to stop.

Pakistan doesn't have a ICJ case over Kashmir. Because some India will go in smack the Simla Accords in their face and walk off before Pakistan's 5 crore lawyer has a chance to respond.
This needs to stop.

Pakistan doesn't have a ICJ case over Kashmir. Because some India will go in smack the Simla Accords in their face and walk off before Pakistan's 5 crore lawyer has a chance to respond.
Yes Pakistan doesn't have ICJ case instead Pakistan have raised Kashmir dispute in UN many times. But India is not ready to talk on Kashmir on any fourm. And how could Pakistan raise the Kashmir issue in ICJ until India accepts it an international issue. In 21st century we see many examples of UN or ICJ losing control on many issues. If India in not accepting the Kashmir issue the why had Pakistan accepted that Jadhav case?This was not a good step by Pakistan.
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