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Will Indians backstab china if China is militarily conflicting with Japan?

Nehru took advantage of our difficult time in 1960s by seizing our land, is there any possibility that indian politician will do the same to china if china is trapped in conflicts from other directions? I know most Indian hate that lose in 1960s to china, but to be honest, we didn't want to get engagement in another war with India, even we might be the winner. There is no winner in war between India and china, we're all loser if we let it happen again.

It is wrong perception. How can you claim Tibet which is an autonomous region and which is historically a kingdom with out the influence of Hans. the Border is between India and Tibet and Tibet accepted Mcmohan line as an international boundary.

No one can guarantee Pakistan won't be devoured by India if we just let it go. We just build an strategic balance, nothing more. Pakistan is not able to harm you anyway around.

The same thing applies to Philippines, Vietnam and Japan in SCS issue.
Nehru took advantage of our difficult time in 1960s by seizing our land, is there any possibility that indian politician will do the same to china if china is trapped in conflicts from other directions? I know most Indian hate that lose in 1960s to china, but to be honest, we didn't want to get engagement in another war with India, even we might be the winner. There is no winner in war between India and china, we're all loser if we let it happen again.

To be accurate, there was no seizure of land in the 60s.

Aksai Chin was already occupied by the PRC, it might be said by negative minded people, in a clandestine manner. There had been no discussion regarding this territory, until it was discovered almost accidentally that there was a Chinese road running through it. Subsequent Indian patrols were At the fringes of this territory, nowhere near the road, for instance.

In Arunachal Pradesh also, there was an Indian presence for decades before the 60s. Before that, like several other wild boundaries, not just on the border with China, there had been representatives of neither nation. In AP, it is true, Indian patrols moved further and further north, until it was in questionable territory. To that extent, there was patrolling in an undemarcated area. There was no lndgrab as such.

To explain, the border between Tibet and AP was to have been on the watershed. That was the intention of the McMahon Line. Sadly, and while what is to follow may sound like a bad joke, it is true and documented as such, during the conference, the map in use was a small-scale map, the instrument used was a broad one. The line was not very representative, therefore, wandering on both sides of the water-shed.

The dilemma facing the troops who were asked to patrol on that line was peculiar. At times, the true watershed was north of the line. At times, it was south. The correct response would have been to demarcate the line along the true water-shed, but events were out of control by then.

In any case, the Chinese delegate at that conference had already considerably muddied the waters by participating in certain discussions and by dropping out of others.

I hope this makes the position clearer.
Anwering the question - frankly nothing will happen towards China from India other than lot of diplomatic moves from India to try to bring down the tensions and stop the war. Don't think even Pakistan will do anything about it.
Backstab???? :what: why would India backstab China when India can stab it in the front since India is NO friend of China. The question of backstabing arises when one is a good friend of other. India will surely side with Japan as its in her interests


India has never taken sides in other people's wars.
India never dare to stab anybody from front.
The only stabbing that is possible is from back.
India never dare to stab anybody from front.
The only stabbing that is possible is from back.


PS: I wish the above were true!
@Joe Shearer has very aptly explained Indian concerns with regard to Sino-Pakistan collusion in the emerging environment. However, these cannot be judged appropriately unless juxtaposed by geopolitical as well as geostrategic environment.

Lets very briefly analyse this.

Geo-political environment is transitioning from American efforts to retain its uni-polarity to a stage where the emerging competitors are moving to a position of asserting their influence. Major US concerns focused on Asia include:

An emerging China.

Seeking and sustaining support for a countervailing India against China.

A resurgent Russia with an eye on Central Asia and a resurgent desire to reach warm waters through Pakistan.

A concerned Muslim world attempting to redefine its place in the world polity.

While US led efforts aimed at containment of Russia are stabilizing in Europe, endeavours to curtail Russian and Chinese influence in Eurasian hinterland are also underway.

What does US want from India:

India to act as a countervailing force against China.

As a milkman to sustain US economy.

Compete with Chinese economic progress.

Stabilize regional disputes with limited force projection capability.

Lets see what are India’s geopolitical and geostrategic strengths:

India cannot laterally expand its influence beyond its western borders due the existence of geo-political impediments in addition to the geographical restrictions placed by the presence of Pakistan, unless Pakistan allows it to do so.

Expansion of its influence towards the east is impeded due to the large geographical lay of China.

Myanmar can provide India with limited ability to expand towards South East Asia. Chinese influence in Myanmar has increased manifold and may limit future Indian endeavours.

Therefore the only direction it may be able to expand its influence is towards the vast expanse of sea in the south. The US also supports India’s increasing influence in IOR, but only as a second fiddle.

India would become a strong economic power and would be able to generate fair bit of economic influence in all those countries which are its trading partners and may also be able to exercise fair bit of negativity against Pakistan and China in this domain.

However, it’s overall power projection and generation of influence in the key regions would still remain limited unless it drastically improves relations with both Pakistan and China.

This fact also highlights the importance of strategic nature of Pak-China relationship.

Pakistan’s sympathetic leanings towards China is one of the major causes of Pak-US trust deficit.

However, the US in its endeavours to contain China is also eyeing Pakistan’s southern sea ports to acquire its own strategic corridor with links to Central Asian resources and to safeguard its interests.

Therefore, it is likely that the US will continue to act as Pakistan’s neighbour for quite some time through its presence in Afghanistan and the Gulf.

Therefore, India’s concerns as expressed by @Joe Shearer may not find due importance in places of import. This is so because India’s importance has diminished considerably due to her weakness at geopolitical and geostrategic levels.
China needs Gwadar port and the road to that passes from Pakistani Kashmir...am i right?Now think about it again....

China tacitly confirms Gwadar Port takeover | The Nation

well put..China is not going to give up its ambition to confine India. 1% doubt about that in Indian military mind would be harmful for Indian interests.

We respect Pakistan sovereignty, which means we won't deploy our troops to kirshmir.

China fooled India once by building road in Akshai Chin while claiming it is not.. Cant do it twice ok? Also do you think Indian intelligence this time does not know what you are doing? so while you can make fake postures on a forum it doesn't help in cheating India as the people who matter in Indian intelligence circles already know about it. So I suggest it is better for you guys to accept even on international forums that yes you r building it and rather try to give some reason to explain it.

If you keep lying about it, it does not help in debate and neither does it help to hide it from IA.

Pakistan build it's own nuclear weapon by it's own without our help, will Russian help India developing nuke weapons? Definitely NO!

Wait for a decade, Vietnam will also be building Nukes of its own without off course any Indian or Russian help.

Sino_indian relationship was a model relationship in human history ..apart from last five decades of mistrust we had cordial relationship ..

There is a proverb "distant hill always looks attractive ".. Japan or for that matter usa does not share border with us ..
It is china which has to initiate policy shift vis a vis india , i am sure india will reciprocate with humility ..
Better relationship with china will have greater effect than say excellent relationship with japan ..we have to live side by side through out our existence .. So there is a immediate need to fill the trust deficit ..

that was because India and China did not share borders... so think about it again, now the situation is different for past 60 years and you can see we have not been friends since then... only if Tibet is freed will the relations improve...

You also need to think that China is not being rules by civilized folks... those ruling it the ccp is like a gang of criminals exerting influence by use of massive force even on Chinese themselves..

China should get out of any developement in Pakistan Kashmir as India claim that. Even world respect that.

Diamer-Bhasha: WB links dam

China is in a situation today where it will not back out of any conflict. It is trying to play divide and rule with its enemies.. it beleives it can take down all the enemies if it can do that one at a time... Also do note China has conflicts with each country on strategically important areas... so when it takes down one enemy successfully without invoking the wrath of other enemies it becomes MORE stronger to take down second enemy in SOME LATER period of time..

China is only waiting for right power and time to take down all and establish the doimance of MIDDLE KINGDOM across whole Asia..

The key to this lies in becoming More stronger with each victory and taking down one enemy at a time... while managing to avoid 2-3 enemies attacking it together..

Then why you complain, when US try to build same strategic balance by supporting Japanese, of Philipins or S Korea. They are also doing the same,just aginst you.

very well said.. China is a country following duplicitous policy... while they would not hesitate to support Pakistan to allow it self defense, and wont stop building roads in Kashmir...

but they will condemn fiercely if India (or US in above example) were to provide similar support to Vietnam in terms of missiles and nukes and fighters and subs to ensure that Vietnam is able to defend its territory. Also China would keep lying OPENLY about its involvement in building infrastructure in Kashmir though it would keep it moving at full steam.

It is wrong perception. How can you claim Tibet which is an autonomous region and which is historically a kingdom with out the influence of Hans. the Border is between India and Tibet and Tibet accepted Mcmohan line as an international boundary.

Chinese are living in dreams of Middle Kingdom... they continuously OPENLY refer to the past historical kingdoms... so they wont stop claiming every inch of land on which they had an iota of influence ever.

It is akin to India claiming Afghanistan to Myanmar as its own. But India does not do it while the Chinese are doing it OPENLY. So that should make clear the IMPERIALISTIC ambitions of Chinese.

On the topic I can say it is not a question of IF, it is only a question of WHEN India and China would be facing each other in an all out battle. So I say India should put maximum pressure on the Indo China border and reclaim Akshai CHin and Free Tibet whenever we get the right opportunity.

If any Indian thinks India should not use such an opportunity, I just have one question. What do you think, what will China do once it is able to win lands against Japan and SCS? Will the enlarged and much stronger China give up claims on AP or will it attack India?

(but I admit there is an assumption here that - while India stays out China is able to win in SCS and against Japan and does not suffer too much in the process. The problem for India increases if China is able to win against Japan and SCS, as I believe emboldened the Chinese will turn to Indian AP next.

But is is also possible that while India stays out and China and Japan/SCS (US) war leads to a defeat for China. If China looses then India does not need to face it in future. But then again I believe it is better to get back Akshai Chin and free Tibet when China is about to loose, as you don't get such opportunities again and again.)
well put..China is not going to give up its ambition to confine India. 1% doubt about that in Indian military mind would be harmful for Indian interests.

China fooled India once by building road in Akshai Chin while claiming it is not.. Cant do it twice ok? Also do you think Indian intelligence this time does not know what you are doing? so while you can make fake postures on a forum it doesn't help in cheating India as the people who matter in Indian intelligence circles already know about it. So I suggest it is better for you guys to accept even on international forums that yes you r building it and rather try to give some reason to explain it.

If you keep lying about it, it does not help in debate and neither does it help to hide it from IA.

Wait for a decade, Vietnam will also be building Nukes of its own without off course any Indian or Russian help.

that was because India and China did not share borders... so think about it again, now the situation is different for past 60 years and you can see we have not been friends since then... only if Tibet is freed will the relations improve...

You also need to think that China is not being rules by civilized folks... those ruling it the ccp is like a gang of criminals exerting influence by use of massive force even on Chinese themselves..

China is in a situation today where it will not back out of any conflict. It is trying to play divide and rule with its enemies.. it beleives it can take down all the enemies if it can do that one at a time... Also do note China has conflicts with each country on strategically important areas... so when it takes down one enemy successfully without invoking the wrath of other enemies it becomes MORE stronger to take down second enemy in SOME LATER period of time..

China is only waiting for right power and time to take down all and establish the doimance of MIDDLE KINGDOM across whole Asia..

The key to this lies in becoming More stronger with each victory and taking down one enemy at a time... while managing to avoid 2-3 enemies attacking it together..

very well said.. China is a country following duplicitous policy... while they would not hesitate to support Pakistan to allow it self defense, and wont stop building roads in Kashmir...

but they will condemn fiercely if India (or US in above example) were to provide similar support to Vietnam in terms of missiles and nukes and fighters and subs to ensure that Vietnam is able to defend its territory. Also China would keep lying OPENLY about its involvement in building infrastructure in Kashmir though it would keep it moving at full steam.

Chinese are living in dreams of Middle Kingdom... they continuously OPENLY refer to the past historical kingdoms... so they wont stop claiming every inch of land on which they had an iota of influence ever.

It is akin to India claiming Afghanistan to Myanmar as its own. But India does not do it while the Chinese are doing it OPENLY. So that should make clear the IMPERIALISTIC ambitions of Chinese.

On the topic I can say it is not a question of IF, it is only a question of WHEN India and China would be facing each other in an all out battle. So I say India should put maximum pressure on the Indo China border and reclaim Akshai CHin and Free Tibet whenever we get the right opportunity.

If any Indian thinks India should not use such an opportunity, I just have one question. What do you think, what will China do once it is able to win lands against Japan and SCS? Will the enlarged and much stronger China give up claims on AP or will it attack India?

(but I admit there is an assumption here that - while India stays out China is able to win in SCS and against Japan and does not suffer too much in the process. The problem for India increases if China is able to win against Japan and SCS, as I believe emboldened the Chinese will turn to Indian AP next.

But is is also possible that while India stays out and China and Japan/SCS (US) war leads to a defeat for China. If China looses then India does not need to face it in future. But then again I believe it is better to get back Akshai Chin and free Tibet when China is about to loose, as you don't get such opportunities again and again.)

Excellent post. I would just like to add that Chinese imperialism is basically Han ethnic colonialism in guise of Communism. As you said, there was never any conflict between India and China in thousands of years of history because there was never a common border between India and China. There was thousands of miles of Tibet in-between which itself is a distinct civilization/nation, completely different than China. In fact the land of historical Han Chinese civiliztion is less than half of current China towards east. Rest all are occupied territories/ colonies. Calling present day People's republic of China as 'China' is like labelling entire Soviet Union including whole Central Asia as 'Russia'.
Pakistan build it's own nuclear weapon by it's own without our help, will Russian help India developing nuke weapons? Definitely NO!

Soviet Union may have lend us a helping hand.....i think so ....Pakistan build her Nuke tech with help from china and NK...........do google AQ khan and start from there !!Dont forget the missile tech that china is giving Pak..........
India and China must set aside their differences & Settle their border disputes through talks. :agree:
Highy umlikely if you ask me. But another countries like US will suerly side with the Japanese, then things would get tougher for the Chinese.
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