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Will India’s Military Revolt?


Feb 25, 2009
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United States
Warning: Lets keep this thread for the topic discussion. Please DO NOT bring in past wars with Pakistan. It has nothing to do with this article! Discuss TOPIC only!!

I dont know about the source, but the author seems to be delusional conjuring up scenarios worthy of a tollywood drama! He also happens to have no thorough understanding of matters involved and draws up conclusions fit to be classified a troll under forum rules! ;)

Lets coolly discuss the merits and demerits of this article only. Trolls, GTFO if you dont have anything worthy to contribute. To my compatriots, contribute seriously, do not get carried away by nationalistic sentiments!

Will India’s Military Revolt?
Dispirited by a government that seems soft on the intifada in Kashmir, Madhav Nalapat says trouble is brewing in the military.

During the 63 years that India has been a free country, only once has an army chief ever veered close to planning a coup along the lines of the Pakistan model. That was Joyanto Nath Choudhuri, who was better at writing than at war, having conceded a stalemate to a vastly inferior Pakistan force in 1965.

Before him and since, the military has remained loyal to its civilian masters, even during the many periods when they’ve indulged in favouritism or in procurement scams. But there are signs now that a revolt may be brewing within the uniformed services over what they see as the United Progressive Front government's unwillingness to back them in their often bloody battle against Maoists, insurgents and jihadists across the country.

The resentment is greatest in Kashmir, a consequence of Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi's ‘Look the other way’ policy towards the well-organized intifada now taking place in that state. The movement is designed to attract international intervention in the state—preferably of a military nature—similar to that which occurred in Kosovo. This might seem like an outlandish idea, but the separatist leaders in Kashmir (who preach their venom openly while living in opulence) have been made to believe by their handlers in Pakistan that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defence Secretary Robert Gates and CIA chief Leon Panetta are in favour of robust US mediation in Kashmir. Such intervention, they believe, would ultimately ensure that the state would, in effect, become independent from India.

They claim that Pakistan's army chief of staff, Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, has made it clear to the US trio that his military's support for NATO operations in the ****** Pashtun belt is conditional on such an outcome in Kashmir.

Certainly, US and other Western diplomats have ensured there’s a steady diet of reports on the intifada in Western media, almost none of which point out that the movement is confined to just a section of the Sunni population in the Kashmir Valley and is opposed by the majority of the population in the region comprising Shias, Gujjars, Bakkerwals, Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists. Indeed, the Western media reports also ignore the reality that what the Valley Sunni separatists seek is a religious state where the Saudi version of Sharia law would form the basis of jurisprudence.

Whatever the compulsions of Clinton, Gates and Panetta, the fact remains that the Sonia-led UPA has followed the Western press and diplomatic corps in ignoring the ‘silent majority’ in Kashmir, refusing to factor in the views of the non-Valley Sunni elements in the state.

What has infuriated the military is the parroting of the Valley Sunni line by Home Minister P Chidambaram (ever-focussed on winning brownie points with the United States) and the silence of Defense Minister A K Antony over the frequent criticisms of the military and the uniformed services generally—this at a time when more than 700 members of these services have been hospitalized for serious injuries sustained during the intifada. There’s also anger that thus far, no VIP has bothered even to enquire properly about these men, much less visit them in hospital.

The present chief minister of Kashmir, the youthful Omar Abdullah, was chosen for his proximity to the heir of the Congress Party, Rahul Gandhi. But in this first test of a Rahul brigade member in the field of fire, Abdullah has failed miserably, apparently seeking to curry favour with the instigators of the intifada even while doing nothing to stop the widespread corruption that has made Kashmir (together with the Northeast) the most administratively crooked part of India.

Sadly, each eruption of violence is followed by an increase in the volume of Delhi's largesse to the state, almost all of which gets used in the Valley and seems to end up in the pockets of the very Valley Sunnis who fan the flames. Kashmir for them has become a cornucopia, sustained by constant agitations that lead to fresh transfusions of cash, a part of which get used to initiate more trouble.

Those on the field say that it’s only a matter of time before a revolt takes place within the uniformed services—not just in Kashmir, but in other parts of India, where the present government is adopting a policy of hunting with the hounds and running with the hares.

But given the multiple arrests and other disciplinary action against uniformed personnel (which they contrast with the kid-glove treatment meted out to the intifada leadership), the time may be approaching when the hounds refuse to hunt. Instead, they may decide to step back to let Kashmir's political leadership and its Delhi backers face the consequences of a policy of winks and nods to pro-Pakistan elements seeking to prise Kashmir loose from India through international intervention.

An amusing read nonetheless.
Totally lame article. Indian army would revolt because the Kangrass government is not taking a tough against the Kashmiri separatist. And Indian army image is getting tarnished owing to it.Totally lame.
At the start I should say in no uncertain terms that im not even in remote terms,favour a military dictator to rule my country.

Military's job is toprotect the borders,not to rule the capital.

Having said that ,nonetheless i find many concerns of the Army valid and genuine.

1)First the Kashmir situation - as one Army Gen out,the political leadership has entirely squanderd away the blood spilt by the jawans in crushing the armed insurgency to the level it is today.

2)Equipments -Wen in some photos i see US or even Chinese soldiers I couldn ,but envy the equipments,body armor these guys are provided.Look at the ordinary Army Jawan and his equipment - pathetic to say the least.
are these lives so cheap for the babus.?

3)again with equipments- the endless RFPs,their delay,their cancellation..it just shows the lackadaisical attitude of the government snd thelives at stake here - the Jawans,pilots etc.

4)Human rights - Right from Kashmir,Maooist areas to the NE the Sec.forces in general have become punching bags for these self-proclaimed human rights agencies who make it a point in raising a huge hue and cry wen even one of the other parties is killed but turn the other way if outpoor Jawans are butchered andthe government chooses to remain silent.

Just imagine the condition of a jawan ,who has pledged his life for the motherland ,fighting in the mountains jungles, when he hears good-for-nothings sitting in AC rooms blasting him as if he is some barbarian. Moral sapping it is.

5) Pay - wen the criminal MLAs get about 1 lakh a month plus perks what do these brave sons get..peanuts.Why am I paying my tax money for..?For the useless MLAs?? No for the upkeepof my country- a responsibilty that falls mainly on the Sec Forces.

- anything anywhere goes wrong blame it on the Sec forces.Eg.Kashmir - it is the separatists who continually provoke the Sec forces by stone pelting..with the Sec forces exihibiting the maximum restraint even then.
What do they get in return - brickbats.Pathetic

7)Media - one of the biggest problems.It has become the latest fashion by the media to blame/bash the Sec forces for incompetence,human rights abuses,this,that when most of these would piss in the pants on hearing a bullet.

I can go on...but I hope I have conveyed my feelings...

P.s.: I dont want a military dictatorship..but I want a responsible and pro-active governmentwhich I cant expect from the Congress.

Jai Jawan...Jai Kisan..
Come on Gubbi. Dont pick up random stuff from blogs yaar. We know this aint happening. IA has seen worse times during Emergency. The issues raised by the author arent strong enough to warrant a coup d'etat attempt.
not happening, Indian democracy is too strong, Amry coup's are not happening in India. The Army is kept in tight check by the MOD which calls all the shots.
Indian military is very disciplined and they obey commands given from the government elected by Indian civilians. They never disobeyed the orders and they will never.

moreover, Indian military structure doesn't suit any revolt.
All three wings are free from each other. so, its nearly impossible that navy,army,airforce chiefs will agree on revolt before government smells revolt.
no chance!! considering the size of the country, political structure & citizens upbringing in culture of democracy. This is a complete alien system for people of india. No matter how good or how bad, democracy is the only way of life indians know. people of our country do know that it's the only system which has the ability to rectify the flaws within the system when you let democracy function.
Not possible India is too big for them. The number of political parties are too many for the army to control and first resistance they will face will be people of india. They will definitely not want to become villain in the eyes of their own people. Though there concerns are 100% legitimate.
Gubbi -
NIce read, but nt happening..anyways

but the separatist leaders in Kashmir (who preach their venom openly while living in opulence) have been made to believe by their handlers in Pakistan that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Defence Secretary Robert Gates and CIA chief Leon Panetta are in favour of robust US mediation in Kashmir. Such intervention, they believe, would ultimately ensure that the state would, in effect, become independent from India.

What does this mean?, army is there to keep the situation in control.
and why are they blaming themselves, when its Police which is accused more than them...
You guys are doing a good job with the terrorrist. Leave the stone pelters to the police and relaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax...
No way.

But our Babus need to take care of our army's problem:angry:
Need to know what makes the IA tick.

The ' izzat' & good name of the paltan carries more weight than anything else.

Revolt is not even a long shot.
indian army should overtake govt,atleast we will get rid frm the services provided by babu's.atleast army will be free to take care of itself n will protect frm external threat.
At the start I should say in no uncertain terms that im not even in remote terms,favour a military dictator to rule my country.

Military's job is toprotect the borders,not to rule the capital.

Having said that ,nonetheless i find many concerns of the Army valid and genuine.

1)First the Kashmir situation - as one Army Gen out,the political leadership has entirely squanderd away the blood spilt by the jawans in crushing the armed insurgency to the level it is today.

2)Equipments -Wen in some photos i see US or even Chinese soldiers I couldn ,but envy the equipments,body armor these guys are provided.Look at the ordinary Army Jawan and his equipment - pathetic to say the least.
are these lives so cheap for the babus.?

3)again with equipments- the endless RFPs,their delay,their cancellation..it just shows the lackadaisical attitude of the government snd thelives at stake here - the Jawans,pilots etc.

4)Human rights - Right from Kashmir,Maooist areas to the NE the Sec.forces in general have become punching bags for these self-proclaimed human rights agencies who make it a point in raising a huge hue and cry wen even one of the other parties is killed but turn the other way if outpoor Jawans are butchered andthe government chooses to remain silent.

Just imagine the condition of a jawan ,who has pledged his life for the motherland ,fighting in the mountains jungles, when he hears good-for-nothings sitting in AC rooms blasting him as if he is some barbarian. Moral sapping it is.

5) Pay - wen the criminal MLAs get about 1 lakh a month plus perks what do these brave sons get..peanuts.Why am I paying my tax money for..?For the useless MLAs?? No for the upkeepof my country- a responsibilty that falls mainly on the Sec Forces.

- anything anywhere goes wrong blame it on the Sec forces.Eg.Kashmir - it is the separatists who continually provoke the Sec forces by stone pelting..with the Sec forces exihibiting the maximum restraint even then.
What do they get in return - brickbats.Pathetic

7)Media - one of the biggest problems.It has become the latest fashion by the media to blame/bash the Sec forces for incompetence,human rights abuses,this,that when most of these would piss in the pants on hearing a bullet.

I can go on...but I hope I have conveyed my feelings...

P.s.: I dont want a military dictatorship..but I want a responsible and pro-active governmentwhich I cant expect from the Congress.

Jai Jawan...Jai Kisan..
well separatist throw stones what do u throw bullets well when ur soldiers rape poor women of Kashmir kill innocent people and then label them terrorist i dont think that they r resilient at all as for the other pointsi couldnt agree more
indian army should overtake govt,atleast we will get rid frm the services provided by babu's.atleast army will be free to take care of itself n will protect frm external threat.

Stupid suggestion. Where have you seen a military rule go well? The army has only one purpose, and that is to guard the state against threats. Our civilian government, despite their weaknesses and incompetence and ineptitude regarding certain issues, have managed to make India a rising economic power. No army rule can do that. Military rule will have absolute power. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Indian military has a lot of concerns, but a revolt is VERY unlikely, because there will be no civilian support for it. Indians are proud of our democracy. Any change in government will be brought about by the people.

The army's concerns have to be addressed through a redefining of the bureaucracy that resulted in the problems, and of course, the elimination of corruption.
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