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Will India allow a woman to rule the country ?


Jun 28, 2010
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I wish to rule India one day, says Maya
I wish to rule India one day, says Maya - Hindustan Times

After creating history by becoming chief minister of the country's largest state for the fourth time, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati has set new goals for herself - to rule India some day and build a "casteless society". "My aspiration to rise in life has brought me here today. I must
confess I do look forward to occupying the highest chair in the country, one day," Mayawati, 51, said in her first exclusive interview to the print media.

While she is on one hand busy establishing her credentials as an administrator in a new mould, she also has her eyes set on the 2009 general election. "I have started preparing my own blueprint for much larger participation of BSP in the next Lok Sabha elections than ever before," she said in the 50-minute interview conducted at her private residence.

Mayawati is confident that the Dalit-Brahmin combination she forged in Uttar Pradesh would now attract other important social groups. "While Muslims have begun to drift towards us, a number of backward castes too are throwing their lot behind us."

And what makes her believe that her BSP would be in the reckoning in other states? "Well, each time we have risen to power, our graph has gone up. Now that we have formed our first single-party majority government in Uttar Pradesh, the message has gone far and wide that we are here to stay and that we have the potential to establish BSP rule in other states too," she added with an air of confidence.

"We are the only party in the country with a solid base vote in every state; the question is of tapping that vote, which in turn would attract others to forge the BSP ahead of most other parties in several other states."

Mayawati outlines her dreams. "I wish to achieve what my ideologues always dreamed of - establishing a society without the traditional hierarchy, where everyone is treated at par and where one's caste tag does not determine his status in that social hierarchy.

"Be it Narayana Guru, Shahuji Maharaj, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar or for that matter even manyavar (respected) Kanshi Ram, they all talked about the need for a casteless society but none of them could chart out a path to achieve that goal," she pointed out.

She added: "Even Kanshi Ramji could never imagine that upper caste Brahmin votes would ever be transferred to a party like ours. He was always circumspect about that and would not have easily ventured into an experiment of the kind we tried and that worked quite successfully in Uttar Pradesh."

For Mayawati, who clearly displays the potential of emerging as the only undisputed leader of India's 22 per cent Dalit population, the success story of her "social engineering" in the country's most populous state was not just a feather in her cap. It marks the beginning of a new social era that was inconceivable for many.

Mayawati's obvious bargain to use her party's potential numerical strength at the forthcoming presidential election to ensure a reprieve in what came to be known as the Taj Corridor corruption case has amply demonstrated her skills in getting over hurdles.

Sure enough, it could not have been any mean task to ensure that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) was denied permission by the Uttar Pradesh governor to the pursue the charges against her.

But that is another charge she refutes. "All that talk about the governor's refusal being a trade-off for ensuring BSP's support to the central government is outright false propaganda," she asserted.

Sporting her favourite beige salwar-kameez, barefoot as she prefers to remain at her neatly manicured home (not the official residence), Mayawati went at length to talk about overcoming what at one point of time seemed like the most formidable social barrier - caste - that eventually gave her party a clear majority to rule Uttar Pradesh.

Admitting that it was a calculated risk, she claimed: "Somehow my inner voice always told me and gave me the confidence that I would not fail in my mission to bring about a social change, which was now being termed by the media as social engineering."

Asked how she felt establishing proximity to Brahmins who had traditionally been atop the 'manuvaadi' system, which she always abhorred, Mayawati said, "Well, I still maintain that the manuvaadi (caste hierarchy enunciated by ancient Hindu king Manu who was said to have laid down the laws of Hinduism) was very damaging and had harmed society in more ways than one; it was squarely responsible for forging social divides."

She hastens to add: "But the fact that we have succeeded in bringing down this social barrier at least in one state has proved that we have made a good beginning towards ridding the society of its manuvaadi shackles."

Attributing her success to formation of bhai-chara (social harmony) committees of Brahmins and Dalits across Uttar Pradesh, she says: "It was through these committees that we made a beginning and we would replicate a similar exercise in other states."

I guess if Maya is allowed to rule the country then it will be good for India, South Asia and the world.

.. she has been voted as the most corrupt and insane female politician in this country. It wont be good for India if she ever comes, but its good for Pakistan though.
yeah it will be good 4 pak
Has she finished installing her statues throughout up??

.. she has been voted as the most corrupt and insane female politician in this country. It wont be good for India if she ever comes, but its good for Pakistan though.

.dont unnecessarily bring pakistan into this, btw i have noticed lately you have started to troll lately, you will be banned by mods even before u make to elites my mind says

yeah it will be good 4 pak
Has she finished installing her statues throughout up??

look at your corruption index and then talk...dont unnecessarily bring pakistan into this....
.dont unnecessarily bring pakistan into this, btw i have noticed lately you have started to troll lately, you will be banned by mods even before u make to elites my mind says


He told south asia.. i didnt knew south asia has changed..

And how is it trolling honey ???are we not talking about mayavati and her political ambitions? :pop:

And the latter part i dont care to explain.. stay on topic.. i dont need ur observations..
Silly thread title,do you wish to be reminded of Indira era?

By the way a woman is as of now ruling this country indirectly

Silly thread title,do you wish to be reminded of Indira era?

By the way a woman is as of now ruling this country indirectly

Any update on agra corridor scam and the corruption scandals of mayavatijii.. it was surprising to see her getting lots of seats in last election playing cheap games.
Guys. I think the whole 'equality' thing is a political tool. E.g. media can attack countries if it likes on bases of 'lack of equality' (for example no woman rulers). But think of this: would you not prefer a good ruler rather than a ruler to prove that you are 'equal'?

I know I would prefer a good non-Pakistani (albeit Muslim, so he can protect our deepest interests) ruler for my country rather than a bad Pakistani one.

Think abt it guys. Benazir Bhutto wasn't all that great as she was claimed to have been. If she was a woman or a man, so what?

Likewise, I would not care if our ruler is a woman or a man as long as she is good
We already had a woman rule us like 30 years back. And whats the big deal about a woman ruling a country?

As far as Mayawati is concerned, I hope not. Its not about the gender, its about the candidate.
The article is not opening

This is all that matters. He didn't even read what's written inside the article.

After having spent crores of the taxpayer’s money in a preposterous campaign entitled ‘India Shining’, the BJP have now succeeded in having tarnished India’s image in the eyes of the civilised world.
I personally know a local BSP leader who has gifted mayawati a brand new Toyota Camrey on her birthday couple of years back. If she becomes prime minister then this will happen everyday


and the rupee notes will be like this

and we will be like this

I guess if Maya is allowed to rule the country then it will be good for India, South Asia and the world.

For starters, another lady; Sheikh Hasina is already ruling in another country of South Asia i.e. the Republic of Bangladesh. That, for sure; is good for India, South Asia and the world.
As for Maya, her time will come, sometime.......................................
(in some millenium). And that will be good for Maya, at least. Dunno about the rest?!
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