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Will Humiliated IAF Would Ever Find Black Box of Own Mi17 that It Itself Show Down?


Mar 30, 2010
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Like will it ever happen? Already more than two months have passed

If it was supposed to be found then it would have been find till now.

Or IAF would suddenly find it after elections as Ajai Shukla said?
Lets suppose for a minute for the first time IAF is telling truth (i know hard to believe that first time indian telling truth but its hypothesis) so falling it in wrong hands IAF ki kiya kiya baaj sakti hai after decoding it ?Should they worried or not?
Black Box is a small thing , not easy to find.
Didn't your Army need 2 months to find its way to something as large as the Balakot targets after the IAF was done with them ? :-)
Or was the weather so bad that Ghafoor's ' next day visit' took 2 months !?!?
Black Box is a small thing , not easy to find.
Didn't your Army need 2 months to find its way to something as large as the Balakot targets after the IAF was done with them ? :-)
Or was the weather so bad that Ghafoor's ' next day visit' took 2 months !?!?

Army was at balakot within hours at Balakot and international media started reporting from area within hours

Going by your logic Indian army failed to go to 6 places that PAF bombed since it never took anyone to visit those places like PA. What is IA hiding just like IAF?

And blackbox isn't like a needle that they kind find it in an open field even after 2 months
Army was at balakot within hours at Balakot and international media started reported from area within hours

Going by your logic Indian army failed to go the 6 places that PAF bombed since it never took anyone to visit those places like PA

And blackbox isn't like a needle that they kind find it in an open field even after 2 months

You know pretty well that I am referring to the Pak Army chickening out from showing anyone from the press the site of the IAF targeted buildings for more than 2 months.

Play your word games if you want. Reality is that there was a cover up of terrorist fatalities and Ghafoor's ' next day' took 2 months.

Anyway since you are concerned about a Black Box( which clearly had nothing to do with the PAF) instead of an IAF ruthless attack on your own soil, carry on.
You know pretty well that I am referring to the Pak Army chickening out from showing anyone from the press the site of the IAF targeted buildings for more than 2 months.

Play your word games if you want. Reality is that there was a cover up of terrorist fatalities and Ghafoor's ' next day' took 2 months.

Anyway since you are concerned about a Black Box( which clearly had nothing to do with the PAF) instead of an IAF ruthless attack on your own soil, carry on.

PA has done its part. Official visit was done 2 months later while unofficially journalists reported from the area from day 1

Indian army didn't do both. So onus is on you guys. Not Pak army.

And secondly I am not concerned about that black box. I just want to further humiliate IAF since IAF is trying to coverup the incident where it killed 6 of its own in panic after getting thrashed by PAF

Also check the meaning of word "ruthless". If killing a crow and few trees is ruthless then what word you would use to define PAF attack which resulted in death of 6 IAF men and 1 IAF aircraft shot down and pilot becoming prisoner of Pakistan? So don't use work ruthless for IAF failed attack
PA has done its part. Official visit was done 2 months later while unofficially journalists reported from the area from day 1

Indian army didn't do both. So onus is on you guys. Not Pak army.

And secondly I am not concerned about that black box. I just want to further humiliate IAF since IAF is trying to coverup the incident where it killed 6 of its own in panic after getting thrashed by PAF

Also check the meaning of word "ruthless". If killing a crow and few trees is ruthless then what word you would use to define PAF attack which resulted in death of 6 IAF men and 1 IAF aircraft shot down and pilot becoming prisoner of Pakistan? So don't use work ruthless for IAF failed attack

Why should the Indian army show anything? Nothing was there to show. Did any building get penetrated with Spice kits on the Indian side? No.
Where were the buildings that got attacked ? In proper Pakistan, not even in the disputed part of Kashmir.
Who offered to take the reporters to the BUILDINGS that were attacked? Ghafoor. Who could not get painters and carpenters and masons to repair these targeted BUILDINGS for even 2 months. Same Ghafoor.

And please show where your Pakistani reporters went to the buildings in Balakot. Don't show me open land, that was never the target.

Show me the Pakistani reporters IN THE BUILDINGS ! No, kept out till repairs were made and blood stains painted over.

2 months is very slow. I can find painters in less time even in Manhattan.
Why should the Indian army show anything? Nothing was there to show. Did any building get penetrated with Spice kits on the Indian side? No.
Where were the buildings that got attacked ? In proper Pakistan, not even in the disputed part of Kashmir.
Who offered to take the reporters to the BUILDINGS that were attacked? Ghafoor. Who could not get painters and carpenters and masons to repair these targeted BUILDINGS for even 2 months. Same Ghafoor.

And please show where your Pakistani reporters went to the buildings in Balakot. Don't show me open land, that was never the target.

Show me the Pakistani reporters IN THE BUILDINGS ! No, kept out till repairs were made and blood stains painted over.

2 months is very slow. I can find painters in less time even in Manhattan.
Why is your *** lit on fire. Bloody false flagger, go mind your own business. If you’re Indian. Change those flags and go find the reason 6 of these soldiers just died. Because to me. Only Indians believe an entire building can be rebuilt and the evidence removed after being with by “multiple 2000 kilogram bombs.”
Satellite images showed the exact building visited by media later on to stand there perfectly intact. Now unless India handed us over some Vedic tech, there’s no way we could have removed the bodies, then clean the rubble, cover up “350” dead bodies, then construct, paint, wire and complete a new madrassah in 2 months plus gathering children to put in there. If you had some logic, you would see that it’s not possible. It probably isn’t even possible to get that material in that time. Lastly, if it was “rebuilt” by our army. Don’t you think people would have seen in this time of technology? Unless we took them to OBLs compound halfway across Pakistan telling them this was the madrassah that India bombed. Y’know, the kind of shit the international media would go crazy over? Oh and by the way, remember when India have proof about- oh wait. They accomplished nothing to give proof about.
You know pretty well that I am referring to the Pak Army chickening out from showing anyone from the press the site of the IAF targeted buildings for more than 2 months.

Play your word games if you want. Reality is that there was a cover up of terrorist fatalities and Ghafoor's ' next day' took 2 months.

Anyway since you are concerned about a Black Box( which clearly had nothing to do with the PAF) instead of an IAF ruthless attack on your own soil, carry on.

Reality Is That **ndians Are The Most Delusional **** On Earth.Pakistani Media Went There On That Very Day

Reality Is That **ndians Are The Most Delusional **** On Earth.Pakistani Media Went There On That Very Day

Lies! Surely these were ISI sponsored liars. Before the attack began, we used our handy light speed technology to bribe them and send them straight to where we knew the jets would be crashing, only explanation.
And you already know what he’s gonna say “tHey’re NOt iNsiDe tHe MadRaSSaH”. But of course, the army was busy teleporting it into existence at that time. And all this for what? Thinks he can singlehandedly change what every media outlet (except Indian ones) showed and every person (except Indians and false flaggers) believe.
Why should the Indian army show anything? Nothing was there to show. Did any building get penetrated with Spice kits on the Indian side? No.
Where were the buildings that got attacked ? In proper Pakistan, not even in the disputed part of Kashmir.
Who offered to take the reporters to the BUILDINGS that were attacked? Ghafoor. Who could not get painters and carpenters and masons to repair these targeted BUILDINGS for even 2 months. Same Ghafoor.

And please show where your Pakistani reporters went to the buildings in Balakot. Don't show me open land, that was never the target.

Show me the Pakistani reporters IN THE BUILDINGS ! No, kept out till repairs were made and blood stains painted over.

2 months is very slow. I can find painters in less time even in Manhattan.
Lol we have cover everything then why don't you release satellite images of your satellite and prove us wrong and humiliate us like we do and humiliate indian infront of everyone stark naked [emoji85][emoji85][emoji85][emoji85]
Reality Is That **ndians Are The Most Delusional **** On Earth.Pakistani Media Went There On That Very Day

And please show where your Pakistani reporters went to the buildings in Balakot. Don't show me open land, that was never the target.

Show me the Pakistani reporters IN THE BUILDINGS ! No, kept out till repairs were made and blood stains painted over.

I made it easy for your eyes to see my key doubts.

Address those , if you can.

I am obviously ignoring those posts which are filled with abuse, clearly caused by frustration and shame.
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