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Will Humiliated IAF Would Ever Find Black Box of Own Mi17 that It Itself Show Down?

I made it easy for your eyes to see my key doubts.

Address those , if you can.

I am obviously ignoring those posts which are filled with abuse, clearly caused by frustration and shame.

I Seriously Pray For Your Mental Health If You Are Expecting Multi Storey Structures In A Sparsely Populated Mountainous Area
Why should the Indian army show anything? Nothing was there to show. Did any building get penetrated with Spice kits on the Indian side? No.
Where were the buildings that got attacked ? In proper Pakistan, not even in the disputed part of Kashmir.
Who offered to take the reporters to the BUILDINGS that were attacked? Ghafoor. Who could not get painters and carpenters and masons to repair these targeted BUILDINGS for even 2 months. Same Ghafoor.

And please show where your Pakistani reporters went to the buildings in Balakot. Don't show me open land, that was never the target.

Show me the Pakistani reporters IN THE BUILDINGS ! No, kept out till repairs were made and blood stains painted over.

2 months is very slow. I can find painters in less time even in Manhattan.

And nothing was at balakot sites too. In fact neutral express using stallite imagery proves that you didn't hit anything. You read those articles?

But still we took the reporters to the building despite neutral experts saying IAF never hit the Madarsa building.

Something which IA never did.

We did everything on our part. You and your military failed to show anything for their claims. Hell losers can't even find out Blackbox of their own chopper in a territory threy control.
Do you even know what the rest of us are chatting about?

Please put me on your 'ignore' list , without further delay.

I Seriously Pray For Your Mental Health If You Are Expecting Multi Storey Structures In A Sparsely Populated Mountainous Area
Black Box is a small thing , not easy to find.
Didn't your Army need 2 months to find its way to something as large as the Balakot targets after the IAF was done with them ? :-)
Or was the weather so bad that Ghafoor's ' next day visit' took 2 months !?!?
what if i show you bbc's report of very next day ?
anyways what about the sites we bombed ?
where are indian satellites?
.only proof india has is tim ka dabba ko american missile. :D .
They already have it but do not want to disclose the findings. I mean how can they not find it in a 50 square meter area where the heli was brought down by Indian air defense?

Like will it ever happen? Already more than two months have passed

If it was supposed to be found then it would have been find till now.

Or IAF would suddenly find it after elections as Ajai Shukla said?

Which buildings? your sushma sewage said India never targeted any buildings. decide once what are your claims?

BBC visited the bombed buildings the very next day?

And you will show me the BBC report ?

Ok, offer accepted. How much time do you need?
Mi sheventeen waj a technical failure... Ju she there were clouds that day and our radar cannot she through clouds
BBC visited the bombed buildings the very next day?

And you will show me the BBC report ?

Ok, offer accepted. How much time do you need?
bombed building .
well in that case i challenge the vedic indian satellites to proof that building is bombed .
the only logic indians are using is . bomb dig a hole in roof then farts inside the building and after that amit shah landed and counted dead bodies . :)
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Like will it ever happen? Already more than two months have passed

If it was supposed to be found then it would have been find till now.

Or IAF would suddenly find it after elections as Ajai Shukla said?
More than Modi Sarkar IAF don't want to made it public as they already said black box was stolen by villagers and now case closed.
More than Modi Sarkar IAF don't want to made it public as they already said black box was stolen by villagers and now case closed.
well their incompetence level are very much exposed . they are just trying to hide it officially .
iaf already done their hatch opening incident .
What that good for nothing IAF?!???? They have failed to do what a single “Last Afgan” can do any day of the week?!? I am pretty sure all those generals, admirals, marshals etc. don’t have the importance of a peon in front of the Doval the Devil!!! Now, the entire Indian military machine’s primary role is to facilitate making more money for Ambanis etc. - the financial backbone of Hindutuva/BJP/RSS etc...
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