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WikiLeaks Reveals Sex, Drugs, And Rock & Roll In Saudi Arabia


Aug 23, 2011
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After the initial reaction to WikiLeaks’ “mega-dump,” the conversation shifted from the content of the cables to “meta” issues such as Julian Assange‘s supposed sex offence and the meaning of transparency and privacy in the internet age.

But there’s still some interesting stuff, albeit sometimes superficial, to be found in the cables. A confidential memo from late 2009, released on Tuesday December 7, informed the State Department that Saudi youth love to party with “alcohol, prostitutes, and drugs.” (The cable was accessed through a mirror site as wikileaks.org is offline due to increased DDoS attacks and problems with its hosts, this prompted so-called hacktivists to attack sites which denied service to Assange’s WikiLeaks).

The memo, classified by Consul General for Jeddah Martin Quinn, notes that behind the “façade of […] conservativism,” Jeddah’s underground nightlife offers “the full range of worldly temptations and vices.” Jeddah, a thriving port city considered to be the “principal gateway to Mecca, Islam’s holiest city,” is Saudi Arabia’s second largest city after the capital. Considered cosmopolitan and tolerant, Jeddah gives refuge to the vices of the Kingdom’s lower royalty. Princes, which according to the cable exceed 10,000 in population, are shielded from the religious police/CPVPV (Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice) because of their connection to the royal family.

Members of the U.S. consulate in Jeddah attended an underground Halloween Party at a Prince’s residence hosted by “a U.S. based energy-drink company.” Rich young Saudi’s party like anywhere else in the world, their Halloween event included “plentiful alcohol, young couples dancing, a DJ at the turntables, and everyone in costume.” They probably weren’t drinking Four Loko.

While the country is ruled by Sharia, or Islamic law deriving from the Quran, the party didn’t seem to lack in the strictly prohibited pleasures of the night and flesh. Party-goers drank local moonshine called sadiqi served by Filipino barmen out of bottles of top-shelf liquor, which had been “already consumed and replaced by sadiqi.” While the country boasts some of the world’s largest oil reserves, younger Saudi royalty doesn’t want to spend the big bucks on their guests, as a bottle of Smirnoff Vodka costs about 1,500 riyals (about $400) on the black market, while moonshine’s available for only $26 bucks. One can only imagine the hangover from Saudi moonshine if it’s that much cheaper than Smirnoff.

Our partying diplomats got word that some of the ladies were actually “working girls,” something they called “not uncommon for such parties.” Under Sharia, adultery by married men or women is punished by stoning to death. If they are unmarried, they receive the lesser punishment of 100 lashes.

Parties in Jeddah had all the components to make anyone a rock star. Added to the hookers and booze, our curious diplomats found that “cocaine and hashish use is common in these social circles and has been on other occasions.” Reportedly, it wasn’t witnessed directly at the Halloween party. Let’s hope they didn’t inhale.

The cable points at the modernizing forces that underlie Saudi Arabia’s progress onto the world stage. Jeddah’s youth, like those of many other countries, experiment with sex, drugs, and rock & roll. The only difference is that they have to do it behind closed doors. I’ll give our exhausted diplomats, after a night of “soft diplomacy,” the last word.

“Saudi youth get to enjoy relative social freedom and indulge fleshly [in] pursuits, but only behind closed doors – and only the rich. Parties of this nature and scale are believed to be a relatively recent phenomenon in Jeddah.”

WikiLeaks Reveals Sex, Drugs, And Rock & Roll In Saudi Arabia - Forbes
12/08/2010 @ 2:27PM Too old and yeah we believe wikileaks :pop:


were you sleeping since then
the story's not really untrue...
I dont know about liquor part, but yea, cocaine, hash, and prostitutes are aplenty in KSA, though not as much as in Dubai, Turkey and Lebanon. I guess the rich are forgiven by their religion for not practicing themselves but spreading a radical version of it the world over.
WikiLeaks is revealing something that everybody already knows, in this case.
There really is no point in opening these threads, they will go to their graves and we to ours, so lets not waste our time on what others do in their private life unless it concerns us.
the story's not really untrue...
I dont know about liquor part, but yea, cocaine, hash, and prostitutes are aplenty in KSA, though not as much as in Dubai, Turkey and Lebanon. I guess the rich are forgiven by their religion for not practicing themselves but spreading a radical version of it the world over.

why are you blaming religion here?? are you afraid to talk like a gentleman?
Do not forget there were once those big American bases in SA, the GIs needed some entertainment ! and Saudis who grow up in that period of time were probably influenced to some extent.
I still remember a debate in SA to allow American soldiers to drink beer and alcohol in their bases, the US obviously won that debate and alcohol was shipped in in huge quantities.
Apart from this, Most western personnel serving their embassies in Riyadh drink alcohol, they need night clubs too and they invite their friends which comprise some Saudis and other Muslims to their weekly parties, so the outcome is obvious.
why are you blaming religion here?? are you afraid to talk like a gentleman?

I didn't blame the religion mate, I was implying that such people feel their religious customs do not apply to them while they preach the same to others.
While all of it is probably true, I'm still waiting for some Israel related cables to be published by Wikileaks.
Actually I have met many Saudi people... every one knows that for enjoyment and break from boredom, they will just drive into dubai/ Kuwait etc to enjoy whatever they couldn't in their own land.
There are many other things wiki leaks reveled .. which were not favorable to some posters on PDF and that time it became CIA conspiracy .. don't get selective ....
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