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Wikileaks Diplomatic Cables

You guys do not care that your president is called names by an outsider "king"?
New world order.The muslim countries will be grouped as Pro and Anti west.
I feel the rest is just eye wash..
Zero cables from Bangladesh, but ~3000 cables from Colombo and Nepal ;)

No there are 1984 cables from BD.

Cable Viewer



E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/16/2015


Classified By: Ambassador Michele J. Sison.
For reasons 1.4 (a), (b), and (d).

¶1. (U) Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed,s weekly
Sunday "VIP Majlis" provided an excellent opportunity for a
visiting National Defense University delegation to observe
first-hand the UAEG,s informal consultative process. MbZ,
brothers MinState Foreign Affairs Sheikh Hamdan and Interior
Minister Sheikh Saif, and Labor Minister al Ka'abi were
joined by several dozen prominent Abu Dhabi officials and
businessmen for the weekly gathering at Bateen Palace.


¶2. (U) NDU President Lt. Gen. Dunn and National War College
Deputy Commandant Ambassador Wahba briefed MbZ on several new
NDU initiatives, including opportunities for UAE students in
the Information Resources Management College program, which
emphasizes threats, vulnerabilities, and risks in a
net-centric environment. Ambassador Sison praised the UAE's
selection of NDU candidates, noting that several were serving
in key positions today: GHQ Armed Forces Deputy Chief of
Staff MG Mohammed Hilal al-Kaabi, GHQ Director of General
Procurement Obaid Al Ketbi, Deputy Commander UAE Air Force
Brigadier Ali, and MbZ's aide Yousef al Otaiba had all
benefited from NDU programs.


¶3. (C) Ambassador Sison noted that day's visit to Iraq by
Secretary Rice, highlighting the Secretary's encouragement

for continued momentum in the political process and her
meetings with PM al-Jaafari and KDP leader Barzani. MbZ
voiced disdain for al-Jaafari, citing (again) his concerns
over the Prime Minister's ties to Iran. These concerns were
aimed at Jaafari's Dawaa Party colleagues, as well. While
agreeing that it was important for Iraq's Sunni Arabs to be
more involved in the political process and in drafting the
constitution, MbZ complained that "there wasn't one
worthwhile Sunni" on the scene. He criticized new Sunni
Defense Minister Dulaimi as being "in it for himself." Nor
did MbZ have anything good to say about former Iraqi Finance
Minister Mahdi's nomination as one of two Vice Presidents,
complaining that Mahdi "did not work for the people of Iraq."
Nonetheless, MbZ said he agreed with the USG's efforts to
encourage the various Iraqi factions to work together. The
UAE would continue to help train Iraqi police forces at the
UAE's police academy in Al Ain and provide reconstruction
assistance. It was important for the region as a whole that
the U.S. and its allies "got it right" in Iraq, Saudi Arabia,
and Egypt, he underscored. (Note: MbZ aide Yousef al Otaiba
had a few days earlier shared with Ambassador concerns passed
by former PM Allawi that Dulaimi was "devious," "bad news,"
"very close" to Iranian intelligence, and had been introduced
to the Iranians by Chalabi. Yousef had also noted the
UAEG,s impression Mahdi had not always been a "team player"
in the government of former PM Allawi. End note.)


¶4. (S) Turning to Iran, MbZ voiced certainty that the EU-3
efforts with Iran would break down and that Iran would resume
its nuclear activities ) if it had not already done so.
Repeating concerns first voiced to us in February (reftel),
MbZ appeared convinced that it was only a matter of time
before Israel or the U.S. would strike Iranian nuclear
facility targets. U.S. installations in the Gulf could be
targeted by Iran in the aftermath of such an action, he
warned. MbZ agreed with the USG,s tough line with Tehran
and the Europeans. A nuclear-armed Iran would destabilize
the Gulf region and possibly allow terrorist access to WMD.
MbZ asked Lt. Gen. Dunn whether it would be possible for
&anyone8 to "take out" all locations of concern in Iran via
air power; Lt. Gen. Dunn voiced doubt that this would be
possible given the dispersed locations. "Then it will take
ground forces!" MbZ exclaimed. Ambassador noted that the
UAE's Director of Military Intelligence, BG Essa al Mazrouei,
would pay counterpart visits this week to CENTCOM, J-2, DIA,
and CIA for discussions on Iran and Iraq-related matters.
MbZ said he looked forward to sharing "contingency planning"
scenarios in future conversations.


¶5. (C) Ambassador asked about MbZ's visit the week before to
Lahore to meet with Pakistani President Musharraf. MbZ
chuckled and asked why the USG "always" convinced the
Pakistanis to delay news of the capture of senior Al Qaeda
operatives such as Abu Faraj al Libbi. MbZ went on to
congratulate Washington for its decision to allow U.S. firms
to bid for contracts to provide F-16s and other defense
technology to Pakistan. It was important to support
Musharraf as he battled the terrorists, he emphasized. While
the Indians had and would continue to balk at the decision,
the region needed Musharraf to stay strong. There was no
alternative leader in sight, MbZ opined. Besides, he
continued, the F-16 decision would not tip the military
balance between India and Pakistan. Even if it had, India's
strength as a stable democracy would ensure that it would not
ever be in as "risky" a situation as its neighbor. MbZ then
slapped his knee and said "you,ll never guess what Musharraf
asked me...he asked me whether the UAE had received approval
for the Predator!" (Note: the USG's inability to meet the
UAE's request for an armed Predator remains a sore point for
MbZ, although he has not directly raised the issue with us
for some time.)

Gyrocopter, GAWC

¶6. (SBU) MbZ also referred to his interest in exploring
selling the UAE's "gyrocopter" (a helicopter-supported UAV
co-developed with Austrian company Schiebel) to the U.S. Air
Force, an idea he first floated during Gen. Moseley,s visit
for the May 3 F-16 ceremony. MbZ noted that his aide would
pass detailed gyrocopter specifications to the Embassy this
week. (Note: We will be exploring this initiative with
CENTAF and CENTCOM in relation to force protection aerial
surveillance system needs at Al Dhafra airbase for the 380 th
Air Expeditionary Wing. End note.)

¶7. (C) Lt. Gen. Dunn complimented MbZ on the Gulf Air
Warfare Center (GAWC), which he and the NDU group had toured
that morning. MbZ expressed satisfaction over the
relationship between the UAE and U.S. Air Forces, but
expressed disappointment that more GCC countries had not
joined recent GAWC classes. Ambassador noted the recent
robust participation by Saudi Arabia in the GAWC's fourth
class, which had included six Saudi F-15s and two young
pilots who were also members of the Saudi royal family. MbZ
asked whether the two high-ranking Saudis had actually
completed all requirements for graduation or had been "passed
through." Ambassador confirmed that they had completed all
course requirements. MbZ commented that "the real reason"
the Saudis had turned out for the GAWC class had been "to see
what the UAE was up to" with the F-16 Block 60 and other
procurement successes. Although Egypt and Jordan wished to
join in the next GAWC class, MbZ added, they also wanted the
UAE Air Force to pay fuel costs. MbZ said he had asked both
countries "to go talk to ADNOC," the state-owned Abu Dhabi
National Oil Company.


¶8. (U) MbZ noted that he would travel to Paris June 18-20 to
meet with President Chirac, recalling that he had canceled
his trip to France at the last minute in mid-January.

Camel Jockeys

¶9. (SBU) On the margins of the MbZ conversation, Ambassador
thanked Interior Minister Sheikh Saif for his assistance the
week before in allowing G/TIP visitor Feleke Assefa access to
camel jockey rehabilitation and social support centers.
Ambassador noted that a Tier 3 ranking remained a possibility
despite the UAEG,s vigorous efforts since mid-March with
UNICEF, IOM, and others. A trafficking in persons
reassessment would take place in August, she noted, and it
was important for the UAE to continue the good work it was
doing in solving the problem. MbZ aide Yousef al Otaiba
promised to forward a copy of the UAE-UNICEF TIP implementing
agreement and budget. (Note: he has done so; we have
forwarded the document electronically to G/TIP and NEA/ARPI.
End note.)

Labor and the FTA

¶10. (SBU) Labor Minister al Ka'abi noted he had received
reports that the U.S. and UAE sides had moved closer on the
text of the labor chapter of the FTA during the last day of
negotiations. He reiterated the UAEG,s concern that it
receive some recognition of its unique demographic situation,
as only 15 percent of the population held Emirati
Shame on Saudis, they willing to go that low is indeed sad.. regional, secterian hatred is one thing but then asking USA to destroy a country whose people share the same book, god and Prophet PBUH is disgusting.

no wonder this is the mind set they exported into Pakistan as a by product of their so called Aid and we are today paying for it in the name of TTP

Dudes the whole west is so obsessed with the Iranians that every thing theyr leaking is regarding them...!!!

ALL of them hate Iran. Besides Saudi, even the smaller ones UAE, Oman, Kuwait etc. which completely loathe the Iranians.

significant numbers of iranians work in kuwait, uae, bahrain and qatar and if iranians were deemend threat they wouldnt be allowing them to work in their respective countries. The kind of leaks released show the that they are nothing but psy-ops for certain political agenda. The american reputation is badly tarnished and their propganda press doesnt work..so supposed leaks are a good tool in driving a wedge between two countries or mud slinging on each other..only fools would belive it..rest all like us will read it like an entertainment..you cannot expect a head of state to be so immature and stooping so shallow of inviting on country to destroy the other..its just an evil zionist ploy..no need to get emotional all over it..what america cannot do with the media will be done by wikileaks..remember kuffars are not to be trusted politically as their only propagate lies.

if wiki leaks is genuinely dealing with confidential material neither their website and founder would survive nor they will be making hourly tweets about their upcoming agenda..something is very suspicious about this whole drama..99% of this could be junk useless non-secret communications while 1% is carefully crafted and slipped propaganda to shape future policies..point in case..the obsession of leaks with iran.
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You guys do not care that your president is called names by an outsider "king"?

Why are you bothered now?

Zardari never mind when UK P.M called Pakistan terrorist nation.

Zardari never minds when drones kill children in Pakistan.

Zardari never minds when KL bill humiliated Pakistani nation.

Nation never objected when Cameron was urged to count his fingers after shaking hand with Zardari.

Our nation never mind when Indian F.M. blamed Pakistan army for Bombay drama.

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WASHINGTON: US diplomatic cables released on Sunday show that since 2007 the United States has been engaged in a secret effort to remove highly enriched uranium from a Pakistani research reactor. According to the documents released by a whistle-blowing website called Wiki-Leaks, the US administration authorised this effort because American officials feared the material could be diverted for use in an illicit nuclear device.

One cable quotes Saudi King Abdullah as saying that President Asif Ali Zardari was “the greatest obstacle” to Pakistan’s progress. “When the head is rotten,” he said, “it affects the whole body”.

In May 2009, US Ambassador Anne W. Patterson reported to the State Department that Pakistan was refusing to schedule a visit by American technical experts because, as a Pakistani official said, “if the local media got word of the fuel removal they certainly would portray it as the United States taking Pakistan’s nuclear weapons”.

Cables sent by the US Embassy in Islamabad to the State Department also talk of “grave fears in Washington and London over the security of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme” amid the country’s growing instability.

They depict the Obama administration struggling to sort out which Pakistanis are trustworthy partners against Al Qaeda, and “assessing whether a lurking rickshaw driver in Lahore was awaiting fares or conducting surveillance of the road to the American Consulate”.

WikiLeaks, a site devoted to leaking government documents, apparently received hundreds of thousands of US diplomatic cables from an anti-war activist who got access to the secret files due to a glitch in the computer system.

The US government, however, warned WikiLeaks not to release the documents.

On Saturday, State Department’s Legal Adviser Harold Hongju Koh sent a letter to WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange, warning him that the release of approximately 250,000 secret documents would have “grave consequences” and place at risk the lives of journalists, human rights activists and soldiers. Mr Assange had earlier asked the State Department for information on any individuals who may be “at significant risk of harm” by the disclosure. Earlier on Sunday, WikiLeaks released a Twitter message, saying: “We are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack” but said that some of the world’s major newspapers — such as El Pais, Le Monde, Speigel, The Guardian and The New York Times — will publish many US embassy cables, even if WikiLeaks went down.

And by Sunday afternoon (Washington time), all these news outlets published their versions of the leak, ignoring stern warning they too had received from the State Department.

They reported that more than 250,000 US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks “reveal previously secret information on American intelligence gathering, and political and military strategy”.

The release “catapulted the United States into a worldwide diplomatic crisis”, noted the Guardian. Many of these classified cables were sent as recently as February this year.

Attack on Iran

The documents show that Arab leaders are privately urging an air strike on Iran and that US officials have been instructed to spy on the UN’s leadership. The cables also talk about a major shift in relations between China and North Korea, and details of clandestine US efforts to combat Al Qaeda in Yemen. Disclosures that both the Guardian and the NYT believe can cause a major diplomatic uproar include:

— Alleged links between the Russian government and organised crime.

— Devastating criticism of the UK’s military operations in Afghanistan.

— Claims of inappropriate behaviour by a member of the British royal family.

— Serious political criticisms of David Cameron to requests for specific intelligence about individual MPs.

— Specific allegations of corruption against world leaders.

— Harsh criticism by US embassy staff of their host governments.

The material includes a reference to Vladimir Putin as an “alpha-dog”, Hamid Karzai as being “driven by paranoia” and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as someone who “avoids risk and is rarely creative”.

One cable compares Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with Adolf Hitler.

The cables name countries involved in financing terror groups, and describe a near “environmental disaster” last year over a rogue shipment of enriched uranium.

They disclose technical details of secret US-Russian nuclear missile negotiations in Geneva, and include a profile of Libyan leader Muammar Qadhafi, who they say is accompanied everywhere by a “voluptuous blonde” Ukrainian nurse. The cables cover Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s activities under the Obama administration, as well as thousands of files from the George Bush presidency.

The cables reveal how the US uses its embassies as part of a global espionage network, with diplomats tasked to obtain not just information from the people they meet, but personal details, such as frequent flyer numbers, credit card details and even DNA material.

Classified “human intelligence directives” issued in the name of Hillary Clinton or her predecessor, Condoleezza Rice, instruct officials to gather information on military installations, weapons markings, vehicle details of political leaders as well as iris scans, fingerprints and DNA.

The most controversial target was the leadership of the United Nations. That directive requested the specification of telecoms and IT systems used by top UN officials and their staff and details of “private VIP networks used for official communication, to include upgrades, security measures, passwords, personal encryption keys”.

One cable shows that when Afghanistan’s vice-president visited the United Arab Emirates last year, local authorities working with the Drug Enforcement Administration discovered that he was carrying $52 million in cash.

Speaking to an Iraqi official about Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, the Iraqi Prime Minister, Saudi King Abdullah says: “You and Iraq are in my heart, but that man is not.”

Some cables claim that Saudi donors remain the chief financiers of militant groups like Al Qaeda, and the tiny Persian Gulf state of Qatar, a generous host to the American military for years, was the “worst in the region” in counter-terrorism efforts.

US trying to remove enriched Pak uranium: WikiLeaks | Latest news, breaking news, world news, international news and current affairs | DAWN.COM
Saudi King can burn in hell. Saudis have been exploiting Pakistan for all sorts of purposes. They hunt our endangered animals and buy successful Pakistani companies which they drive into the ground.

The guy is sham, does anyone know how he came in power? Look it up. Im not pro-Zardari but I know that this guy ("Saudi King") is one of the worst.

He is also stupid for making this comment as this will make Pak-Saudi relations worse, making it harder for Pakistanis or Saudis to work with each other.
Why are you bothered now?

Zardari never mind when UK P.M called Pakistan terrorist nation.

Zardari never minds when drones kill children in Pakistan.

Zardari never minds when KL bill humiliated Pakistani nation.

Nation never objected when Cameron was urged to count his fingers after shaking hand with Zardari.

Our nation never mind when Indian F.M. blamed Pakistan army for Bombay drama.

YouTube - Obama has announced the Partition of Pakistan

I am not bothered..but it is curious that you are more interested in explaining away an insulting remark from a Saudi King towards your own President than defending your own executive who was voted in by Pakistanis.
I didn't agree with what you say.

First point this wikileaks says much bad words from Israel , for exemple Dagan saying they wish Iran become like Iraq: "a weak country divided in sunnis shias and kurds"

Second point , i do some of my business in Emirates i know lot of Iranians there. Business life is good there no problem. But not the consideration of the Iranians. Not only about passport problems, that it seems you didn't hear about ;) but as well with the hell of behavior of some of them not only about this "arabian gulf" but always making us like second zone country.
UAE they love US and Europeans, then arabs far more than us.
We give them much much money in their land. It allows us to do so many business ;)

But for Iraqis we , after this terrible war, have so much to work together, Lebanon for exemple is and will always be friendly if we respect them
so not all arabs hate us

we should work to respect each other
but the governments of some countries don't help: from fascist Ahmadinejad to KSA
If these countries change for good we can improve our relations
But with wikileaks it would be such hard

Believe me only saudis and especially Qatar now/// i am curious to know what will happen...
Saudi Arabia hate Iran and Turkey, SA feel uncomfortable by their influences. Unknown reasons.

Pakistan should cut ties with S.Arabia to shut down extremists and other terrors. Cut off SA's head of the snake!
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