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Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested in London

Yeah,manning only got :usflag:a 35 year sentence:usflag:,pretty much a slap on the wrist really:police:....oh and we really shouldnt really forget the 9 months of solitary confinement that manning was subjected to before the court martial either.

WTF 35?? She was Commuted to only 7 years and released in 2017. Didn’t you hear that??? What rock have you been under?


Chelsea Manning, Once Sentenced To 35 Years, Walks Free After 7 Years
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I was not asking about his facial hair. I mean't the comment you made [below]. A bit harsh, no?

Who want an uninvited, unkempt freeloader sticking around - neglecting his cat, abusing his internet privileges - for seven years? Not Ecuador apparently.


Hopefully Embassy Cat found a new home.

Who want an uninvited, unkempt freeloader sticking around - neglecting his cat, abusing his internet privileges - for seven years? Not Ecuador apparently.


Hopefully Embassy Cat found a new home.

Okay. I guess you have had a tipple or two ....
he's done for, will be handed over to the u.s. and thrown into a blackhole along with the rest of the whistle-blower act! dark days for freedom in america.
Commuted to only 7 and released. Didn’t you hear that???


Chelsea Manning, Once Sentenced To 35 Years, Walks Free After 7 Years
Yeah,which part of "presidential commutation" was giving you the most trouble there son?.:smart:
The simple fact that you seem to be quite intent on ignoring was that the original sentence that was handed down was 35 years not 7,it was only a presidential commutation that reduced it,interestingly one Donald Trump,you might perhaps have heard of him?,stated in a tweet at the time that:
"Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!"
Interestingly manning is back in jail under a contempt of court charge for refusing to testify in a us government case against julian assange,and is held in administrative segregation which means being locked up for 22 hours a day.I wonder if pres chump...I mean trump will let her out..?:azn:
Yeah,which part of "presidential commutation" was giving you the most trouble there son?.:smart:
The simple fact that you seem to be quite intent on ignoring was that the original sentence that was handed down was 35 years not 7,it was only a presidential commutation that reduced it,interestingly one Donald Trump,you might perhaps have heard of him?,stated in a tweet at the time that:
"Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible!"
Interestingly manning is back in jail under a contempt of court charge for refusing to testify in a us government case against julian assange,and is held in administrative segregation which means being locked up for 22 hours a day.I wonder if pres chump...I mean trump will let her out..?:azn:

Yeah and Assange is facing a maximum of a whole 5 years for computer hacking. That’s far from a Gitmo level...which is shaky since he didn’t do the actual hacking. He’ll probably do no time at all.
Yeah and Assange is facing a maximum of a whole 5 years for computer hacking. That’s far from a Gitmo level...which is shaky since he didn’t do the actual hacking. He’ll probably do no time at all.

I doubt 5 years is all he'll face. His extradition is being sought on computer hacking charges, light, but easy to prove there's something there to hold him liable for, and that could see the extradition process be made simpler since Assange wouldn't have much case to argue for abusive treatment, risk of harm or cruel treatment or detention with a potential sentence that light and a crime that common.

The DOJ is likely looking to see him extradited first, charged and then slap on higher crimes. No point in branding him criminally liable for espionage while he's still in the UK where their extradition laws and rights to appeal might make that case more difficult or where Assange could argue he faces greater risk to his person from the potential sentences espionage, or higher crimes, might mete out.

I don't think this stops at 5 years for computer hacking.
Yeah and Assange is facing a maximum of a whole 5 years for computer hacking. That’s far from a Gitmo level...which is shaky since he didn’t do the actual hacking. He’ll probably do no time at all.
Well....if you say so.Myself however,I tend to be a liiitle bit more cynical where the us government is concerned,or indeed most governments for that matter.
How about we just agree to disagree on this one?
I doubt 5 years is all he'll face. His extradition is being sought on computer hacking charges, light, but easy to prove there's something there to hold him liable for, and that could see the extradition process be made simpler since Assange wouldn't have much case to argue for abusive treatment, risk of harm or cruel treatment or detention with a potential sentence that light and a crime that common.

The DOJ is likely looking to see him extradited first, charged and then slap on higher crimes. No point in branding him criminally liable for espionage while he's still in the UK where their extradition laws and rights to appeal might make that case more difficult or where Assange could argue he faces greater risk to his person from the potential sentences espionage, or higher crimes, might mete out.

I don't think this stops at 5 years for computer hacking.

They can’t nickel and dime him at this stage. His lawyers can argue they have had several years to think about the main charges he faces and if they haven’t made it clear by now then it’s moot. The judge will throw them out. It’s like the police chasing some drug dealer on foot down the streets and then at trial suddenly charge him with 20 counts of jaywalking. It doesn’t work that way.
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he make USA naked in front of world he has to pay the price now .
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