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Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange arrested in London

So after 7 years Julian Assange has been kicked out by his Ecuadorian hosts kinda expected as Lenin Moreno the current President was not fond of him so what you guys think of him
So after 7 years Julian Assange has been kicked out by his Ecuadorian hosts kinda expected as Lenin Moreno the current President was not fond of him so what you guys think of him
He is already arrested in London.
So after 7 years Julian Assange has been kicked out by his Ecuadorian hosts kinda expected as Lenin Moreno the current President was not fond of him so what you guys think of him

Moreno sold Assange to the US to lessen his national debt. There is nothing personal between Moreno and Assange. It's treason to humanity and to freedom.
Are you kidding me. He’s going to get a slap on the wrist for all the document revealing stuff since he didn’t do the actual stealing and since he isn’t an American he can’t be charged with treason so he can’t be executed. He’ll feel stupid he wasted his life hiding in embassies over that instead of paying some fine (which could easily be crowdfunded by all his supporters).

As for the rape accusations..well that’s up to Sweden.

American is world famous for torturing foreign nationals, especially innocent ones. I think your analysis is supper naive.

Cia will sooner or later "extraordinary rendition" him and then he's in gitmo for life to be tortured.
American is world famous for torturing foreign nationals, especially innocent ones. I think your analysis is supper naive.

Cia will sooner or later "extraordinary rendition" him and then he's in gitmo for life to be tortured.

Lol! It ain’t going to happen! Even American Bradley “Chelsea” Manning didn’t go to Gitmo even after personally stealing documents and getting convicted on espionage/treason charges.
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This self-declared pos "great" britain isn't great from any angle.
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Because that beard's disgusting, obviously. Looks terrible.

The look on the rats face is priceless. Go rot in a cell!

I hope the cat's ok. Has anyone checked on it?


He's looking at what? 5 years in a US prison? Seem like a slap on the wrist.
Lol! It ain’t going to happen! Even American Bradley “Chelsea” Manning didn’t go to Gitmo even after personally stealing documents and getting convicted on espionage/treason charges.
Did you even read the link?

Manning is an American citizen and shes been put in solitary for a while.

Assange is not an American citizen and America is well known for kidnapping and torturing. You can't deny that.
Lol! It ain’t going to happen! Even American Bradley “Chelsea” Manning didn’t go to Gitmo even after personally stealing documents and getting convicted on espionage/treason charges.
Yeah,manning only got :usflag:a 35 year sentence:usflag:,pretty much a slap on the wrist really:police:....oh and we really shouldnt really forget the 9 months of solitary confinement that manning was subjected to before the court martial either.
Demosisto leader Joshua Wong says he was treated ‘like a dog’ when made to squat naked during prison interrogation

Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong Chi-fung on Thursday accused prison staff of intentionally insulting him by making him squat naked during an interrogation held while he was serving time for unlawful protest.

The Demosisto leader was appearing at the Small Claims Tribunal, where he has sued the secretary for justice for HK$16,000 (US$2,039) in damages over the alleged incident that was said to have taken place at Tung Tau Correctional Institution on October 16, 2017.

At the time Wong had just been transferred from Pik Uk Correctional Institution to complete his six-month sentence for unlawful assembly in September 2014 – a term that was later quashed by the Court of Final Appeal after he had served 69 days in prison.

I noticed that this lady looks like Joshua Wong. Is there a specific traitor look?



Wife of rights activist jailed in China barred from prison visits

While it might arguably be some specific traitor look:
I noticed that there might be a specific "fugitive finally caught by the U.S. forces" look.


https://amp.businessinsider.com/images/5c126ee3a5ac61488c79f4a4-640-480.jpg ; https://www.businessinsider.com/how...d-hussein-began-surfacing-after-his-capture-6
1. This unsourced image alleges to show displaced Iraqi Saddam Hussein after his capture in December 2003 in an undisclosed location.


https://scd.france24.com/en/files/imagecache/home_1024/story/20080728-KARADZIC-LA-HAYE-m_1.jpg ; https://www.france24.com/en/20080728-serbia-hague-ready-karadzic-transfer-serbia-war-crimes
2. Radovan Karadzic, 63, was arrested a week ago in the Serbian capital, Belgrade


https://cdn.presstv.com/photo/20190411/8827183b-cf22-40e7-90db-8080322f3eb3.jpg ; https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2019/04/11/593170/UK-Assange-arrest-Galloway-condemnation
3. UK police forces dragging WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange from the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

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