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Wider Chaos Feared as Syrian Rebels Clash With Kurds


Nov 18, 2010
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Syrian Kurds in Ras al-Ain are seeking refuge across the border in Ceylanpinar, Turkey

CEYLANPINAR, Turkey — In plain view of the patrons at an outdoor cafe here in this border town, the convoy of gun trucks waving the flag of the Syrian rebels whizzed through the Syrian village of Ras al-Ain. They had not come to fight their primary enemy, the soldiers of Bashar al-Assad’s government. They had rushed in to battle the ethnic Kurds.

The confrontation spoke not only to the violence that has enveloped Syria, but also to what awaits if the government falls. The fear — already materializing in these hills — is that Syria’s ethnic groups will take up arms against one another in a bloody, post-Assad contest for power.

The Kurdish militias in northern Syria had hoped to stay out of the civil war raging in Syria. They were focused on preparing to secure an autonomous enclave for themselves within Syria should the rebels succeed in toppling the government. But slowly, inexorably, they have been dragged into the fighting and now have one goal in mind, their autonomy, which also means the Balkanization of the state.

“We want to have a Kurdish nation,” said Divly Fadal Ali, 18, who fled the fighting and was recently staying in a local community center here for Kurdish refugees. “We want our own schools, our own hospitals. We want the government to admit our existence. We want recognition of our Kurdish identity.”

These skirmishes between Kurds and Arabs take on a darker meaning for Syria as the rebels appear each day to gain momentum and the government appears less and less able to restore control. The rebels have taken over military bases, laid siege to Damascus and forced the airport to close.

But the rebels are largely Sunni Arabs, and the most effective among them are extremists aligned with Al Qaeda, a prospect that worries not only the West, but the Christians, Shiites, Druze — and Kurds — of Syria.

The fighting in Ras al-Ain, which came after a fierce battle between rebel and government forces last month, demonstrated the complexity of a bloody civil war that has already claimed more than 40,000 lives. Like the sectarian battles in Iraq after the American invasion, the recent violence between Arabs and Kurds in Syria indicates the further unraveling of a society whose mix of sects, identities and traditions were held together by the yoke of a dictator.

Analysts fear this combustible environment could presage a bloody ethnic and sectarian conflict that will resonate far beyond Syria’s borders, especially if it involves the Kurds. There is concern that Iraq’s Kurds, who are already training Syrian Kurds to fight, may jump into the Syria fight to protect their ethnic brethren. That could also pull in Turkey, which fears that an autonomous Kurdish region in Syria would become a haven for Kurdish militants to carry out cross-border attacks in the Kurdish areas in southeastern Turkey.

“The fear that an Arab-Kurdish confrontation has been ignited might lead the Kurds to ask for additional security forces to protect their lands,” said Maria Fantappie, an Iraq analyst at the International Crisis Group, who is helping to prepare a report on the Syrian Kurds.

She said that the Syrian Kurdish fighters being trained in northern Iraq were on standby and could be sent to Syria, which would escalate the situation.

Before the uprising in Syria, the Kurds in Ras al-Ain lived peacefully with their Arab neighbors, they say. But the war has shredded those bonds just as surely as the revolutions in the region have prompted the Kurds to dream of an independent nation uniting the Kurds in Syria, Iraq, Turkey and Iran, and put their own stamp on the great contest for power under way in the Middle East.

“Our time has come after so much suffering and persecution,” said Barham Salih, the former prime minister of Iraq’s regional Kurdish government. “The 20th century was cruel to the Kurds. Our rights, identity and culture were brutally suppressed.” ( contd)

My comment: another great reason for some to have the west come in and save this cluster F___. But more reason for me to opine that if left to their own they will create a monumental screw up, and we should only come help those who are for true freedom and peace. Rest is the OIC members headache to sort out. I just don't see how saving the genocide among themselves helps the US. They will take our resources and good offices to settle it and then turn around and go " death to america".
How about you just friking stay out if it, change brings chaos and this chaos in the middle east is required to sweep out the old order so that the muslim world can rise
How about you just friking stay out if it, change brings chaos and this chaos in the middle east is required to sweep out the old order so that the muslim world can rise

how is that going to happen when folks like you, keeper of all things sharia - chose to live under the Queen's rule in a christian country?
Power comes in cycles, very few entities remain powerfull forever, not the romans, not the ottomans, not the mughals etc

problem is people have short memories and expect INSTANT results so if change dosent bring immediate power or economic rise then it can be derided

If you study history you will see change has come over many decades and centuries and small almost unimportant events have in hindsight been world changing events

the muslim world was a very powerfull entity not long ago, the cycle of power led to a period of weakness which was taken advantage of by colonial powers, the post colonial period still meant control of muslim nations and only now change is truly occuring

the muslim world is still a very powerfull place, 1.7 billion people and growing, nations across the world sitting on an array of resources

when the muslim world finally does rise up it will be a giant, even if it takes another 200 years in historical terms thats nothing

the muslim world shouldnt just ape the non- muslim, why should we shed our faith and become amoral and faithless, we have our own destiny our own path and our faith is central to that
the muslim world shouldnt just ape the non- muslim, why should we shed our faith and become amoral and faithless, we have our own destiny our own path and our faith is central to that

Yet you as the keeper of all Muslims "ape" under the christian country UK's laws and chose to live off it's welfare while asking others to live under taliban style laws.. :rofl:

let us know when your cycle comes, for now the cycle of killing each other is going strong. economically speaking the OIL aint going to be forever to fund you great rise and take over the rest of us.

you forgot one thing about the cycle, it has always lead to peaceful coexistence and less radicalism...oops there goes your theory.
by the way if Kurds want their own state, turkey will help Syrians. no problem i guess!!
by the way if Kurds want their own state, turkey will help Syrians. no problem i guess!!

I don't believe so, Turkey is fighting a long Kurdish insurgency, certainly won't like to see an independent Kurdish state in the neighborhood.
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