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Why would someone rent his family bedroom to a bank robber?


Apr 20, 2011
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Just because the bank robber pays 15 lakh rupees in advance?

Why would the homeowner not do a background check before hand?

Not only that.

Homeowner makes sure that his wife (or wives) and kids sleep in the same bedroom

and wife cooks breakfast when they all wake up
and lunch and dinner too.

When police chases the robber to the house

and there is exchange of gunfire

and robber fires rockets and RPGs at Police

And police retaliates

and bank robber gets killed

But so do the wife and kids

then who is to blame?

Obviously police is at fault. Obviously.

It is not the fault of the wife that cooks breakfast for the robber
and lunch and dinner too.

It is not the fault of the homeowner that he rented his family bedroom for 15 lakhs in advance

It is not the fault of the homeowner that he gave a place to the known bank robber

So now that

that the house is destroyed

bank robber is dead

wife is dead

kids are dead

Imran Khan blames the police


for the blind followers of the IK and TTP,

It is all police's fault.

Just because the bank robber pays 15 lakh rupees in advance?

Why would the homeowner not do a background check before hand?

Not only that.

Homeowner makes sure that his wife (or wives) and kids sleep in the same bedroom

and wife cooks breakfast when they all wake up
and lunch and dinner too.

When police chases the robber to the house

and there is exchange of gunfire

and robber fires rockets and RPGs at Police

And police retaliates

and bank robber gets killed

But so do the wife and kids

then who is to blame?

Obviously police is at fault. Obviously.

It is not the fault of the wife that cooks breakfast for the robber
and lunch and dinner too.

It is not the fault of the homeowner that he rented his family bedroom for 15 lakhs in advance

It is not the fault of the homeowner that he gave a place to the known bank robber

So now that

that the house is destroyed

bank robber is dead

wife is dead

kids are dead

Imran Khan blames the police


for the blind followers of the IK and TTP,

It is all police's fault.


rats use civilians as human shields hide behind kids , women and unarmed civilians ... the rats are too blame .. not the police its plain logic .. thank you i was confused on the civilian casualties but you example makes perfect sense
rats use civilians as human shields hide behind kids , women and unarmed civilians ... the rats are too blame .. not the police its plain logic .. thank you i was confused on the civilian casualties but you example makes perfect sense

you are welcome.

Unfortunately so many of us talk about "civilian casualties" without ever trying to figure out how do "civilians" end up in the same bedroom as the TTP Uzbeks.

How do they end up sharing such close relations.

Unfortunately so many of us talk about "civilian casualties" without ever trying to figure out how do "civilians" end up in the same bedroom as the TTP Uzbeks.

As my knowledge serves, weren't they attacked in a hotel? Hotels seldom carry out a background check and other guests are not responsible for the hotel hosting criminals.

Besides, civilians casualties can be someone just passing by, or someone living next door.

I am not in favor of drone strikes, but please, by no means must we become desensitized to civilian casualties. We end up treating them like statistics. We need to keep in mind and assert it forcefully. That they're people, one of us, and not just names on a report.
As my knowledge serves, weren't they attacked in a hotel? Hotels seldom carry out a background check and other guests are not responsible for the hotel hosting criminals.

Besides, civilians casualties can be someone just passing by, or someone living next door.

I am not in favor of drone strikes, but please, by no means must we become desensitized to civilian casualties. We end up treating them like statistics. We need to keep in mind and assert it forcefully. That they're people, one of us, and not just names on a report.

May be if we are in Lahore or Karachi or Islamabad Mariott that they may not do a full background check.

But if an Uzbek walks in with RPGs etc and want to bookd a room, then obviously something is fishy.

No one can deny that a passer by could get hurt in a drone attack

But in North Wazirastan most of the "civilians" got hurt because they were in the same house as with Mehsud.

or the Uzbek fighters.

So the question stands

-- How these "civilians" ended up in the same bedroom as Uzbek Talibarbarians?



Troops pounded suspected militant hideouts in North Waziristan for a third day on Friday, as the death toll rose to 40 and local residents claimed the operation had left several civilians dead.

Clashes between security forces and militants have been rocking North Waziristan, on the Afghan border, since Wednesday evening when a suicide bombing killed five soldiers at a checkpoint in the town of Mir Ali. A few hours later, militants attacked security forces as they returned after rescuing soldiers wounded in the bombing, prompting the military to respond with mortars, artillery and helicopter gunships in a search operation to catch the insurgents.

The death toll from the clashes rose to at least 40 on Friday as four more bodies were recovered from the debris of two hotels that came under heavy fire after fleeing militants used them to take refuge.

The military says all of those killed in the operation were Taliban militants, but locals said many of those who died in the hotels were drivers forced to stay there by a curfew imposed on Tuesday.

Nazir Khan Wazir, a parliamentarian from the area, said most of those killed and wounded were not militants. “Most of those killed and wounded were innocent civilians. People are facing a terrible time. They are trapped in their houses,” he said. “Dozens of houses have been damaged by shelling. Residents are also facing food shortages.” Wazir also appealed to the government to stop the bombardment so locals could bury their dead and take the wounded to hospital.

A senior security official said the search operation was still going on in Mir Ali and surrounding areas.

Maulvi Gul Abbas, a cleric in Mir Ali, said that residents were not able to sleep because of the continuous firing. “Dozens of houses have been damaged. All those killed inside the houses were local residents,” Abbas said.

Civilian Casualties Reported in North Waziristan ‹ Newsweek Pakistan


Residents Say Scores Of Civilians Killed In Pakistan's North Waziristan

PESHAWAR, Pakistan -- Residents of Mir Ali, the key town in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal area, say at least 40 people died in army shelling there on December 19.

Locals told RFE/RL by phone on December 20 that the shelling, now stopped, destroyed most shops in the bazaar and prevented people from taking wounded to the hospital.

The residents' reports of civilian deaths come as the Pakistani military said its military operation in the region killed 33 people, all militants.

The army said fighting began late on December 18, when a convoy was attacked en route to a checkpoint, then expanded to target a militant hideout in Mir Ali.

Some 300 people, mostly students from North Waziristan, protested in the northwestern city of Peshawar on December 20 against the military operation and what they said was the targeting of civilians.

Residents Say Scores Of Civilians Killed In Pakistan's North Waziristan


Pakistani army launches offensive in North Waziristan

ISLAMABAD: Residents of North Waziristan accused troops on Monday of killing dozens of civilians during a military operation against militants.

The operation started just after a December 18 suicide bomb attack on a checkpoint in North Waziristan.

Speculation that the army might launch a major offensive in the frontier tribal areas has been building as the government’s attempts to engage the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in peace talks have floundered in recent months.

Military officials said more than 30 militants, most of them ethnic Uzbeks, had been killed in the operation.

“Security forces exercised utmost restraint to avoid any collateral damage,” the army said in a statement.

“The military spokesperson reiterated that the military action against the terrorists in North Waziristan on December 19 was in response to an attempt by terrorists to ambush a military convoy.

“The intelligence-based sting military operation later was specifically targeted against foreign terrorists holed up in a nearby compound.”

Foreign militants from various places including central Asia have long been known to be based in the region.

The army in its statement did not say anything about residents’ accusations of civilian casualties. The military’s media wing could not be immediately reached for comment.

The authorities imposed a curfew and residents said many people had fled from their homes after days of shelling and raids by helicopter gunships in the Mir Ali region of North Waziristan following the suicide attack.

Resident Muhammed Tayyab said he lost three of his children and his wife in the shelling.
“On the first day of the attack an artillery shell hit the room where my kids and wife were sleeping,” Tayyab told Reuters by telephone. “The government has put them to sleep forever.”
“Where is safe?”

Residents put the civilian death toll at several dozen.
“From the first day of the attack until now 70 civilians have been killed,”
said a tribal elder in Mir Ali who declined to be identified for fear of state reprisals.

“Some truck drivers and hotel and shop keepers were shot directly, and dozens were killed by gunships, mortars, and artillery shelling on the civilian population.”

Reports from North Waziristan are hard to verify independently because journalists and observers are not allowed to work on the ground.

Residents said bodies were left in the open in the villages of Mosaki and Hasukhel as terrified villagers fled the area.

“We are moving our families to keep them safe but the mortars and shells are following us,” said Asad Sher of Mir Ali. “Please tell us where is safe. The troops are demolishing our homes and bazaars.”

Malik Gul Salehjan, another man, said: “My children are asking me for bread but I am not able to give them anything because there is nothing in my house.”

A North Waziristan administration official said tribal elders and army representatives convened a jirga, or meeting, on Monday to try to find a negotiated end to hostilities.

Pakistani army launches offensive in North Waziristan – The Express Tribune
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Sorry to see this vicious propaganda photos.

you show one dead persons arm (obviously a child) then you show Pakistani soldiers.

Not one terrorist and his photo.


This is how "pro-Pakistan posters" support our army and our nation. NOT!

Sorry to say
Sorry to see this vicious propaganda photos.

you show one dead persons arm (obviously a child) then you show Pakistani soldiers.

Not one terrorist and his photo.


This is how "pro-Pakistan posters" support our army and our nation. NOT!

Sorry to say

They were part of the articles I posted. It wasn't my intention to advance any propaganda. I'll remove the pictures as I understand how they can be misinterpreted.

But keep in mind that I, for one, won't support our army if they decide to play foul. They serve to protect the nation and people of Pakistan. And they need to be held accountable to the people. As I see it so far, the civilian casualties are collateral damage and the war is messy enough as is. So I will continue to support them, but they need to take every measure to avoid civilian casualties and investigate them if they were unable to avoid.

The point of showing you the articles was to establish that most civilian victims are not the ones cooking murgh cholay for 'TTP Uzbeks'
They were part of the articles I posted. It wasn't my intention to advance any propaganda. I'll remove the pictures as I understand how they can be misinterpreted.

But keep in mind that I, for one, won't support our army if they decide to play foul. They serve to protect the nation and people of Pakistan. And they need to be held accountable to the people. As I see it so far, the civilian casualties are collateral damage and the war is messy enough as is. So I will continue to support them, but they need to take every measure to avoid civilian casualties and investigate them if they were unable to avoid.

Pak army did Swat operation.

I have been to swat.

and I have met many Pashtuns from Swat.

I don't see people complaining about Pak army killing innocent civilians.

Why should you?

Swat people thank Pak army for bringing back peace in the valley.


Pakistani news papers are notoriously pro-islamism.

They will post pics with nefarious goals. Please do not post such news stories that have clearly anti-Pak army agenda.

Thank you.
Pakistani news papers are notoriously pro-islamism.
They will post pics with nefarious goals. Please do not post such news stories that have clearly anti-Pak army agenda.
Thank you.

So I guess I should just read ISPR press releases then, eh?

Also, Dawn, Tribune - Pro-Islamists?!

Can you instead provide a credible source that states otherwise?
So I guess I should just read ISPR press releases then, eh?

Also, Dawn, Tribune - Pro-Islamists?!

Can you instead provide a credible source that states otherwise?


Why are even arguing about things. My comment was on the pictures selected by the news paper and posted by you.

That's all.

Read your own posted stuff and realize that militants are being targeted. Now tell me if you want to put your hands on army's guns to direct the fire precisely. Do you?

Clashes between security forces and militants have been rocking North Waziristan, on the Afghan border, since Wednesday evening when a suicide bombing killed five soldiers at a checkpoint in the town of Mir Ali. A few hours later, militants attacked security forces as they returned after rescuing soldiers wounded in the bombing, prompting the military to respond with mortars, artillery and helicopter gunships in a search operation to catch the insurgents.
Unfortunately so many of us talk about "civilian casualties" without ever trying to figure out how do "civilians" end up in the same bedroom as the TTP Uzbeks.

How do they end up sharing such close relations.


How ?? i wonder the same ., logically its either
a) locals are held hostage
b) Locals sympathize with foreign militants

correct me if i am wrong
How ?? i wonder the same ., logically its either
a) locals are held hostage
b) Locals sympathize with foreign militants

correct me if i am wrong

If you don't mind, I'll add (c)

c) Locals love the top dollars $$$ being paid as rent.

Once you rent your house to an Uzbek war lord

you are then held hostage at his gun point hence your point (a)

And obviously if you are mehsud, you will sympathize with your sub-tribe and if that sub-tribe is slave of Arabs/Uzbeks then you will be too.

When I say "you" I mean anyone living in that gad-forsaken place.

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