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Why Would Pakistan’s Army Interfere in Politics?


Sep 20, 2013
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There is a widely held belief among the general public in Pakistan that the army is the ultimate arbiter of what happens in Pakistani politics.

It is thought, for example, that most election results are predetermined by the “agencies” – an oblique reference to the secret service apparatus of the Pakistani defense establishment. The agencies decide who will win and who will lose. And important government decisions especially those related to foreign policy and internal security cannot be made without the army’s tacit consent or approval.

Does the army indeed exercise this level of control over Pakistani politics? It is difficult to affirm or refute this with any reasonable level of confidence. But the more interesting question, and one that perhaps can be answered, is: Why would the army want to interfere?

To understand this one has to understand two sets of people: Those who run the army – the generals. And those who run the civilian administration – the politicians. Politicians first: This is a motley set. They include feudal landlords, hereditary “pirs“- the descendants of long deceased holy men, urban mafiosi, and a spattering of mullahs. This whole set is not usually associated, in the public eye, with integrity, honesty, decency, competence or for that matter patriotism.

The army on the other hand recruits its soldiers from across the social spectrum

The selection process – especially for the officer corps – is competitive and demanding. Only the best survive. In some sense the army is a complete meritocracy – it is “up or out.” If you meet the cut you are promoted to the next rank. If you do not you retire. Hence those who run the army – the top generals – get to where they are on the basis of their merit and competence. Remember also that the army inculcates patriotism in all its soldiers – enlisted men and officers. The message that their raison détre is to defend Pakistan to the last breath is hammered into their minds again and again. In the end, whatever else you say about these men, you cannot say that they are not patriotic.

So on the civilian side, running the country, you have a set of politicians of dubious competence and integrity who get to where they are because of inherited privilege or deception, or coercion, or other even less savory methods. Ask the general public what they think of their politicians patriotism and the response, stripped of expletives, would be that they will happily sell a close family member for a foreign passport.

On the other side are a group of generals who have come up through the ranks based on their competence and professionalism. And etched in their conscience, by virtue of their training, is the paramount importance of protecting Pakistan from any perceived threats.

Now back to the question of why the army would want to interfere in politics: The generals, professional and competent patriots, do not trust the politicians, people of questionable competence, integrity and sincerity, to be faithful to the country. They believe, perhaps not without reason, that if these politicians are left to their own devices they would pose a real and present threat to the integrity and security of Pakistan. And since direct interference for the army is not an option they resort to other means – the agencies – to keep the politicians from doing too much damage.

This is clearly a dysfunctional way to run a democratic country

The politicians should be running the country with the generals focusing exclusively on the army. Running a six hundred thousand man army is difficult enough without the added involvement of keeping a set of dubious politicians in check. The generals would be happy to focus on their own domain and leave the running of the country to elected representatives of the people. But they will not do this until they have confidence that the people’s representatives have the integrity, competence, experience and sincerity to do so.

So we as a country need to try harder to bring into politics people who do have the qualities needed for national leadership. And once we succeed in doing this the army, reassured that the country is in safe hands, will no longer need to be involved in minding the minders.

Why Would Pakistan's Army Interfere in Politics? | Sharnoff's Global Views
I am a democrat but not at the cost of national integrity, democracy has been abused by our leaders for their short sighted gains, the Pakistani masses are not ready for democracy at the moment because they cant think beyond race, caste etc, also we have a high illiteracy rate and even worse intellectualism among the few ''literate'', it will take atleast a generation to make the masses suitable for democracy that too if we employ mass Educational schemes that enable our youth to think critically and intellectually
You explained every thing very well but here i would like to explain what i saw in my life. When every Army takeover The ecnomically Pakistan became stronger not even Economically, Politically you can see in each and every Ground you can see and always Army takeover when Pakistan was at the stage of zero. I didn't saw the time fo Gen Ayub but still hearing about him from my elders. But Yes i saw the time of Benazir, Nwaz and after time of Gen Pervaiz Musharaf, Even a uneducated person can judge the difference. I will qoute your one question "Why would the army want to interfere?" yes becasue this is the one institution which is still following the three things of our Quaid-e-Azam. Unity, Faith and Descipline. What Democracy is giving now to the peoples of Pakistan, What these politicians are doing, On which side Pakistan is going. Yes now We would say to the Army to take over Because this is the duty of Pakistan Army that save country from enemies. Enemies are not only those who are behind the border enemies are inside us enemies are our media, our politicians those are playing with Pakistan for their own benifit, they dont want the survival of Pakistan They want the survival of their own kids their own generation and for this these peoples are pushing the whole nations generation in the dark. I know that People of Pakistan are mentally died but I am not disappointed that one day they will wakeup but I am frightend that until that will be so late we will loose our country or one more time it will break. So come forward take action and Clear the mother land from the internal enemies we are not afraid from the extranal one the actual harmful are internal one. Here one more thing I want to ask People always say that Gen ayub was Gen Pm was Dictators no they were not Upto now the politicians and even the nation didn't see What is Dictator. So this is my request being a Pakistani if now any Gen will come please come like a real dictator. Pakistan Army Zindabad Pakistan Paindabad.
The army should come and clean the house, leaving those who have not served compete in politics.

I wonder why Musharraf didn't do that.
The army should come and clean the house, leaving those who have not served compete in politics.

I wonder why Musharraf didn't do that.
musharaf would hve done that, but he wasnt was against any one, he tried his best, & made pakistan in the list of N11 countries?
it was the frist, step according to his thinking, pakistan should be heading towards?
after that, he was trying to unify, all of the politicians for the sake of a politicaly strong pakistan, but his ship been sent to hell?
i guss, he should hve done like what, a dictator could hve done?
like killing, the bastared politicians & sticking to the iron curtian!
should hve targeted economic growth & educational growth, & thts it?
i couldnt find a single politician in pakistan, who wasnt went to militry, for his personal growth, so its not pakarmy messing in politics, its allways politicians, messing with army?
above mentioned article or what, is kind of soft classic paid parpoganda, against PAKARMY, nothing else!
OP is missing something really really important.

Our politicians want the government but no one wants to sit in the opposition side.

So if BB was in opposition she would start "Long march" and create law and order situation.

If ML was in opposition, theyy will use Mullahs to start their own long march and create a law and order situation.

Why would they create law and order situtation?

Well the opposition didn't want to wait for next elections, so they created law and order issue and INVITED army to takeover.
Ordinary people would then thank god that army took over and then they would distribute sweets in the streets.

So if there was no Pakistani army

These b@stard politicians would have created enough of isswues to have Indian or NATO or Chinese army to come takeover.

This was the nature of Pathetic political parties,.

This process resulted in Ayub, Zia, and Mush taking over the government.

However, and I see however

Nawaz learned the lesson and let Zardari complete his 5 year term,

Now it is upto Imran and Zardari to wait for 5 years and try in the next election,

If Imran and Zardari resist the urge to do dharna baazi, and not create law and order situation, army will not step in.
and again after 5 years of looting we will 5 years to someone else for loooting and so on.
The army should come and clean the house, leaving those who have not served compete in politics.

I wonder why Musharraf didn't do that.
Gen Musharraf whan takeover that time the situation of the country was infront of all of us was not more different from the current sittuation. Only one thing was less that was terrorism but the sittuation of law and order was bad, but when PM takeover on the same ground with the same nation with same resources all things dramactically changed. GDP growth raise, living of people changed who was on Cycle he come on bike and who was on bike came on car. In every field we were high. Our respect was increasing. The one Mistake Gen PM did he was not a dictator He tried to bring the democracy. He again gave these corrupt politicians a chance to rule that was his mistake.

You are 10000 percent right. Now this thing is required that some Dictator Real Dictator Come and take over and never leave them.
and again after 5 years of looting we will 5 years to someone else for loooting and so on.

Unfortunately those are the elected leaders.

Pakistani awam has to go with NON-looters next time

But unfortunately my own community that is highly educated continues to vote for looter aka Altaf bhatta khor

even when 100s and 1000s of pounds of cash has been recovered from MQM's London properties.
Unfortunately those are the elected leaders.

Pakistani awam has to go with NON-looters next time

But unfortunately my own community that is highly educated continues to vote for looter aka Altaf bhatta khor

even when 100s and 1000s of pounds of cash has been recovered from MQM's London properties.

exactly same here but in my case its noora brothers
It is very amusing to see two-bit new accounts acting like sock puppets. I know that Army is not supporting Musharraf, but a few are very keen to preserve their little kingdom inside our Republic.

Just like some dud & ThUs bombs were 'found' along Musharraf's route to Court, we have started to see dud & ThUs accounts pleading for a misplaced privilege in name of nationalism & security. What do they think they can accomplish with their impassioned pleas on fractured and rejected premises?

Dream on duds, you can populate this thread with a number of dumb posts, but you can not change reality.
It is very amusing to see two-bit new accounts acting like sock puppets. I know that Army is not supporting Musharraf, but a few are very keen to preserve their little kingdom inside our Republic.

Just like some dud & ThUs bombs were 'found' along Musharraf's route to Court, we have started to see dud & ThUs accounts pleading for a misplaced privilege in name of nationalism & security. What do they think they can accomplish with their impassioned pleas on fractured and rejected premises?

Dream on duds, you can populate this thread with a number of dumb posts, but you can not change reality.
baby are you sure, ARMY not supporting him?
i guss, you are not COAS with the batton, in arms so plz stop acting like him?
will you? you are just a think tanker, without thinking?
It is very amusing to see two-bit new accounts acting like sock puppets. I know that Army is not supporting Musharraf, but a few are very keen to preserve their little kingdom inside our Republic.

Just like some dud & ThUs bombs were 'found' along Musharraf's route to Court, we have started to see dud & ThUs accounts pleading for a misplaced privilege in name of nationalism & security. What do they think they can accomplish with their impassioned pleas on fractured and rejected premises?

Dream on duds, you can populate this thread with a number of dumb posts, but you can not change reality.

Musharraf should be tried for taking over the government

NS should be tried FIRST for taking over the control tower to deny landing of a civilian airplane just because Mush was a passenger.

We cannot start hunting down law breakers based on their institution without trying those who tried to break the only INTACT institution Pakistan has.

p.s. Mush was attacked twice by the bombs and suicders. you cannot say that threat has disappeared.
Musharraf should be tried for taking over the government

NS should be tried FIRST for taking over the control tower to deny landing of a civilian airplane just because Mush was a passenger.

We cannot start hunting down law breakers based on their institution without trying those who tried to break the only INTACT institution Pakistan has.

p.s. Mush was attacked twice by the bombs and suicders. you cannot say that threat has disappeared.

1. I no longer believe in the 'hijack-from-ground' theory. I was gullible enough to swallow this story in 1999, but after seeing the sort of person that Musharraf is, I question everything that man has ever said. He has gone against everything he ever professed. Can not trust the man, he is a survivalist.

2. The 'bombs' found a few days back were reportedly duds. They were planted not by Taliban, but by Securitan, to provide an excuse.

3. Musharraf having supporters even now is a function of misplaced emphasis on your own philosophy rather than the his merit or worth. He is what he is, and it is pretty clear to everyone except most biased and blind people.

4. Carry on supporting him. See if I care. I am done discussing his person. He is not worth my time.

baby are you sure, ARMY not supporting him?
i guss, you are not COAS with the batton, in arms so plz stop acting like him?
will you? you are just a think tanker, without thinking?

Ah, jumping jack batman. We will see. Meanwhile, have a nice life.
1. I no longer believe in the 'hijack-from-ground' theory. I was gullible enough to swallow this story in 1999, but after seeing the sort of person that Musharraf is, I question everything that man has ever said. He has gone against everything he ever professed. Can not trust the man, he is a survivalist.


Look I respect your knowledge about Pakistan and our army.

So I believe you mean what you say and not just trolling.

But unfortunately #1 point aka theory cannot be attributed to your "gullibility". No Sir.

If you have an alternative view, you gotta say something about the events. Few examples here but there could be more

1. Mush was not on the flight that was under government pressure was refused landing
2. Flight never existed
3. Mush was not even overseas
4. NS was not trying to use his ISI connections and 2 corps commanders to conduct a coup.

I mean something more to show that Pak politicians do not try to invite army when in opposition
try to divide army when the same politicians are in power.

Thank you

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