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Why women and Muslims voted for Modi

they must be good people ..but if you a non believer or atheist so don't try discriminate other religions...

This is oppressive logic. By believing in Allah you are "discriminate Atheism" , By believing many God I am "discriminate Allah"..

Its era of free speech, and religion must not be so touchy. What kind of God is Allah or Krishna who get "discriminated" by Atheists?

Is your faith weak?
This is oppressive logic. By believing in Allah you are "discriminate Atheism" , By believing many God I am "discriminate Allah"..

Its era of free speech, and religion must not be so touchy. What kind of God is Allah or Krishna who get "discriminated" by Atheists?

Is your faith weak?

whatever your logics are... if you don't believe so don't discuss them ..its a free world live your life as you want..
Ahmdis and Bohras etc voted for Modi as they have started realizing bigger danger from Sunnis. Ahemadias were not allowed to celebrate in Delhi by Bukhari in congress regime. They know that there is only one man who can protect they from Sunni fundamentalist. He is Modi. So naturally Minority Muslims voted for Modi. It is wrong to say that Muslims in general voted for Modi. All opinion polls suggest that about 8 to 10 percentage Muslims voted for Modi.
whatever your logics are... if you don't believe so don't discuss them ..its a free world live your life as you want..

Then you also don't say anything wrong about Idol worship. You don't say "There is only one God whose name is Allah", as this comment contradicts atheists belief..

Which world are u living? Middle ages? where some one was killed because he didn't believe in some "man made God"? (Jesus, Non Muslims, Dalits are killed because of this man made God by insane followers)
According to a CSDS survey, 9% Muslim voters voted for BJP. That doesn't seem much, but when you consider that only 39% of the Hindu voters voted for them, it is actually not quite bad. The other interesting fact is that the percentage of Muslims that voted for BJP this time actually doubled from the last time and it is the highest ever.
According to a CSDS survey, 9% Muslim voters voted for BJP. That doesn't seem much, but when you consider that only 39% of the Hindu voters voted for them, it is actually not quite bad. The other interesting fact is that the percentage of Muslims that voted for BJP this time actually doubled from the last time and it is the highest ever.

Muslims will vote for BJP, they will understand one day
According to a CSDS survey, 9% Muslim voters voted for BJP. That doesn't seem much, but when you consider that only 39% of the Hindu voters voted for them, it is actually not quite bad. The other interesting fact is that the percentage of Muslims that voted for BJP this time actually doubled from the last time and it is the highest ever.
9% sounds very low overall. But same could be less than 2% in Kerala & WB but over 10 to 15 % in Gujarat, Rajastan & MP. Votes share could be misleading in parliamentary kind of electoral system.. & due to the fact that you have hundreds of regional parties. In a one on one presidential style of contest the vote share %ges can be more credible!
9% sounds very low overall. But same could be less than 2% in Kerala & WB but over 10 to 15 % in Gujarat, Rajastan & MP. Votes share could be misleading in parliamentary kind of electoral system.. & due to the fact that you have hundreds of regional parties. In a one on one presidential style of contest the vote share %ges can be more credible!

It used to be under 5% until the last elections. So despite all the scaremongering about Modi, the percentage actually increased by a considerable amount. If Modi can deliver a good govt focusing on inclusive growth, I see another upward swing in the next 5 years.
It used to be under 5% until the last elections. So despite all the scaremongering about Modi, the percentage actually increased by a considerable amount. If Modi can deliver a good govt focusing on inclusive growth, I see another upward swing in the next 5 years.

I suspect it's the non deobundi Sunni's who voted for BJP - they, it seems want to project themselves as apart from the sunni's.

Modi has a lot of fan following among the bori's and the shia's - especially in Gujarat.





Muslims will vote for BJP, they will understand one day
Then BJP will turn into a saffron Congress. When Muslims start voting for a party they expect special favours. If BJP doesn't bring in an uniform civil code and chucks article 370 despite getting a majority. I will not support it.
Then BJP will turn into a saffron Congress. When Muslims start voting for a party they expect special favours. If BJP doesn't bring in an uniform civil code and chucks article 370 despite getting a majority. I will not support it.

I agree with you...

When some Donkey ask "What will you do for Muslim/Hindu/Dalit etc",

The Politician must say "Nothing,I will do nothing for any one of these community, caste or gender, Rather I will make road on which every one can walk, I will make hospital where every one can get healed, I will being 24X7 water and Electricity which will help everyone"
Muslims didnt vote for Modi excluding Bohris in Gujarat and some shias in UP. They only reason why modi won in Muslim areas was because Muslim vote got split. In hyderabad MiM won every seat because they had no Muslim opponents.
any data to prove
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